Making Much of Jesus

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” - Acts 1:8

As humans, we tend to talk most about the things we are passionate about. When a man is passionate about a football team, it is obvious. He has a decal on his vehicle. He talks about his team constantly. He drives a long distance to attend each home game. Getting season tickets are a big deal.

Similarly, a young woman that has found the man of her dreams is not shy to talk about him. She thinks of him continually. She wants others to know about the love of her life. She has his picture prominently displayed at her desk. When she gets engaged, she can't wait to show off her ring.

We are familiar with such displays of affection. Whether it is a man obsessed with his career or a woman who is vocal about her loving family, we are very much aware of their passion.

But what about people who claim to love Jesus? How many people do you know who have such overt, public, shameless affection for Jesus? How many people around you are passionate about the Lord?

Before Jesus ascended back to heaven, He provided this word to His disciples: “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Please note three things about the disciples and their witness for Christ.

First of all, we see the power of the witness. The arrival of the Holy Spirit would make a difference. The Spirit would empower the disciples to be bold witnesses for Jesus Christ.

While churches offer classes, seminars and programs to develop witnesses, God still empowers His followers through the work of the Spirit. We need more Spirit-filled Christians. When the Spirit fills a man, he becomes a powerful witness for Christ.


Secondly, we learn about the proclamation of the witness. Spirit-filled believers will testify of Jesus. Our job is not to promote our church, denomination or ministry. We are to proclaim Jesus. We are to make much of Him. Far too many Christians shy away from the Name of Jesus. That's because His Name is powerful. Yet the only life-changing message we have is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus said that when the Spirit would come, He would testify of Jesus. When you are filled with the Spirit, you'll find yourself testifying of Christ.


Finally, the believers were told to start evangelizing where they were … and then take the message to nearby towns, expanding their outreach until the Gospel spread across the world.

Just like the early believers, we need to start where we are at right now. Start with your family. Talk with your neighbors. Witness at work. Share it wherever you go.

Make no mistake about it. The early church made much of Jesus. They weren't “Sunday Christians.” Instead, the first century believers were passionate about the Lord … and it showed! In spite of threats from those in authority, the disciples boldly made the Gospel known.

What about us? If we claim to love Jesus, shouldn't others know it? Don't you want others to know Him? Don't you long for God to be glorified through the salvation of your friends, neighbors and co-workers? If so, start today.

Let's make much of Jesus!

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