When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.” - Jonah 2:7

We live in a fast-paced society with many distractions. Billboards, television, radio and the internet are among the many distractions screaming for our attention. Additionally, the demands of a career, family and church activities can easily overwhelm an already-full schedule.

With all the people trying to get your attention, I pose this question. Does God have your attention?

When Jonah was called to preach at Nineveh, he disobeyed and went in the opposite direction. God tried to get his attention through a storm, the experience of being cast overboard, and the prospect of death in the cold waters below. Only when he was swallowed by a great fish did God finally have Jonah's attention. During his time in the fish's belly, Jonah prayed, “When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.” God had his undivided attention.

Haven't recent circumstances challenged you to seek the Lord?

2020 has been a tough year for all of us. But let's consider some of the events in the past 20 years that should have gotten everyone's attention. In 2001 terrorists infiltrated our country, killing thousands in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina brought unparalleled death and destruction to the New Orleans area. In 2008, our nation underwent a difficult long-lasting recession. In 2011, a large tornado outbreak did massive destruction to numerous areas, probably the worst was the destruction that came to Tuscaloosa, AL and Joplin, Mo. Fast-forward to 2020. This year, we have experienced the spread of Covid-19. You'd think that this would get people's attention. Instead, for the most part, Americans have run to the government for help rather than God. Now we have large-scale demonstrations and riots. Some are even calling for the abolition of police forces, which would lead to lawlessness in our land.

Think about all of these things. We have witnessed these events in our lifetime. Could it be that God has been trying to get America's attention? If so, America has failed this test. We are seeking political change rather than spiritual transformation. Our nation is trusting in a future vaccine more than looking to the Great Physician. Could it be that God is trying to get America's attention so she may avoid the judgment she deserves?

The American church is not much better. Churches should be calling believers to repent and seek the face of God. We should be seeing a great move among believers to pray and seek revival. Instead, churches are staying with the status quo. It is true that many have implemented innovative ways to continue their work during this pandemic. However, very few are seeing the huge problems around us as a rallying cry for Christians to seek God for a spiritual awakening. I'm not sure God has gotten the attention of the American church. Could it be that God is trying to get the American church's attention so she will awaken before His imminent return?

What about us as individual believers? Has God got our attention? Does God have your attention? Does He have mine? Could it be that He is calling us to pray and preach with greater intensity than ever before? It is time to repent of our apathy and start treating our faith seriously.

Perhaps you are not a Christian. What is it going to take to get your attention? Maybe you're going through a crisis right now because God is trying to get your attention. Time is running out. Jesus may come at any moment. While His mercy and grace are being extended to you through Jesus Christ, it is time to repent, look to Christ alone for salvation. Then take up your cross and follow Him.

Does God have our attention?

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...