For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” - Job 3:25

When we face uncertainty, we are prone to think of a “worst case scenario.” Often, this scenario does not occur. We tend to fret and worry over events that only occur in our minds. Yet occasionally, the “worst case scenario” becomes reality.

That happened with Job. In a short period of time, Job lost nearly everything. Worst of all, Job couldn't seem to hear from God. The line of fellowship with the Lord seemed broken.

There in the ash pile Job suffered. His friends hurled slanderous accusations against him. His wife wasn't supportive. Job had been known as a man of integrity. Now his integrity was being called into question. There seemed to be no good news on the horizon for Job. There in his pain, Job uttered the words, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” The worst-case scenario had become reality.

We are not promised that the worst-case scenario will never occur. Sometimes it does. A baby dies in a crib. A tornado expectantly destroys an entire neighborhood, killing many. A child is killed as he chases a ball into the road. A teenager is diagnosed with terminal cancer. A test result reveals a life-threatening disease. These kind of situations actually occur, devastating many.

What can we do when the worst happens?

First of all, keep trusting in God. God is still sovereign, even when the worst possible catastrophe occurs. We can trust Him regardless of the circumstances.

When we need Him most, God is available. God can be depended on. We can trust in His promises.

Job didn't understand what was going on. Often we don't either. God never promised that we would understand everything in this life. However, we can trust Him even when we don't understand why we are suffering.


Secondly, keep living for Jesus. Continue obeying God. Continue to pray. Be faithful in the things you know to do. God is worthy of our praise at all times. Whether our circumstances are good or not, we know that He is good. Keep living for Him. Continue to follow the Lord. Every day, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus.

Finally, we should look up. Look for the Lord's return. Look ahead beyond this world of pain. Realize that there is a better place waiting for the children of God. The pain and problems of this life may continue to get worse. Wickedness may continue to increase in this sin-infested land. Fewer people may stand for God and right. In spite of all this, realize that your redemption draweth nigh. Our trials will soon be over.

God turned things around for Job. Soon He will turn things around for us, too. One day, the worst-case scenario will be replaced with the best-case scenario. “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.”

Child of God, even if the worst-case scenario unfolds in your life today, be assured that a better day is yet ahead! 

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...