


And she named the child Ichabod, saying, The glory is departed from Israel: because the ark of God was taken, and because of her father in law and her husband. And she said, The glory is departed from Israel: for the ark of God is taken.” - 1 Samuel 4:21-22

I am amazed at the names given to babies these days. It seems like parents want to give their children unique names --- as if the child receives extra credit for having an unusual name. I don't think parents really think about the fact that the child has to grow up using that name. I once knew a grown woman who hated her first name because it was so unique.

In Biblical times, often the name of a child had a meaning that was prophetic of his life. Also, it wasn't unusual for a child's name to reflect an event at his or her birth. Such was the case with Ichabod.

Eli was priest of Israel. On the surface, it didn't seem like Eli was a bad man, but he refused to exercise discipline over his sons. His sons grew up to be very wicked men. Eli's sons abused the priesthood, using the position for manipulation, selfish gain and immorality. Eli refused to step in and stop the wickedness. As a result, Eli and his sons died the same day. Israel lost a hard fought battle. During the battle, Eli's sons died and the ark of the covenant was captured by the enemy. When word reached Eli about his sons and the ark, he fell, broke his neck and died.

The wife of one of Eli's sons was giving birth at the time word got back about the battle. The mother died in child birth. When the child was born, he was named, Ichabod, because the glory had departed from Israel. The name, Ichabod, literally means, "the glory has departed."

Sadly, it appears that the glory has departed in our day.

I can't help but think that we could accurately relabel most of our churches with the name, Ichabod. The glory has departed from most churches. On one hand, some churches encourage excesses that cannot be supported by Scripture. On the other hand, some churches are spiritually dead, showing no sign of any life. Whether it is strange fire or no fire, the cause is the same: the glory has departed.

What has happened to protracted revivals? What has happened to mass baptisms? What has happened to shouting in churches? I know the answer: the glory has departed. In some circles, it seems as though people are trying to manufacture the glory by having lighting shows and emotional entertainment. I guess their thinking is that if the Spirit doesn't move people, maybe a bass guitar will. Regardless, the glory has departed.

A politician recently made the remark that America has never been great. While some of us may disagree with his belief, I think we all can admit that America is not as great as she used to be. The glory has departed. The temptation is to blame everything on politicians. Certainly, they are responsible, to some degree, for America's woes, but when we dig deeper we realize that the real problem is sin. Our nation has embraced sin. Our country has celebrated sin, claiming that we've advanced as a civilization. Corruption, dishonesty, immorality, abortion, homosexuality and transgender rights are among the issues that our nation has tolerated and accepted. If we truly seek God's blessing on our country, we can't be silent or tolerant about issues that He has clearly condemned in His Word. The glory has departed.

While our nation has openly embraced wickedness, the glory has departed from families and individuals. Divorce is a common occurrence in America, even among professing Christians. Cohabitation is considered proper behavior. Drug use is out of control. Suicides are increasing. Racism and hatred is spreading like wildfire. Sexual and physical abuse is a regular headline in our news.

Like Eli's day, the glory has departed from America. Let's learn some lessons from Eli. Why did the glory depart from Israel during the days of Eli? Here are just a few reasons. First of all, there was unholy leadership. The priesthood was contaminated with sin. Eli's sons had desecrated the priesthood with their wicked ways. It is sad to hear about sexual abuse and sexual misconduct among those in leadership. Furthermore, it is shameful to hear of dishonesty, cover-ups and corruption among those in leadership. John Maxwell once said, "Everything rises and falls on leadership." Basically, the people follow the example of their leaders. Ron Dunn once said that the spiritual level of a church will never rise above the spiritual level of its pastor. Unholy leadership is a mark of God's judgment upon the people. Where there is unholy leadership, the glory quickly departs.

Secondly, there was idolatry among the people. The people were treating the Ark of the Covenant like a good-luck charm. They had abandoned God for the worship of the Ark. Today our idol may not be an Ark, but we worship sports, sex and success. In religious circles, we worship the church instead of Christ. Others worship music styles or denominational distinctives instead of the Lord. America is an idolatrous land. The glory has departed.

Finally, there was spiritual apathy in Israel. They were no longer passionate about God. They had gotten away from the things of the Lord. Here in America, we conveniently leave God at the church house until we need Him. Most Americans are religious. Some are even spiritual. Few are actively worshiping the Lord and obeying His Word. We have a nation of religious pagans. As a result, the glory has departed.

It is easy to point out the problems, but what is the solution? What can we do if the glory has departed? We need to recognize that God is sovereign. We cannot manipulate Him into doing what we want. There is no magical formula for this. Most preachers give a three, four or five step process to receive something from the Lord --- as if spiritual renewal is a recipe to follow. The fact is that God gives His blessings as He wishes and He can remove the glory any time He wishes.

While there is no formula for experiencing the glory once more, there are a few things that may make us candidates for a season of refreshing. First of all, we need to get desperate. We shouldn't be casual about the present situation. The glory has departed. Time is running out and the need is great. Secondly, we need to humble ourselves. We need to run to God in prayer. Don't be content with an Ichabod life. Don't deceive yourself into thinking that America is too great to fall. "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up." Finally, we need to repent. Turn to God and passionately seek Him.

When we turn from God, His glory departs. I would hate to have the name “Ichabod” describe my life, wouldn't you?

(Author's Note:  This blog was originally posted on August 25, 2018.  I feel that it needs to be revisited today)

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