Unsung Heroes

And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets.” - Hebrews 11:32

I've been writing about Biblical characters who were used of God to make a positive impact in this world. We studied some well-known people like Abraham and Moses. Also, we've thought about lesser-known men like Enoch and Josiah. These were men of faith that were used greatly by the Lord to make a difference in this world.

As we think about their lives, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. How many people do we know that we'd put on the same level as Moses or Abraham? I can only speak for myself, but I don't belong in such a class of men. Yet I find it refreshing to know that God uses people of all backgrounds. Regardless of your educational background, financial situation or professional credentials, God can use you. But I need to clarify something. He can use us if we don't get too big for Him to use us. Let me explain.

When we think about making a difference, there will always be a temptation to seek the spotlight. Pursuing the applause of men is a counterproductive motive. So many fall into this trap. They want to make a difference --- as long as they get public credit for what is accomplished. Such pride is shunned by our Lord. The Bible says that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Moses, for instance, was known for his meekness, and God used him. It was his pride that kept him from entering the promised land. Our usability is contingent upon an humble attitude that leads us to realize our frailties and seek God for help. In such a situation, He alone gets the glory.

The Bible has many stories of unsung heroes. Some are named but get little attention from us. Others are unnamed, remaining obscure in spite of God's involvement.

The writer of Hebrews gives us a summary of heroes in the 11th chapter of the epistle. As the chapter winds down, the writer goes into a list of people who were valiant and victorious in the faith. Many of these are not named in the text.

Let's be honest. Most of the people reading this will never be famous. Our names will never mentioned in history books. Yet it is better to make a positive difference in obscurity than to be well-known for all the wrong reasons.

If you really want God to use you to make a positive difference, you have to leave your pride and reputation at the door. God specializes in using humble people who seek to glorify Him.

President Ronald Reagan is credited for saying, “There is no limit how much good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit.” Glory seekers tend to grab the attention of others, sometimes taking credit for the accomplishments they didn't even do. Such vanity is empty and useless.

I'd rather be a positive difference-maker than a glory-grabbing hypocrite who does nothing for anyone else. Politicians fight over who gets credit for economic good news. They are just as quick to blame others if the news is bad. No wonder we have so little respect for politicians. Let's resolve to never be like that.

Be an unsung hero in your home, work, church and community. Others may wish to take the credit for what you do, but keep in mind that God sees it all. The deeds we do, especially in secret, will ultimately be rewarded by Him.

In heaven, the unsung heroes won't be unsung anymore. God will honor and reward them. I want to be among that crowd, don't you?

Ultimately, all the glory belongs to only One. Let's work for His glory each day!

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