Revive Us Again


Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?” - Psalm 85:6

I confess that I love old hymns. While I enjoy new songs, I also have a passion to keep hymns alive in the church. Someone once said that a good hymn is theology set to music. I couldn't agree more! Recently, the congregation at our church sang this grand old hymn:

Revive us again,
Fill each heart with Thy love;
May each soul be rekindled,
With fire from above!

If there has ever been a time that revival is needed in the America church, it is right now. We need a fresh move of the Spirit in congregations across our land. There is a dire need for God to do a mighty work in our hearts and lives. The Church should be making a powerful difference in our world. Instead, the world is making a woeful difference in our churches.

We need something more than paved parking lots, new choir robes and the latest programs. We need the power of God like never before.

There are many signs that indicate our desperate situation. When we consider facts like decreasing church attendance, increased heresy, the high divorce rate among believers, hypocrisy in churches, and apostasy that is so rampant, we know that revival is needed today.

In this message, I want to be crystal clear about revival. First of all, we are going to consider what revival is not, then we explore what revival really is.


There are many misunderstandings about revival. Most church members have a wrong concept about revival.

First of all, revival is not about extra meetings. Sure, you can dedicate a series of weeknight services and call it revival, but that does not guarantee that revival will arrive that week. For many people, “revival meetings,” are just extra church services and nothing more.

Secondly, revival is not primarily about conversions. Obviously, evangelism is highly important, but it is not revival. Most churches “schedule,” a revival with the desire of seeing souls saved during the special services. They want to see numerical growth. Some believe that scheduling revival services is the quick way to gain new members. If conversions do not occur during a series of “revival” services, some think that the extra services were a failure. While it is true that conversions are the often the result of revival, revival is not primarily about seeing souls saved.


Revival is about God's people getting right with Him. Revival is about seeing Christians repent of worldliness, sin and compromise. Revival is a sovereign move of God among His people, drawing them closer to Him. Revival is a season of refreshing, the downpour of God's mercy on the dry, parched church. We need revival showers to sweep away our spiritual drought.

Real revival changes lives. If you want to have revival, but also maintain the status quo, you misunderstand what revival is all about. Revival is all about change. Our churches have too many Pharisees who look for others to change, but never seek to change themselves. Revival is about God changing me.

Revival begins on an individual basis, but spreads like fire. Oh, that our lives, families and churches were engulfed with revival fire today!

When revival comes, apathetic believers are set ablaze with spiritual passion. When revival arrives, the church become evangelistic (and yes, this leads to the salvation of souls). Revival brings renewed desire for holy living. Revival leads people into deeper levels of obedience and love. As Vance Havner once put it, “A revival is the church falling in love with Jesus Christ all over again.”

Be aware of this. An evangelist cannot produce revival. A genuine revival cannot be organized. Revival is a move of God. It is a divine work that only He can do. However, we can pray and prepare for revival. We should present ourselves to the Lord as candidates for revival. G. Campbell Morgan once said, “We cannot organize revival, but we can set our sails to catch the wind from Heaven when God chooses to blow upon His people once again. ”

Set your sails today. Perhaps the breeze of revival may come our way today!

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