Restoring Worship To Our Churches

O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.” - Psalm 95:6

When it comes to church, “worship,” means different things to different people. Some refer to the Sunday morning service as a “worship service.” Others think of music as being worship. It is not uncommon for the music director of a church to be titled, “Worship Minister.” There is a particular genre of Christian music that is called, “Worship Music.”

A. W. Tozer once wrote that worship is the missing jewel of the evangelical church. While we talk about worship, very little worship actually occurs in many churches. Although the Bible has much to say about public worship, most verses about worship actually refers to personal worship. For the Christian, there is a need for both personal and public worship. One does not negate the need for the other.

What is worship? Simply put, worship is the adoration of God. To put another way, worship is our exaltation, admiration and appreciation of God Himself. When we offer thanksgiving to God, we are voicing our appreciation for His gifts. When we worship, we admire God for Himself.

Worship requires us to have a proper understanding of God. How can you worship God if you know nothing of Him? The more we learn about God, the deeper our worship should be. Reading the Scriptures and hearing solid Biblical teaching and preaching enhances our worship because these things are used to broaden our knowledge of God.

The question is not whether you worship or not. The issue is whether God is the One you are worshiping.

Many worship athletes, movie stars and musicians. Others worship fame and fortune. Often people worship family members. Even worse, most people worship themselves. So many have created a god of their own design. These forms of worship fall under the category of “idolatry.” An idol is a God-substitute.

The only One worthy of worship is God. We should be actively worshiping our perfect, glorious and holy Lord.

There are many ways to express worship. In the Bible, worship is often demonstrated by a person kneeling before God. This is what the wise men did when they found the child, Jesus. Kneeling in submission to Him is an act of worship.

Also, we may express our worship by lifting our hands to Him. This is an act of worship that often occurs churches, but should often be done in our personal worship as well.

Meditation is another way to worship God. In solitude, we concentrate upon the Lord Himself as an act of worship. Meditating on God's attributes, His promises and His kindness are powerful ways to worship Him.

Singing is another meaningful way to worship God. While it is certainly not the only way to worship the Lord, singing can be a loving way to express your feelings to Him. Listening to music can be a means of worship also, but singing is the preferred mode of worship. Singing requires verbal effort and thought.

Responding to God's Word may be another act of worship. When you read the Bible or hear a sermon, your response of obedience can be an act of worship and devotion.

Of course, worship may be experienced through prayer. Often our prayers are monopolized with requests. We should spend time in adoration of God. Tell the Lord you love Him. Share with Him how important He is to you.

These are just a few of many ways we can worship the Lord. Worship is more than enduring an hour-long church service. Worship is a matter of the heart. Worship is the expression of love, devotion and admiration of God.

Jesus told the Samaritan woman, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” Notice the Father seeks worshipers, but our worship must be “in spirit and in truth.” Worship has a spiritual component and a doctrinal component. We worship God in the power of the Spirit, based upon the truth of God's Word.

Worship God personally and publicly.

He is worthy.

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