"And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward." - Exodus 14:15

Let's be honest. 2020 has been a difficult year --- and it isn't even half over yet! When there are negative events that dramatically change our lives, it is easy to go into survival mode. When things are going wrong, it is tempting to hibernate and never come out again. The problem is that life is not meant to be lived that way.

Typically, when things are rough, people either quit, retreat or try to maintain the status quo. It is unthinkable that someone could thrive when everything seems to be crashing down around them.

Israel went through the full range of emotions during their exodus from Egypt. Before their release, the intensity of their bondage worsened. When freedom came, it must have been exhilarating!

Now the Israelites have come to the Red Sea. Hard-headed Pharaoh had a change of mind and was in hot pursuit, seeking to bring the Jews back to Egypt as slaves. Moses and the Israelites found themselves in trouble. Pharaoh was near but Israel had nowhere to go except into the Red Sea. The prospect of slavery was only slightly preferred over drowning.

With nowhere else to go, Moses cried out to God for help. In response, the Bible says, "And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward."

Go forward? Where were they to go? The Red Sea didn't seem like a promising route. Yet Israel had to learn what we need to learn today: when God guides, He provides. When God says to go forward, He will make a way.

I think this message is needed by all of us today. It is easy to complain and worry. It is another thing to go forward. Let me challenge you to go forward today.

First of all, go forward when you're tempted to stop. Quitting sounds like an easy, simple solution when things are going bad. However, God does not call us to be quitters. When things get tough, quitters are abundant. The few that go forward are the people we honor and respect. So if you're tempted to quit, get a renewed sense of purpose and go forward. Even if you go alone, go forward. You may be scared of failing, but it is better to go forward and fall short than to quit. Quitting is a guaranteed way to fail. So get back to teaching Sunday School. Return to church. Begin reading your Bible once more. Pray again. Go forward in your faith. Go forward in your relationships. Go forward with your career. Go forward with your dreams.

Also, go forward when you're tempted to stray. While some are tempted to quit, others are tempted to compromise and sin. It is easy to give in to sin when times get tough. When we hear of a moral or ethical failure of a prominent leader, we tend to think it happened suddenly. Actually, the circumstances probably evolved slowly until everything became public knowledge. Too many gifted leaders have failed along the way. At some point, they chose compromise rather than commitment. They chose the easy path rather than the right path. When you're tempted to stray, flee from temptation and go forward with the Lord.

Finally, go forward when you're tempted to stay the status quo. We know about those who quit and the many who've compromised, but there are many more who are stuck in a rut. If you've ever had your automobile stuck in the mud, you know that if you apply the accelerator, the motor will rev up, the speedometer will show a lot of speed, but if the tire is settled in mud, you're still not going anywhere. Many people are like that. They are busy, but not accomplishing anything worthwhile. It is sad to succeed at something of no value. Are you in a rut? With the Lord's help, you can get out right now. If you're content to stay in a rut, you will. If you refuse to stay in a rut, turn to the Lord and ask for help. You don't have to stay in a rut any longer. Get out of the rut and go forward.

God made a way for Israel, but only after they took a step of faith and went forward. That was certainly not the end of the story for the Israelites, but it was for Pharaoh and his army.

Even though most of our world is reeling from a pandemic, this can be a time of real renewal and refreshing for you. Don't quit. Don't compromise. Don't stay in a rut.

Go forward.

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Down To The River To Pray

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