Lessons From Leviticus


For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” - Leviticus 17:11

As I write this, I am reading through the book of Leviticus in my morning quiet time. Let's be honest, most people avoid this book. Leviticus is a difficult book of the Bible to read. Yet I am convinced that our lack of knowledge about the book of Leviticus --- and the Old Testament itself --- is a real problem in American Christianity.

Let me ask you a question. How does a man, woman, boy or girl experience forgiveness of sins? If you posed this question to people in the church, you'd probably get a lot of different answers. Most would probably say that a person would need to publicly respond to a Gospel invitation. Either walk an aisle, kneel at an altar, or repeat a “sinner's prayer.” Each of these answers seem accurate, but standing alone they aren't sufficient. Here's the reason why. Redemption does not come by walking an aisle or repeating a prayer.

From the book of Leviticus, we learn several vital things about sin and redemption.


First of all, we learn that sin must be dealt with seriously. One reason why people struggle to read the book of Leviticus is because of the graphic description of the sacrifices to be offered. Why was this required of Israel? The extreme sacrifices show us that God treats sin seriously. When it comes to our sin, we'd prefer to compare ourselves to others or even condone our actions. We tend to treat our sins lightly. Yes, we can be harsh about the sins of others, but we can be very accommodating about our own sins. The reason for so many “false converts” in churches today is that a superficial Gospel invitation has been given by an evangelist in which sin is mentioned loosely, it at all. Sinners need to know about their guilt, the serious nature of their offense and the severe consequences for their sin. The book of Leviticus was written to remind Israel --- and us --- that God treats sin seriously, and so should we.


Secondly, we learn that sin must be dealt with specifically. Sin must be dealt with on God's terms and not our own. Aaron's sons died when they offered strange fire at the altar. They deliberately chose a different method than God had specifically ordered. The death of Aaron's sons show us that we must come to God on His terms, not our own. The book of Leviticus was given to Israel to show them how to deal specifically with sin --- on God's terms.


Finally, sin must be dealt with sacrificially. Sin is so serious that blood must be shed. Leviticus 17:11 teaches us, “...it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they tried, on their own, to hide their nakedness by sowing fig leaves together. However, when God confronted them about their sin, He covered their nakedness with the hide of animals. Blood had to be shed to cover their sin. The book of Leviticus is so graphic in its description of sacrifices because it reminds us that only blood makes an atonement for the soul.

When the first Passover was observed, the Israelites were commanded to take a lamb, without blemish and without spot; slay that lamb and put its blood over the door of each home. The Israelites were saved from judgment that night because the blood was applied. Yes, blood makes an atonement for the soul.

Some would argue that we are no longer under the law, but under grace. I totally agree. Yet the grace we enjoy is provided because of the shedding of blood. The animal sacrifices mentioned in Leviticus are a foreshadowing of the ultimate sacrifice to come. When John the Baptist saw Jesus, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.” Jesus, the Son of God, came as a lamb without blemish and without spot. The blood He shed upon the cross has made an atonement for every one who believes. The Old Testament saints will be in heaven because of their faith in the future atonement that Christ would purchase. The New Testament saints believed that Jesus paid for their sins in full with His shed blood. If the Old Testament saints will only get to heaven by the blood and the New Testament saints will only get to heaven by the blood, be assured that it is only through the blood that people go to heaven today. “Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission.” It is only through the blood that there is atonement for the soul.

Many well-meaning people, deeply influenced by some TV evangelists, believe they are going to heaven because God is merciful and all they need to do is ask for forgiveness. While there is some truth in this, they are missing a vital piece. Salvation is not based upon what we do, but what God has done. The mercy and grace of God could not be enjoyed at the expense of the justice and holiness of God. In order for us to be forgiven, justice and holiness needed to be satisfied. That's the reason for the cross. At Calvary, the Son of God shed His blood and died. His death satisfied the righteous demands of God's justice on our behalf while, at the same time, providing us mercy and grace.

I don't want to be misunderstood. Walking an aisle or kneeling at an altar is not wrong. It's just that our salvation is not based on those things. Instead, these are outward expressions of an inner work of God. Our salvation is based on what the Lord has done for us. Our sins can only be covered by blood, not by our deeds. This is best summed up by the words of the old hymn:

What can wash away my sins?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

We are saved by grace through faith. Saving grace is provided by our Lord based upon the blood and death of Christ. Our faith lies in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Our faith receives the free gift of eternal life, a gift purchased for us by the blood of the Lamb.

Learn this lesson from the book of Leviticus, it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.

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