"Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday." - Psalm 91:5-6

We are living in unusual times. People are acting like this is the end of the world. Cleaning supplies are in short supply. Major events have been canceled. The news is consumed with reports of the coronavirus. Fear seems to have gripped America and the world.

I am not a doctor or a medical expert. Nothing in this blog should be considered medical advise. Instead, I want believers to practically consider two things:

First of all, let's consider our attitude concerning the coronavirus. If we are followers of Jesus, we are people of faith. LET'S LIVE LIKE IT!!! God has not called us to fear, so do not let fear drag you down. We have hope and it is found in Jesus Christ. Our Lord is bigger and stronger than this virus. This virus will pass at some time in the future, but Christ will reign as Lord forever. We should never forget this.

Some people live in panic. Others live in denial. As Christians, we should do neither.  We should be aware of reality, but face this reality with faith in Christ.

None of us are guaranteed that this disease won't affect us or our families. We may take safeguards, but this virus still may infiltrate our communities, our homes and our lives. Whether this occurs or not, our faith should remain anchored in Christ. Whether God chooses to use this virus to take us home to glory or not, we should live by faith, not by fear or feelings. We trust Romans 8:28 to be true in times like this, just like other times.

Secondly, let's consider our actions. First of all, use common sense when it comes to personal hygiene. Wash your hands often. Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Stay home when you are sick. We should exercise this common sense all the time, not just during a health scare.

Secondly, as followers of Christ, we have a message of hope that is desperately needed in times like this. Let's faithfully stand for Christ and make the Gospel known. Those who worry and fret about death need to know that there is a heaven beyond the grave for the followers of Jesus. We have the powerful, life-changing message of the Gospel. Let's share it!!!

Third, be caring and compassionate towards others. Let's treat people with kindness and mercy, even if they reject our faith. We need to care for those who hurt or suffer.

Finally, let us pray. Pray for those who suffer from this virus, the flu and other ailments. Pray for the elderly and those with existing health issues, who are often the ones most dramatically impacted by these kinds of diseases.  Pray that the spread of this disease will end quickly.  Most of all, let's pray that people will turn from sin and look to Jesus, by faith, for salvation. You see, sin is actually the most scary disease. It is taking souls to hell daily.

If you are living in fear today, let me challenge you to look to Jesus today. There is salvation in Him alone. Whether you die from coronavirus, a heart attack, a car accident or some other means, one day you will face God. Apart from Christ there is no hope for you at all. It is more scary to face judgment unsaved than to be infected with the coronavirus. Turn from sin and look to Christ today.

Let me close by restating this fact: Coronavirus is making the headlines right now, but Christ is Lord of all.

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