Singing School

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” - Ephesians 2:10

Music is a vital part of our heritage and faith. As I wrote last week, it seems as though participatory singing has been replaced with performance singing. Rather than having congregational singing in our churches, we have “performances” by choirs, groups and soloists. In this scenario, the average church member is just a spectator, enjoying the effort of others. As a result, the entire church service has gone from being a worship service to a show. The church member simply takes a seat in the audience (very much like a movie theater), program in hand and enjoys the performance, up to, and including, the message.

Somehow we have deviated from the original goal. Each Sunday morning, Christians should gather at church for public worship. Every Christian should actively participate. Instead, the focus has shifted from the Savior to the saint. Today, most believers gauge a Sunday morning service by what they get out of it rather than what they contribute.

Along the way, music at the local church has suffered greatly. When the music suffers, often the worship suffers, too.

I'd love to see a paradigm shift in our approach to Sunday mornings. I want to challenge believers to invest heavily in the music program of their church. If you have young people that are interested in music or have musical talent, send them to a singing school this summer.

Across the south, there are many singing schools that will be conducted this summer. The intent of each school is to teach music theory and equip individuals to sing. I am acquainted with the shape-note singing schools. In addition to teaching musical theory, some of these schools actually offer specific training in areas like piano, voice and songwriting.

We need this generation of young people to get passionate about the Lord, His Church and worship. Singing school is a great first step in this direction.

Here are four benefits that come from attending a singing school:

At a singing school, talent rises to the top. A person may have had unrecognized talent prior to a singing school, but the school will help the person recognize the importance of the talent and encourage its use. Small churches are a great place for spotting and utilizing such talent since there are few people available to sing. Even so, singing schools are designed to recognize and encourage new talent.

Singing schools help students develop known talents. Since some of the schools offer personalized, specific training, it helps the person strengthen and nurture the gift they have. Even though a singing school only lasts a week or two, attendance at a school annually for many years brings the student and his or her gift to a new level of competency. Our churches need young, gifted singers and musicians. Sending a young person to singing school is an investment in the future.

Also, shape-note singing schools never compromise the message of the Gospel. Each person is exposed to the Gospel through the music, teaching and personal example of the teachers. A good shape-note singing school can be like attending an old-fashioned revival, with the Spirit working mightily in lives. It is not uncommon to hear of young people getting saved at singing schools. Singing schools can make an eternal difference in the lives of those who attend.

Finally, young people share time with others their age. They tend to form friendships that last a lifetime, even though they may live hundreds of miles apart. Young people need to have good, Christian friends. Singing schools can often be a place for them to develop these kinds of friendships.

Make the best investment possible. Send your kids to a singing school this summer or financially support someone who attends.

It is an investment that will make a difference in the lives of young people, and our churches, for generations to come.

1 comment:

  1. Just now seeing this posting Brother Nathan. Amen and AMEN to the narrative. Lord in Heaven knows the definite need for music education to Glorify God and His Church. Singing schools are a vital important segment in singing new or old songs especially when congregational singing is called upon. Carry, send, sponsor a student from your church and lets all learn to sing AND play the instruments for praises to our Lord and Savior and to the fullest of our talents. God Bless the singing schools now and forever. Key Dillard, President, the Do Re Mi Gospel Music Academy, Inc.


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