Difference Makers

 “And of some have compassion, making a difference.” - Jude 22

Each year, Indiana Wesleyan University inducts a high-profile Christian into their “Society of World Changers.” The purpose of this event is to spotlight a believer who models Christian character while impacting the world. See https://www.indwes.edu/about/world-changers/. Past inductees include Dr. James Dobson, John Maxwell, Bill & Gloria Gaither, Kirk Cameron and Joni Eareckson Tada, among others. I think most believers would agree that these individuals have certainly impacted the world in various ways.

I believe that there are many who are impacting the world without being famous. It is possible to be a difference maker without having a famous platform. In fact, it is my belief that the greatest difference is being made by people who will never be world-famous or inducted into the Society of World Changers. Instead, these obscure people are known by God and will be rewarded by Him in heaven.

The big question is this: are you a difference maker? You don't need to be famous or rich to make a difference. As a matter of fact, you may be used to make an incredible difference right where you are.

As I ponder history and observe people today, I have found three ingredients in the lives of difference makers:


First of all, they are daring people. In other words, they act courageously. They live and walk by faith. They realize that only God makes a real difference, but He often makes that difference through the lives of His faithful, obedient children. Difference makers don't conform to the world. Instead, they long for God to change the world and are willing to be used in the process. Difference makers live unique lives. While they are criticized by pagans because of their faith, even the pagans must secretly admit that God is making a difference in and through these individuals. Difference makers tend to go where few go, do what few do and live as few live. They are daring, courageous and obedient to God.


Difference makers are known for their love and concern. They do not seek the acclaim of men. They do not labor to be praised or rewarded by their peers. Instead, their compassion flows from an inner source. God puts that love within them. Difference makers have a mighty love for God, which compels them to love others in His Name. While others talk about love, difference makers demonstrate love in tangible ways. They don't brag or seek to be noticed for their contributions. Love is the reason they serve and show compassion.


Finally, difference makers are led of God to make their time, treasures and talents be used to help others in the Name of the Lord. They do more than occupy a church pew on Sunday. Through their lives, others are ministered to, helped and encouraged. They are willing to get their hands dirty and serve others. They are not ashamed to serve in menial ways. They will serve in obscurity with zeal. The only prize they wish to receive is the ultimate reward from the Lord. Just as they have received abundant grace from their Savior, they seek to be ambassadors of His grace to others, especially those that are overlooked or treated woefully by society. Often, such difference makers are not recognized until they are gone. Their absence leaves many unmet needs.

Lest I be misinterpreted, I want to make it clear that the real difference maker is the Lord Himself. He made the difference by daring to do the unthinkable. He cared enough to send His Son to die for lost men. Through His grace, He lovingly shares the bounty of heaven with repentance souls who come to Him through Jesus Christ. Yes, He dares, He cares and He shares. Those who've been impacted by His miraculous grace are often used of Him to be difference makers here on earth. Yet make no mistake about it, if a difference is made, it is really Christ accomplishing this work through His servant.

If you are a born-again believer, God has made a difference in you. Now He can make a difference through you. It is possible to be a difference maker right now, where you are, but God has to make that difference. Dare to believe and obey Him, regardless of the cost. Care for others, especially those forsaken by the world. Reach out and make the love of God know to others daily.

Being used by God as a difference maker may not result in respect, awards or praise of men. Those things should not be our motivation. Instead, seek to please God alone for your acts of kindness and ministry of grace. He will reward you for the secret deeds you performed in His Name.

Our world needs to be changed. Don't look to Washington or the United Nations for these changes. Instead, look up.

Lasting change can only come from God above.

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