Certainty In Uncertain Times


For I am the Lord, I change not.” - Malachi 3:6

2020 has been a difficult year. We have faced an unprecedented pandemic. We have witnessed civil unrest. We have gone through an unparalleled election. Some are eagerly awaiting a new year, hoping that 2021 will be a better year. Yet we don't have a promise that next year will be better than 2020. In fact, for all we know, it could be worse.

Most of us prefer the tranquility of stable times. Yet we must also admit that things change whether we want them to or not. Styles change. Trends change. Technology changes. Our bodies change with age.

In spite of all this, we can find comfort in the fact that there is One who never changes. God said, “... I am the Lord, I change not.”

Some insist that since our morals and standards have changed in America, that God has changed with them. Yet we know that isn't so. God is perfect. Since He is perfect, how can He change? For God to change in any direction would take Him from perfection to imperfection. He remains the same.

While mankind seeks to change God to meet his standards, God continues to call man to rise to His standard. Mankind can only rise to God's standard through the imputation of Jesus' righteousness on our account. This is accomplished only through the new birth.

Personally, I am glad that God never changes. I am glad He is the same on Monday as He is on Sunday. My confidence in myself diminishes as my confidence in Him grows. I am fickle. He is not. I tend to be moody. He is solid and secure in Himself.

Think about our unchanging God for just a moment.


God's position never changes. He has always been God. He always will be God. He is not concerned about popularity polls. He cannot be impeached. He will not die in office. He will never resign. He certainly cannot be voted out of office. His position is secure. No one can remove Him from the throne.


God's power has never diminished. He reigns sovereign over the universe. Just think of the power of His Word. He spoke and the universe came into existence. That is power! Yet the same still small voice speaks within the hearts of men. Through the power of His Word, He turns sinners into saints. One day, He will speak and time will be no more. We serve a mighty God whose power never changes.


God's standards have never changed. He is holy and demands that His people be holy. Far too many Christians prefer to be “cool” or “relevant.” God has set the bar high for us. We have tried to lower this bar so we can enjoy sin and go to heaven at the same time. This doesn't work. God has not changed His principles. These principles are defined specifically through His written Word, the Bible.


Finally, the promises of God never change. Aren't you glad of this? Jesus promised to never turn aside anyone who comes to Him. He has promised us eternal life if we would believe. He has promised us a home in heaven when we die. These are among the many promises that we are clinging to. Isn't it good to know that His promises have never changed? We face eternity trusting that He will keep His promise. He has never failed to keep a promise in the past and He will not fail us now.

God never changes. In these uncertain times, we find comfort and assurance in the certainty of God. God doesn't need to change. He is perfect. On the other hand, we aren't perfect. We do need to change.

Rather than trying to change God, we need Him to change us.

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