"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." - Ephesians 5:16

Time is the most precious commodity you have. You can lose money and earn more. You can possibly lose your health and regain it. But if you waste your time, it can never be retrieved.

You have three choices when it comes to the use of your time. You can waste it, spend it or invest it.

Too many are wasting time. During this pandemic, many have been forced to stay home. Rather than finding creative ways to utilize their time, many have wasted time watching TV or surfing the internet. Even during normal times, most people waste their time. They can't give you a detailed accounting of their previous day.

While some waste time, most people just spend their time. They stay busy but never accomplish anything. It is sad that some live to be very old but have nothing to show for a long lifespan.

Wise people invest their time. An investment requires giving something of value with the intention of receiving more in the future. We know a little about investing money, but few seem to know about investing time.

If you intend to invest your time, it makes sense to invest your time in such a way that it brings a long-term high yielding result. The wisest investments we can make are eternal investments. Think about it for a moment. If your investments are just in temporary things, you'll probably get temporary results. If you invest in eternal things, you'll receive eternal rewards.

With that in mind, let me point you to four areas where you should invest your time.

First of all, make the greatest investment of all by making time to be with the Lord. Have a time with the Lord every day. In fact, your time with God should be your top priority. Give God your best time. It is important to carve out time for God. Just as you would create a slot of time for an appointment, treat your time with God as a daily appointment. The quantity of time you give may be contingent on a number of factors, but having a time with God in prayer and His Word is vital. Time with God is never wasted time. When you have time with the Lord, it is an investment that truly enriches your life.

Secondly, you need to make time for your family. God has entrusted you with family. Your family needs you. It is vital to provide for your family. That is why it is not a waste of time to work for a living. You honor God and provide for your family through your job. While work is important, don't be a workaholic. At the end of your shift, go home and be with your family. Have times of conversation with each member of the family. Love your family. Cherish your family. Declare your love for each family member and demonstrate that love in various ways.

Also, make time for your friends. There are certain individuals that you can count on through thick and thin. In the worst of times they are there for you. These friends are special individuals that you should share your time with. Good, reliable friends are hard to find. When you have a Christian friend who invests in your life, count that friend as a special blessing. At the same time, be a friend to those friends. Others have invested their time with you, it is time for you to invest your time with them. If your "friends" drag you down, drain you of your joy and seek to hinder your faith, find new friends. If you don't have any Christian friends, start at church. Find someone of the same gender that you respect and want to learn from. Befriend such a person. Make time for friends.

Finally, make time for things that will outlast you. Make time for your local church. As time permits, make time for civic organizations or ministries where you can serve. Utilize your time, talents and treasures for ministries that are making a positive difference in your community, region and the world. With God's help, there are various ways you can make a positive contribution. However, when you join together with several people for a common goal, God can use such efforts to make a massive difference. Invest in things that will continue to make a difference long after you leave this world.

When you invest time in your faith, your family, your friends and the future, you are investing time in things that will bring dividends in the future. Invest your time in eternal matters. Invest daily.

Redeem the time ... beginning right now.

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