And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” - Ezekiel 22:30

The word of the Lord came to Ezekiel during a spiritual low-point in Israel's history. Similar to our day, people turned their back on God and rejected His Word. Ezekiel chapter 22 was a scathing indictment upon the people of Jerusalem. God specifically listed His complaint against the people. Their sins included idolatry, violence, dishonoring of parents, extortion, oppressing the poor, sexual sin and much more.

The indictment against Jerusalem consisted of sins that closely mirror our society here in America. Due to the ongoing overt sins of our nation, eventually even church members get accustomed to the dark times in which we live. It shouldn't be that way, though. True believers should never consider wickedness normal or acceptable.

Judgment was about to fall on Jerusalem because of their sins. At this critical point the Lord said, “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”

There was a huge gap between God and the people. Sin created the chasm that separated the people from God. Despite the fact that people consider themselves to be “spiritual” today, sin has separated people from God right here in the United States.

God sought someone --- anyone --- who would bridge the gap. Sadly, he found no one. There wasn't a righteous person in the land of Israel who could stand in the gap and prevent judgment from coming.

What about America in 2020? Can God find anyone who will stand in the gap today? I believe Christians are being called to rise up and make a difference by the power of the Holy Spirit. How can God use us to stand in the gap?


First of all, we can stand in the gap through our presence. God will use anyone that is surrendered to Him, living a holy, righteous life. Jesus instructs us to let our light shine in this dark world. Our wicked society is aggressively intimidating believers to have only a secret faith. It is time for Christians to be vital and visible followers of Jesus. The first century believers risked their lives as they boldly stood for Jesus. What is keeping us from standing for the Lord?


Secondly, we stand in the gap through our prayers. We need prayer-warriors to intercede with God on behalf of this sinful land. In this year with a critical Presidential election, we need to intercede on behalf of America and her future. While it is imperative for believers to vote in November, it is even more important for us to pray. Pray for our nation. Pray for the election. Pray for the Church. Intercede on behalf of lost souls.


Although our society is using intimidation to keep Christians silent, we need to boldly speak the truth of the Gospel. There has never been a time when the Gospel is needed more than right now. The Church has been quiet too long. We've allowed our freedoms to vanish … and yet we weren't very faithful in utilizing these freedoms while we had them. Spread the Gospel. It is the message that will change lives and alter the course of our nation. Stand in the gap and proclaim the Gospel.

The Gospel is the only hope for America. I'm glad that Jesus came and stood in the gap for sinners when He died upon the cross. There on the cross, suspended between heaven and earth, the Messiah bridged the gap between heaven and humanity. Through repentance and faith, individuals experience spiritual life through Jesus Christ. Aren't you glad He bridged the gap for us?

Right now we need to stand in the gap as Ambassadors of Christ. As His followers, we are called to stand in the gap for our neighborhood, our nation and the world. Despite the belief of most skeptics, America needs Christians like you and me. Even a casual reader of the Bible would have to agree that America is on a collision course with God's judgment. Like in Ezekiel's day, it may be that God is looking for someone --- anyone --- who will stand in the gap, possibly holding back the tide of judgment. God is looking for someone to stand in the gap for America.

Will you be that person? 


For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” - Job 3:25

When we face uncertainty, we are prone to think of a “worst case scenario.” Often, this scenario does not occur. We tend to fret and worry over events that only occur in our minds. Yet occasionally, the “worst case scenario” becomes reality.

That happened with Job. In a short period of time, Job lost nearly everything. Worst of all, Job couldn't seem to hear from God. The line of fellowship with the Lord seemed broken.

There in the ash pile Job suffered. His friends hurled slanderous accusations against him. His wife wasn't supportive. Job had been known as a man of integrity. Now his integrity was being called into question. There seemed to be no good news on the horizon for Job. There in his pain, Job uttered the words, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” The worst-case scenario had become reality.

We are not promised that the worst-case scenario will never occur. Sometimes it does. A baby dies in a crib. A tornado expectantly destroys an entire neighborhood, killing many. A child is killed as he chases a ball into the road. A teenager is diagnosed with terminal cancer. A test result reveals a life-threatening disease. These kind of situations actually occur, devastating many.

What can we do when the worst happens?

First of all, keep trusting in God. God is still sovereign, even when the worst possible catastrophe occurs. We can trust Him regardless of the circumstances.

When we need Him most, God is available. God can be depended on. We can trust in His promises.

Job didn't understand what was going on. Often we don't either. God never promised that we would understand everything in this life. However, we can trust Him even when we don't understand why we are suffering.


Secondly, keep living for Jesus. Continue obeying God. Continue to pray. Be faithful in the things you know to do. God is worthy of our praise at all times. Whether our circumstances are good or not, we know that He is good. Keep living for Him. Continue to follow the Lord. Every day, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus.

Finally, we should look up. Look for the Lord's return. Look ahead beyond this world of pain. Realize that there is a better place waiting for the children of God. The pain and problems of this life may continue to get worse. Wickedness may continue to increase in this sin-infested land. Fewer people may stand for God and right. In spite of all this, realize that your redemption draweth nigh. Our trials will soon be over.

God turned things around for Job. Soon He will turn things around for us, too. One day, the worst-case scenario will be replaced with the best-case scenario. “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.”

Child of God, even if the worst-case scenario unfolds in your life today, be assured that a better day is yet ahead! 


And these went into Micah's house, and fetched the carved image, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image. Then said the priest unto them, What do ye? And they said unto him, Hold thy peace, lay thine hand upon thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us a father and a priest: is it better for thee to be a priest unto the house of one man, or that thou be a priest unto a tribe and a family in Israel? And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people.” - Judges 18:18-20

Ambition is a powerful tool. It can be used to accomplish incredible things. However, more often that not, ambition leads to destruction. Our society applauds the ambition of young people. We admire the ambition that leads some to financial prosperity. We respect those who have political ambition. Yet the things we praise are often a facade. We fail to see beyond the superficial.

The difference between good ambition and destructive ambition often lies with the motive behind it. Selfish ambition is celebrated by many, but ultimately leads to ruin. Selfless ambition, especially ambition driven by a desire to glorify God, can be used to bring about powerful, positive results.

Spiritual ambition may also be driven by the wrong motives. In our text, Micah hired a priest to be his spiritual leader. Yet when he was given an opportunity for a larger ministry, the priest abandoned his promise and loyalty in pursuit of greater numerical success.

Strangely, many ministers fall into this trap. They will quickly leave a small church for a larger church, simply because of the increased salary or greater visibility. The only reason a pastor should leave a church for another is when God leads him to. An opportunity for financial or numerical success does not automatically mean that it is a God-opportunity.

Before making decisions, our ambition needs to be examined carefully, honestly and Biblically. Our selfishness can be very deceitful. Our motives need to be constantly challenged.

Our job is not to impress or please a crowd. Our motive should be to please an audience of One. If that drives our ambition, we'll be on a collision course with the world and the devil. Leonard Ravenhill used to say that he wanted to be on the devil's most wanted list. Mr. Ravenhill knew that it was one thing to be a popular minister, but it is something different to be a God-pleasing, Spiritually-anointed preacher of the Gospel.

We do need people with the right ambition. We need God-fearing people who seek nothing but the glory of God.

Why can't that person be you?

The Furnace of Affliction


Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.” - Isaiah 48:10 

It seems that some people suffer more than others. I've known some who suffer for decades while others their age seem to have little or no problems. Pain and suffering are real issues that we must face in this life.

Despite teaching to the contrary, becoming a Christian does not give a person immunity from suffering. Many people suffered in the Scriptures. Job suffered greatly. Paul struggled with a thorn in the flesh. Jesus was nailed to a cross.

As a Christian, I know that pain and purpose often go together. Although God is not the source of suffering, He does permit it. Our human limitations keep us from appreciating this truth.

I am not attempting to give a reason for each incident of suffering. God permits suffering for various reasons. However, I do want to focus on one reason for our suffering. There are times God uses suffering to refine His people. Suffering is an excellent way to melt the dross away from the saint. God often uses the trials of life to filter out the impurities of our lives. God said, “Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.”

If you're like me, suffering probably drives you to pray for relief rather refinement. We want instant deliverance and immediate healing when suffering arises. There are times God graciously allows this to occur. At other times, we must endure the harsh reality of pain by God's grace. It could be that in these times of endurance that God refines us.

Refinement has a way of deepening our faith, strengthening our resolve, and cultivating empathy for others who suffer. When God refines us, we grow to fuller depths of maturity. We tend to humble ourselves in such situations and, as such, make ourselves more useful in the hands of the Potter.

We would know far less about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego if they hadn't gone through a fire. The Christians you respect most are those who've probably endured the fire of affliction.

God never promised us that life would be free of obstacles, trials, pain and suffering. His ultimate goal is our spiritual maturity, not financial security or physical health. Although happiness is not a wrong feeling to desire, God wants us to desire holiness first. Holy living will bring joy --- which is a far better experience than mere happiness.

The good news is that believers will only endure the furnace of affliction for just a short period of time. Afflictions all end at death. Glory awaits beyond the grave.

If you are going through the fire, I encourage you to live by faith. The fourth man who showed up in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is there with you during your affliction. You can trust Him with your life and your future.


And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.” - Mark 4:37

Sometimes we bemoan the boring routine of life --- until uncertainty arrives. When uncertainty clouds our days, we silently pray for a return to the boring routine. While much of our lives would fall into the category of a boring routine, we must confess that uncertainty does come at times. When we face uncertainty, we get uncomfortable because we cannot control events. What we fail to admit is that we really can't control events when everything seems calm and normal. God is the only One in control of events.

Uncertainty forces us to rely more upon God. When you face unemployment or a battery of medical tests, you are forced to look for supernatural intervention.

The disciples faced great uncertainty as they sailed into a mighty storm. Most of these men knew how to sail. They had experience navigating the waters. Yet when their ship was filled with water, their uncertainty turned to panic.

Jesus would eventually chide the disciples for their lack of faith. Sadly, we must confess we've responded to circumstances like they did. How many times have you faced uncharted waters in panic mode? When uncertainty overshadows our lives, we tend to gravitate towards fear.

Why was the disciples' fear unnecessary? Let me give you a few reasons:

The first reason that their fear was unnecessary was because Jesus said, “Let us pass over unto the other side.” The journey began with the word of the Lord. In a sense, His words were a promise. They were going pass over “unto the other side.” If they failed to reach the other side it would be because Jesus was wrong with His word. Obviously, the Word of the Lord never fails.

When we go through the uncharted waters of uncertainty, you can go to God's Word for help. There is nothing more precious than the promises of God. The old hymn gloriously states,

Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.

The second reason their fear was unnecessary was because Jesus was on board the ship with them. As long as He was with them, they had no reason to fear.

If you are a follower of Jesus, He is with you all the time. He is with you in the good days and the bad days. He is with you in good health and in bad health. He is near you when all seems well, but equally as near when you are tempted to panic. If Jesus is with you, why should you live in fear?

The disciples seemed to have every reason to fear. Their boat was taking on water. It seemed like any moment the boat would sink. To show you how much danger they were really in, we must take note that Jesus was asleep on the ship. The things that terrify us do not cause God to tremble. When we feel overwhelmed, God is still sovereign.

David wrote, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me” (emphasis added). The Lord often travels the valleys with His people. He leads His people through the experience of death. Through it all, He never forsakes His people.

Finally, the disciples should have had faith in the Lord because they had seen His awesome power at work before. Jesus said, “Let us pass over unto the other side.” He didn't promise them a smooth ride, but they were assured of a safe arrival.

When the panic-stricken disciples awakened Jesus, He simply spoke the word and the storm ceased. Our Lord is so powerful that just a spoken word is all that is needed to change a situation. He spoke the entire universe into existence with just His word.

We serve a powerful God. When we face uncharted waters, we have His promises, His presence and His power. We WILL make it to the other side. It may not be a smooth ride. It may not be an easy journey. It may not be a glamorous trip, but will WILL make it.

Are you facing uncharted waters? Are you facing uncertainty? Are you tempted to fear and fret? Stop looking at the storm and start trusting the One who controls the storm. We can trust Him as we face the uncharted waters of life.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...