Powerful Preaching


Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” - 2 Timothy 4:2

Last week, I wrote about the problems facing American churches. In spite of the numerous churches that exist in America, our country continues its spiral descent into sin. Increasingly, our nation is becoming an anti-Christian nation. What has happened to the American Church? As I wrote last week, there are some vital pieces missing from many churches. Today, I want to address one of these missing pieces.

We need more powerful preaching in America. We need God-called men to stand in the pulpit and preach the Word of God with power and clarity. Sadly, this is missing in so many churches.

I am disturbed to see the number of “ministers” who try to be “cool,” “relevant” and “popular.” I'm convinced that some of these “ministers” are trying to act much younger than they really are, perhaps hoping to attract a younger crowd. They will wear tight jeans and a t-shirt on Sunday, groomed with a special hair-style, as if to let everyone know that they have a “hip” pastor. Other pastors want to be called, “Spiritual Coaches,” or “Spiritual CEO's,” rather than "pastor."  It's almost like ministers these days are ashamed to be known as preachers.

I am most alarmed about the message being presented in pulpits, on television and the internet. There is a growing trend of false teaching and heresy being proclaimed by “ministers” and embraced by people across America. Their messages seem to be more like self-motivation speeches rather than sermons. They have the message of Norman Vincet Peale and the enthusiasm of Tony Robbins. What a combination! Pop-psychology and New Age teachings are infiltrating our churches. Furthermore, extra-biblical revelation has become popular and has spread like wildfire. Adrian Rogers used to say, “After extra-biblical revelation comes anti-Biblical revelation.  Stay with the Book!”

The Apostle Paul advised young Timothy to “preach the word.” We shouldn't need to take a poll to determine what people want to hear. Instead, the preacher should proclaim the message that they need to hear. The message should not be taken from a Time Magazine article or TV Guide. The message needs to come from the Bible. Preach the Word --- not politics, fads or popular subjects. We don't need any more wimpy preachers! We need men who will boldly stand and preach, “Thus saith the Lord.”

Personally, I believe in expositional preaching. I believe in simply preaching the Biblical text. People don't need to hear a preacher's opinion or preferences. Instead, they need to hear what God has said. God has spoken to us through His Word. We don't need anything else!

Sure, a pastor can get a crowd with an exciting, entertainment-filled service every Sunday. In the 1800's, Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon said, “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.” We have seen this occur before our very eyes. Again, Spurgeon said, “If you have to give a carnival to get people to come to church, then you will have to keep giving carnivals to keep them coming back.” Yes, a circus can draw a crowd, but only the Gospel can transform lives.

Powerful preaching makes a difference! The wicked city of Ninevah is a classic example. The street preacher, Jonah, preached the message God gave him. He didn't sugar-coat the message, either. Yet in response to his preaching the entire city repented, including the king!  America needs such preaching today!  Lester Roloff used to say, "We need more porcupine preachers ... so that the people will get the point."

I want to challenge my preacher friends. We aren't called to impress crowds with our creativity, winsome personality, entertaining stories or funny jokes. We are called to preach the Word. As a pastor, you have the privilege and responsibility to feed your flock each week. Don't give them a “Saturday Night Special,” that is hastily prepared. Your congregation deserves more than a fast-food meal. They deserve a full course meal that is prayerfully prepared and graciously served.

Preach the Word and leave the results up to God. It is best summed up in this old quote: “Think yourself empty; read yourself full; write yourself clear; pray yourself hot; and let yourself go.”

We need powerful preaching!

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