
 “Be still, and know that I am God” - Psalm 46:10

We are living in a fast-paced world. The hustle and bustle of everyday life drains our time quickly. Everywhere we turn there are high demands on our time. We are expected to work 40+ hours a week on the job. Family-time is difficult to squeeze in. We are expected to exercise, attend church and get involved in community activities. It is nearly impossible to meet all these demands.

To make things worse there are many time-consuming distractions that lure us into wasting precious moments. Television and social media are among the many distractions that are burning up our precious time.

Because of time limitations, we are giving little or no time for spiritual growth. Our moments with God seems to be little more than leftover time … if He even gets that. No wonder that spiritual vitality is anemic among professing believers.

In spite of all the demands being made on our time, what could be more important than our time with God? We need times of solitude to meet with God, commune with Him and learn from His Word.

We need a time of solitude every day. I am not suggesting the length of time to give. That is something you need to work out. I am suggesting that a block of time be given for fellowship with God.

I know this is easier said than done. Let me make the following suggestions:

First, set an appointment daily. Just as we tend to keep medical appointments, we need to set and keep an appointment to meet with God daily. Just like a doctor's appointment, we should protect this appointment from distractions and demands. If necessary, get up a little earlier each day to keep this time of spiritual solitude.

Next, prepare for this time. Find a good place you can go to for solitude. It may be the living room, front porch, a walk through the woods or sitting on the front porch swing. This place needs to be free of distractions. Also, have your Bible with you. You want two or three things to happen in this time of solitude. First, spend some time reading the Bible. Secondly, pray. Finally, reflect and quietly soak in the things you've learned from the Word.

Third, keep going. Turn this ritual into a habit. Anticipate resistance from the devil and your flesh. Remember that nothing worthwhile comes easy.

Finally, start today. Don't wait for the first of the month or first of the year. Make today your starting point.

We need times of spiritual solitude. These precious moments permit us to feast on spiritual food.

Don't settle for the junk food of the world.

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