Absolute Truth Or Relative Truth?

 “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” - Judges 21:25

It seems like this world has gone crazy! Our society has gone wild, embracing ideas and lifestyles that have been condemned for centuries. In the name of “progress,” we have seen perverted lifestyles become legal and common sense has become extinct.

Just in my lifetime, we've seen gay marriage encouraged and legalized. Now the transgender lifestyle is praised. Anyone who objects to these immoral acts, based on the Bible, is ostracized by society as a whole. There is a big push for the legalization of the “recreational” use of marijuana. In fact, it is already legal in some states. What is next? Legalized prostitution? Legalized bestiality?

The fact is that our society is headed towards lawlessness. We are very much like Israel in Judges 21:25: “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” When there is no leadership that supports moral standards, society begins to crumble.

Today, few believe in moral standards. Rather than believing in absolute truth, many believe in relative truth. “Relative truth,” is the belief that what is true for me is not necessarily true for you … and vice versa. Our colleges are prone to indoctrinate young people with the philosophy of relative truth. With relative truth, you pick and choose the truth you wish to live by.

The problem, of course, is that there is absolute truth about moral issues. God has given us this truth through His Word. Relative truth is the wishful thinking of progressive-thinking people, who wish to avoid responsibility for their actions. Those who embrace relative truth can choose to believe in God if they wish … or choose a god of their own making. Many don't believe in God at all. When you talk about the Bible with a person who believes in relative truth, you are quickly told that you can't judge them since they live by a different truth than you. In an attempt to avoid accountability to God and responsibility for their actions, relative truth has become a popular belief. However, relative truth does not negate natural laws (like reaping and sowing), neither does it change reality. Relative truth has lured many intelligent people to foolishly live in a fantasy world. Relative truth is simply not truth at all.

If you want to see the first example of relative truth, look to the Garden of Eden. The serpent told Eve that God's command about the forbidden fruit was not true. The serpent presented Eve with another option … a different truth that would fit the opportunity. Eve fell for this lie. The doctrine of relative truth brought sin to Adam and Eve – and us. Sadly, this younger generation is ignorant of history and is doomed to repeat it.

Truth is under assault in our nation. Relative truth is just a way for people to avoid the real truth. They hate God and His law. They think that if they pretend God does not exist, He won't. If they pretend there is not judgment for sin, it won't come. If they pretend that there are no consequences for sin, then they will never reap what they've sown. Relative truth is pretense. They are pretending. This isn't truth, it is a childish game that will lead to destruction.

There is absolute moral truth. God has specified this in His Word and He will hold everyone accountable. He doesn't play games. Neither should we. When we consider the serious ramifications for sin, it should produce a holy fear of God. The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

When we understand sin and its consequences, it should lead us to appropriately understand the cross of Calvary. Furthermore, it should point us to the One who died on that cross. The cross shows us the nature of sin and its consequences, because sin required such a costly sacrifice. Also, the cross shows us the immense love God has for unworthy rebels like us.

Unbelievers often accuse Christians of believing in a harsh, judgmental God. They accuse God of being unjust because He demands that people repent and believe in His Son. They think that this is the demand of a tyrant. What they fail to understand is that sin is the greatest crime that mankind can commit. This crime offends the holy nature of God. Mankind sinned long before Jesus came to earth. Jesus came to die for our sins. He came to provide a remedy for our self-inflicted, fatal condition. Rather than a tyrant, God is a loving, compassionate God. The cross demonstrates that. Rejecting the sacrifice of Christ is a foolish act since the blood of Christ is the only remedy for our sin.

While others reject absolute moral truth, it doesn't change the fact that God exists and all us must stand before Him in judgment soon. For your own sake, seek real truth. You'll find that Jesus is the very truth that you need.

That is an absolute fact.

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