Responding To Persecution

We ought to obey God rather than men.” - Acts 5:29

Adversity usually tests a person's character. The person we are in secret is often revealed during the trials of life. When we experience the extreme heat of pressure, the polished veneer of our lives tends to melt away and reveals the true state of our hearts.

Persecution tends to separate the wheat from the chaff. The dross tends to melt away in the flames of persecution. Persecution has a way of dividing the genuine from the fake.

Realizing that greater levels of persecution are imminent, how should we respond when persecution comes?

American Christians focus too much on pleasing and impressing others. Our focus should be to please an audience of One. We cannot please both God and man. In Galatians 1:10, Paul wrote, “For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” When persecution arises, it becomes obvious that a person must compromise severely in order to please men.

When the disciples were commanded not to preach the Gospel, they refused to compromise. Instead, they said, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Their focus was on pleasing God. They kept their focus clear. So should we.

Secondly, we should live and walk by faith. Persecution has a way of awakening fears and anxiety. Yet the One who has led us safe thus far will continue to lead us. The road may get rougher. The times may get tougher. Ultimately, God takes care of His own. He will take care of us. Persecution may cause you to lose your job, lose possessions and alienate you from friends and family. Yet God is still in control. You can trust Him. During times of adversity and persecution, the Bible is such a valuable resource. In the pages of Scripture, we find God's promises to help us through turmoil. We should stand on the promises of God. In the end, we'll be glad we did.

As our text indicates, the disciples said, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Persecution forces us to take a stand, either for God or against Him. God requires His servants to live in obedience. Samuel once said, “To obey is better than sacrifice.” The cost of obedience may be steep. The cost of disobedience is far greater.

If we focus on pleasing only God, trust Him through every experience, and obey Him regardless of the cost, we may not please anyone but God. But it is better to please God and no one else than to please everyone except God.

Ultimately, we must stand before God. Our faithfulness will be under careful scrutiny. May He find us faithful in that day!

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