Getting Personal About Revival


Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” - Psalm 51:10

Have you ever heard yourself sing? I heard a recording of my singing recently and it wasn't nearly as good as I thought. In fact, it sounded awful. I was flattening notes, had a nasal tone, a crackling voice and was getting ahead of the beat. Yet the more I listened to it, the more it grew on me … like a fungus. Yep. It was terrible. Hearing myself sing is like fingernails on a chalkboard. It is an humbling experience. I must have been the one the Lord had in mind when He said, “Make a joyful NOISE...” Even though I never considered myself a good singer, I didn't know I sounded THAT bad! Recordings don't lie, though.

Our lives can be just like my singing. Most people think that things are going well, until they are exposed to the mirror of God's Word. When they see their lives as God sees them, they realize how bad things really are. That is why we need good Biblical preaching, so we can discover the truth and seek the help we desperately need.

The reason most people aren't passionate about revival is that they don't think they need it. They think that revival is for others. Revival is for the church drop-out or the “carnal” church member. They think they are doing fine. They don't need some meddling preacher interfering with the smooth life they're enjoying. Yet such people need revival the most.

Revival is a personal matter. Yes, we are praying for revival at the church. We are yearning to see believers ignited with a spiritual passion once more. Yet revival really starts with you. It starts with me. God works on each of us individually. A personal response is required. It is possible to see your church experience revival while you remain cold and indifferent. It is possible to see others feast at the table of grace while you remain hungry. It is one thing to be an observer, it is another thing to be a participant.

The key is to simply get alone with God and His Word. It is important to set aside quality time to meet with the Lord. In the solitude of those moments, the Lord uses His Word to do a deep work in our hearts. More than likely, there is more work required than you realize. This requires a depth of humility that few are willing to offer. Most would rather have a band-aid approach to life, a quick, superficial solution to their problems. That's why most people will never experience true revival. They are satisfied with their situation and only seek a slight improvement of things so they can maintain their level of comfort.

Personal revival can be messy and unnerving. When God exposes layers of deceit and sin, it can be painful. Acts of repentance are humbling and difficult. The result, however, is an intimate walk with God that few enjoy.

David's repentance is a classic example of personal revival. When he was confronted with his guilt, David prayed for mercy. Psalm 51 is his prayer of repentance. Among the things he prayed for, David asked, Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” He didn't pray for better circumstances, he prayed for a clean heart. We tend to pray about our problems when the greater need is for us to be cleansed and brought closer to God. We need cleansing on a regular basis. You take a shower (or bath) more than once a year, don't you? You take a shower on a regular basis because you need it!

Most Christians think they only need a spiritual cleansing at conversion. Certainly God cleanses us at conversion. Yet as believers, we need to take a spiritual bath regularly. The dirt and grime of the world tends to stick to us. Additionally, our own sins and bad decisions bring additional stains that require cleansing. Think of personal revival as a special time of cleansing and renewal.

How long has it been since you had a heart-to-heart chat with the Lord and specifically addressed the sins of your life? It is possible for others to see the dirt in your life while you remain blind to it. Certainly, God is acutely aware of it all.

Yes, it was a shocking revelation to hear my voice on a recording. There's not much hope that I can improve my singing ability very much. However, as God shows us the dirt and junk in our lives, it is possible for this to be changed. Yet it requires our willingness, surrender and obedience.

I can't force others to repent. Neither can I produce revival at my own church. But there is one thing I can do. By God's grace, and with His help, I can experience revival in my own life. I won't be satisfied with anything less.

What about you?

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