Ending With A High Note


For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” - 2 Timothy 4:6-7

I love good Southern Gospel Music, don't you? I love strong lyrics, close harmony, great accompaniment and talented singers. Music production is better than it has ever been. Great songs are being written and recorded. I must confess that I still love to hear convention songs. Whether new or old, convention songs are near and dear to my heart. I love to hear a good quartet sing a convention song!

Back in the late 1970's and early 1980's, the Kingsmen Quartet had a tenor named Ernie Phillips. Ernie was originally from Cool Ridge, WV, which is about 15 minutes away from the office where I work. Ernie was referred to as “the little giant.” What a tenor he was! Wow! He could really sing! Often Ernie would end a song with a high note.

I want to end every day on a high note. Sometimes the start of my day is rather difficult. I am not a morning person. It is unbelievably challenging for me to get focused when I get up each morning. I tend to do better by mid-morning. Yet I expect my day to get better as the hours pass. I tend to get more focused and productive. By the time I go to bed in the evening, I want the day to end well. I want to look back and be satisfied that it has been a day that was well-lived. I want to end each day on a high note.

I also want to end the year on a high note. As we approach the end of 2023, it would be great to finish strong. Perhaps 2023 was a tough year for you. Maybe you experienced great loss and personal pain in the past year. Yet, by God's grace, the ending of this year can be a high point for you. Perhaps this year has been marked by personal failure. Yet the final days could a rallying point. It could be that a year of defeat will finish with the greatest of victories.

Even if 2023 was a great year for you, it may be that these final days and hours could be the pinnacle of it all. Sometimes the greatest joys await at the end of the year and punctuate the holidays with deeper joy. If 2023 was a great year, we don't want it to end on a sour note, do we?

We tend to focus on the new year with excitement and optimism. We think that January first is the best time to start a diet, work out at the gym or begin reading through the Bible. While there is nothing wrong with that approach, what is keeping us from doing those things today? One way to end the year on a high note is to do the things today that you should be doing. We tend to overestimate the first day of the year and underestimate today.

I want to finish the year on a high note. But also, I want to finish my life on a high note. I don't know how close I am to the finish line. It may be that I am living in my final days. You may be, too. Wouldn't it be great to cross the finish line with excitement and enthusiasm? Don't you want to finish strong? Don't you want to finish well?

Paul wrote about his finish: For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Notice three things that Paul mentions about his own life.


First of all, Paul said, “I have fought a good fight.” Like a warrior at the end of the battle, Paul was ending his assignment victoriously. That should be our goal, too.


Also, Paul lived with a great faith. He lived his life for the glory of God. As he approached the end, he said, “I have kept the faith.” He was faithful to the Lord and stood boldly for Christ till the end.


Finally, there was a glorious finish. Paul wrote, “I have finished my course.” He was nearing the finish line. Rather than giving out or giving up, Paul wanted to cross the finish line with zeal.

I want to finish this day, this year and my life on a high note. That means that I need to fight a good fight, experience a great faith and enjoy a glorious finish every day. One day it will be my last day.  Like Paul, I want to cross the finish line victoriously.

I want to end on a high note, what about you?

Little Is Much When God Is In It


But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” - Micah 5:2

In his younger years, my father collected convention songbooks and sheet music. He kept these items his entire life. When I was in the seventh grade, he taught our family to sight-read shape note music. Among the songs we learned was a song from 1963 entitled, “Little Is Much When God Is In It.” The sheet music was published by Ben Speer Music. The world-famous Speer family had recorded the song. Since then, the song has become a standard.

When I first sang the tune, I thought it was just an average song. However, over time I found the song to be rather profound and relevant. In fact, I often think about that song when I look at my meager efforts in serving God. The song reminds me that it isn't the magnitude of my efforts that make the difference, but the mighty God who uses them.

Throughout the Scripture, we find our powerful God doing mighty things through small, weak people. The Lord took a fugitive and send him back to Egypt to lead an unprecedented exodus. He used timid Gideon to achieve a great victory over the Midianites. God used a small shepherd boy to slay a giant. Little is much when God is in it.

God specializes in using small things to accomplish great tasks. The Lord used the wooden staff of Moses to reveal His greatness to Pharaoh. God used the small jar of oil to provide for a desperate widow. With just five loaves and two fishes, our Lord miraculously fed thousands. He took clay, just plain dirt, and anointed a man's eyes and soon the man would see. Little is much when God is in it.

Our world scorns the little things. Instead, the emphasis is placed on bigness. We praise those with big bank accounts. We admire men who have great power. We tend to respect people with great talent. Even in Christianity, mega-churches and large ministries are the focus of attention. Christian talk shows would rather interview a best-selling Christian author than a small church pastor any day. We celebrate those who achieve numerical success.

Isn't this the antithesis of our Lord's ministry? During this Christmas season we are reminded of the prophecy, “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” The Messiah did not come as an adult, but as a small child. Jesus came to a small town, not the big city. He was not born at a Holiday Inn, but in a lowly stable. He was not clothed with rich apparel, but was wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Our Lord came as a servant. Jesus said, “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” Paul put it this way, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

It was in His humility that Jesus provided redemption for us. He died as a convicted felon, executed on a Roman cross. Isaiah prophesied that He would be rejected by men … and so He was. The One who once had huge crowds following Him, died all alone. The names of executed felons tend to die with them. Not with Jesus. This humble carpenter was more than just a good teacher. He is the Son of God. “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

1 Corinthians 1:27 says, “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” God still does great things through small people. The world applauds the rich, beautiful and talented. God looks at the heart. He doesn't need us, but we desperately need Him. He takes pleasure in using small, obscure people like us to make His Name known.

Let me encourage you to surrender everything to the Lord. When the Lord receives a surrendered life, He tends to do profound things with it.

Little is much when God is in it.



Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” - Ephesians 4:29

We are living in troubled times. Tensions are running high. Many are easily offended. Disagreements sometimes boil over into violence. Our nation is being torn apart by anger and frustration.

I wish to highlight one major problem that seems to stir up immediate hostility. Most Americans, especially the news media and talk show hosts, are guilty. Here's the problem: we tend to label others. It is easy to use labels in describing others.

Here are some popular (and inaccurate) labels that ungodly celebrities use to describe Christians today:



It is easy for people to use these labels and they feel justified in using them. They never consider that their words actually stir controversy and contribute to the growing anger that is sweeping our land.

As Christians, we need to resist the temptation to play the name game. Although unbelievers often use derogatory and inaccurate labels in describing us, it does not give us the right to use insulting labels as a means of getting revenge. God has called us to a higher standard than that.

What I want to address is the use of labels in the Church. As Christians, we love labels. We enjoy labels of denominational and doctrinal choice. We love to label ourselves. But we also love to label others. Here are some common “Christian” labels of our day:



There are many similar labels out there. We may enjoy describing ourselves with one or more of these labels. We may be revolted by others. Here's the problem. None of these labels are technically in the Bible. Many of these labels indicate a doctrinal belief, but the label itself is not in the Bible. Furthermore, these labels can mean different things to different people.

We would be better off just using the labels that the Bible uses. When the Lord called Simon, he gave him the nickname, Peter, which means little stone. Simon accepted that label and used it the rest of his life. In his two epistles, he referred to himself as Peter. The nickname given to him by the Lord was cherished by Simon. Wouldn't you feel happy to have a special name lovingly given to you by the Lord?

As followers of Jesus, the Bible has attached some great labels to us. Labels like,

Children of God

You may enjoy the doctrinal labels I mentioned before, but I'd rather use the labels God has given to me.

Yes, the world will continue to use insulting labels to criticize, ridicule and shame us. Those who preach the loudest against hate tend to use hate-filled words and create unnecessary drama. They can play in the mud all they want to. Personally, I'd rather stay clean and walk with God.

I admit that I am unworthy to wear the labels that God uses to describe me. But He is the One who chose to use them. His labels are given out of great affection and love. That's all I care about.

It doesn't really matter what others say about me.



But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” - Matthew 6:33

Leadership guru, John Maxwell, once said, “The secret of your success is found in your daily agenda.” He claims that he can tell much about your life by looking at your daily planner. Whether you actually keep a daily planner or not, there is truth to what he says. Everyday, we emphasize some tasks above others based upon our values and desires. Whether you have them written down or not, you live by certain priorities. These priorities motivate you to emphasize some projects or chores over others.

As you look back on the previous day, you should be able to determine what your priorities have been. The big question is this: Are your priorities what they should be?

Sadly, I think most American Christians have the wrong priorities. Obviously, we are expected to work and support our families. The Bible teaches us this. Apart from your work, what are your priorities?

I find that many guys can't wait to go hunting or fishing. In fact, some would live outdoors if they had no other responsibilities. Some ladies would spend all day shopping if their finances would allow for it. Others would rather sit in a rocking chair and rock their lives away.

But what about God? Does your daily agenda reflect His importance in your life? Do you read your Bible daily? Do you pray every day? Are you faithfully attending your local church every time the doors are open? How valuable is the Lord to you?

I fear that Jesus is just a supplementary addition to the lives of many church members. To them, Jesus is just an emergency roadside kit, there for unexpected emergencies. If you asked them about their faith, they would say that Jesus is very important to them. Yet their lives betray this claim.

Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” This should be out top priority, not a secondary consideration.

Most church members would argue that they don't want to take their faith to an extreme. Christianity, they say, has its place. But what value does Christianity have if it is only a minor issue in the life of a believer? It is one thing to claim Jesus as your Lord, but it is another thing to live your life in submission to His Lordship.

As I read the book of Acts, I don't find the early church putting their faith in such a minor category. They treated the commandments of God with great importance. Obedience was not optional. They lived in a hostile world. They suffered for their faith. Yet they were very fervent in their faith. In spite of persecution, they spread the Gospel. Believers risked their lives for the sake of the Gospel. Today, a few drops of rain keeps many from attending church.

Have you ever read the Foxe's Book of Martyrs? If so, you'll know that there is a huge difference between Christianity of that day and what we are seeing today. Jesus was their number one priority. It showed by the lives they lived.

How do I know our priorities are warped here in America? Thousands will go to a ballgame on Saturday, but only a fraction of them will be in church the next day. People will spend hundreds of dollars, reserve seats in advance and drive hundreds of miles to see a concert, but will not drive a half mile to worship God and sing to Him. Many will go to an arena and listen to a one-hour speech from a politician and cheer, but complain if the preacher's sermon goes much beyond noon. A large crowd will cheer loudly as they sit and freeze in a snowy NFL stadium on Sunday afternoon when they could have sat in a warm sanctuary and worshiped the Lord of Lords.

It is time we get our priorities correct. Your hobbies and interests are not wrong, but earning a living is more important. Your career is significant, but not as important as your family. Your family is precious, but not more important than your relationship with Jesus.

Our walk needs to match our talk. While it is good to say that Jesus is your Lord, it is even more important for this to be a reality, reflected through daily living. 

He is the One who left heaven on our account. Doing His Father's will was His priority. He made our salvation a priority. He bled and died in misery so that we could be saved. He did all that for us. We are ungrateful and misguided to give Him any less than our best. We should submit to His Lordship and live in loving obedience to Him.

Is that too much for Him to expect from us?



How long halt ye between two opinions?” - 1 Kings 18:21

Have you ever noticed that every survey has a percentage of people who are undecided? Whether it is a survey about an upcoming election, the economy or favorite sodas, there is always a group of people who don't have an opinion on the subject.

While there are many who are outspoken (even belligerent) about their views, I wonder about those who are undecided. Are they afraid to speak up? Are they just apathetic about a particular subject? Or are they really uncertain what they believe?

Even in the church, there are people who are undecided. If they are challenged to make a decision, they conveniently remain neutral. Elijah confronted the people on Mount Carmel with these words, “How long halt ye between two opinions?” They could choose to stand for God or stand with Baal. Instead, the people refused to stand for anything.

That is what concerns me about our day. Many are standing for wrong things, a few are standing for good things, but there is still a large percentage of people who remain undecided.

Even in the church, I am concerned that far too many people are unconvinced. Why do we have few people truly committed to the church and the things of God? Why are so many professing Christians simply blending in with the lost culture around them? Why isn't the church making a positive impact in our society? I fear that many in the church are not truly convinced themselves.

In a survey of evangelical believers by Ligonier Ministries in 2020, 30% believe that Jesus was a good teacher, but not God. 46% believed that the Holy Spirit is a force and not a personal being. Furthermore, 22% believed that gender identity is a matter of choice and 11% believe that the Bible's condemnation of homosexuality doesn't apply today. 39% believed that “worshiping alone or with one’s family is a valid replacement for regularly attending church.” These numbers indicate that many in church are not convinced that what the Bible teaches is true today. Let's go deeper and get personal.

If you have family members who are unsaved, do you REALLY believe they will go to hell if they die unconverted? Many tend to make exceptions to their beliefs when it comes to people they know and care about. This pinpoints what I am saying. Most people are not truly convinced.

If church members were truly convinced that Jesus is the Son of God, they would treat worship seriously. If they knew that unconverted loved ones are truly hell-bound, this would intensify their prayers. If they truly believed in the reality of hell, they would recognize that every person they meet is either heaven-bound or hell-bound, and it would change everything. Just think how different our communities would be if professing Christians were truly convinced about Biblical truth. Instead, unconvinced people view convinced Christians as being extreme or radical.

Why were first century believers eager to spread the Gospel, even though it could cost them their lives? Why were they willing to endure pain and persecution? Here's the answer. They loved Jesus more than they loved their own lives. They were convinced that He is the only way. They were convinced that the Gospel message is true and needed to be shared. They were truly convinced.

What about you? Are you truly convinced? If so, let me challenge you to:


Show up regularly at church. Show up daily in your prayer closet. Show up at the ballot box and vote according to Biblical principles. As a good soldier of Jesus Christ, show up for duty every day.


Stand up for Jesus Christ. Be an unapologetic, unashamed follower of Christ. Be humble, yet bold. Be caring, yet uncompromising. Stand up for the Gospel. Stand up in support of other believers. Stand up for the truth.


Finally, be a verbal witness for Jesus Christ. Speak the truth in love. Let others know where you stand concerning the Lord. Speak up on behalf of those who can't speak for themselves. Speak up on behalf of your persecuted brethren. Speak up on behalf of the unborn. Speak up on behalf of Christian values.

If we are truly convinced, we should show up, stand up and speak up. That's the kind of response God expects from those who are truly convinced.

Are you convinced?

Lukewarm Living


I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” - Revelation 3:15-16

I've been writing about the termites in the temple. The American church is quickly disintegrating. This destruction is not because of persecution from without, but sinful termites from within.

Termites are destructive insects that tend to destroy a building from beneath. Silently, the flooring and other parts of the building are being eaten by the termites. Typically, their damage is not noticed until it is too late.

Today, I want us to focus on another prevalent problem with the American Church. The American church is lukewarm. Just like the church of Laodicea that John wrote to in Revelation chapter 3, many church members are apathetic. They are careless and indifferent concerning the things of God.

As we examine the church of Laodicea in Revelation chapter 3, we learn several things about that church.


First of all, they lacked spiritual passion. The Lord said to them, “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” They were neither hot for God nor completely cold. They were lukewarm. They lacked spiritual passion for God. Look around, isn't that the case today? Where are the people who are hot and on fire for God? Where are the passionate Christians today? Where are the zealous soul winners? Do we easily find sold out church members these days? Admittedly, such people are few and far between.


Secondly, they were people of affluence. Comparatively speaking, they were more wealthy than other churches. The Lord reminded them, “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing...” My church is not rich. Perhaps your church isn't either, yet compared to the underground church in the Middle East, we are very rich. We have fancy buildings, paved parking lots, comfortable seats and air conditioned sanctuaries. In many countries, Christianity is illegal. Christians must worship in secret, even in the woods. Look back to the first century church. They didn't have church buildings. They didn't have hymn books or large video screens. They didn't even have copies of the Bible available. Yet they had one thing that we don't have today. They had the power of God. The Holy Spirit was leading and blessing their work. This was sadly missing among the Laodiceans and this is missing in our churches today.


Notice the pride of the Laodiceans. They said that they, “... have need of nothing.” Compared to other churches, they probably felt rather superior. Their arrogance was obvious. It sickened God. Pride is a major problem in our churches today. We want to brag about the things “we accomplished.” That's our problem. We accomplished them rather than God. Most of the things that happen on Sunday morning in churches can be easily explained. When God shows up, there is no explanation. We must humbly confess if it can be explained, God didn't do it. We need to repent our superficial spirituality and seek God once more.

God's message to the Laodiceans is true for us today. The church needs to return to the Lord. God challenged the Laodiceans to be passionate for Him rather than possessions. He counseled them to invest in eternal matters rather than the flimsy wealth of this world. He told them to clothed with righteousness rather than showing off their latest clothes. He instructed them to have their eyes anointed so they can truly see.

When it comes to the things you are living for now, will they have any value a thousand years from now? Are you passionate for temporal things rather than the eternal? It is time to get your priorities right. It is time to live for the things that matter most. Like the old song says, “Build your hopes on things eternal.”

Be done with apathetic living. Quit living a life of indifference. Refuse to apathetic any longer. Never be spiritual cold. Refuse to be lukewarm. Get your nose back in your Bible and bend your knees in prayer. Have your feet walking in righteousness, your hands reaching out to help others and your mouth open to spread the Gospel. Be active in your local church. Serve the Lord with zeal. Live like there's no tomorrow.

God is sick of lukewarm people. Don't be one of them.

Counterfeit Christians


Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” - Matthew 7:21

According to a West Virginia Social Survey, nearly 79% of citizens in my home state claim to be followers of Jesus. Yet the same study found that just 27% of the residents of my home state actually attend church on a weekly basis, and just 22% of West Virginians consider themselves to be “very religious.”

Compared to most states, West Virginia is considered a conservative, religious state. That's what makes this data so shocking. While these are just statistics, they represent a growing problem. Many people consider themselves to be Christians but exhibit little or no fruit of genuine conversion.

It is not my place to judge the spiritual condition of others. I will not render the final judgment concerning the souls of men. However, Jesus did say, “By their fruits, ye shall know them.” That's why I am troubled at the state of the American church today. Few professing believers actually manifest Christian fruit.

Referring to judgment day, Jesus said, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” In context, we realize that Jesus was speaking of false prophets. There will be many pastors, evangelists and spiritual leaders who will be kept out of heaven. If that be the case behind the pulpit, what will be the case of the flock they lead?

These days, there is a superficial style of Christianity that is very popular. Many think that because they repeat a prayer, walk an isle and get dunked in water, they are now heaven-bound Christians. The problem is that they've never repented of sin. Neither have they truly surrendered their lives to the Lord. They are trusting in an experience rather than in Jesus. They have joined a church without being born again. They have been baptized in water, but never been cleansed by the blood. In a zeal to get numerical growth, many ministers and workers utilize flawed methods in order to get quick results. The result is misled people who think they are now immune to the Gospel message. These individuals can now mark “salvation,” from their bucket list.

Several years ago, I stood before my congregation and held up an old $1 bill and a crisp, new $20 bill and asked them which one they would prefer to have. Of course, most people would choose the $20 bill, right? Yet when I turned them over, the $1 bill looked like it should, however the $20 bill was blank. The $20 bill was a fake. From afar, it looked real. Even up close it appeared genuine. Very close examination would tell otherwise. The texture was not like money. Obviously, the back of the bill showed it to be fake. (By the way, there is a story about the “fake” $20 bill --- but it would take too long to share it here).

From a distance, some appear to have it all together. They attend church, have a good family and enjoy a great career. However, upon closer examination, things are not as good as they appear. Like the fake $20 bill, they have a great image, but little substance. From afar, they appear to be genuine, but the truth tends to leak out eventually.

I am not putting myself into a place of judgment. Ultimately, I won't be the judge of others. However, God has already warned that there would be tares among the wheat and goats among the sheep. There are counterfeits among us, passing themselves off as true believers. Some are very devout and are active in ministry. Others can talk the talk but never walk the walk. Sadly, these are difficult to reach with the Gospel, because they think they are immune. They don't believe they need it. It is easier to win a notable sinner to Jesus than a lost church member.

It isn't my job to uproot the tares or unmask the goats. It is my job to simply follow Jesus and proclaim His Word. But I am very concerned about those who claim to know Jesus but show no evidence that they love Him.

One day, the counterfeits will be put to the test. They will be exposed. Just as counterfeit money is confiscated and destroyed, counterfeit Christians will one day be revealed and face destruction.

It isn't what you profess, but what you possess that makes the eternal difference. It is one thing to know about Jesus, it is another thing to know Him personally.

If you were to die today, are you confident where you would spend eternity?

Sin In The Camp


But the children of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing: for Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed thing: and the anger of the Lord was kindled against the children of Israel.” - Joshua 7:1

Do you believe it is possible for revival to be withheld because of one man's sin? Do you believe that a mighty move of God can be withheld because of someone's disobedience? I think most of us would agree that if the pastor or leader has sinned, it may impact what God chooses to do in a church, but what about a lay member? What about you? Do you think God may withhold a great blessing from your church because of your sin?

This was the case for Israel. They enjoyed a mighty victory at Jericho. The walls came down and the foe was defeated, just as God had promised. Yet when they came to the city of Ai, disaster struck. The Israelites were humiliated and defeated by a less fortified city than Jericho.

As I ponder the Ai defeat, I notice a few things. First of all, the Israelites were presumptuous. They looked at the city of Ai as being inferior to Jericho, so they thought that victory was no big deal. We tend to make the same mistake ourselves at times. We look at a situation and think it is a minor obstacle, then set out to overcome it in our flesh.

Secondly, they didn't seek God before attacking Ai. They got their marching orders from the Lord when it came to Jericho, but at Ai, they felt that they didn't need to consult God about that. I've done that before, haven't you? Every time I've dealt with a situation without consulting God, it has ended up a disaster.

In spite of these leadership failures, the main problem that brought defeat at Ai was that someone had sinned greatly against God. When Israel defeated Jericho, they were told not to take any spoil from the city. It turns out that someone disobeyed God. His name was Achan.

No one, apart from Achan (and maybe his family), knew of his sin. So when Israel attacked Ai, they were soundly defeated. God was not going to bless sin. He still doesn't today. There was sin in the camp. Until the sin was removed, God was not going bless Israel.

Here are three things we need to know about Achan's sin.


First of all, it was a selfish sin. Although he was commanded not to take a spoil from Jericho, Achan looked and saw items that he wanted badly. Thinking that no one was watching, he took them and hid them. He looked and lusted. He selfishly sought things that were forbidden. Sounds like many in America today, doesn't it? Sin, at its core, is man's selfish attempt to get what he wants, even if it is wrong. Achan's sin was a selfish sin.


Secondly, it was a significant sin. Ultimately, Achan's sin cost him his life. Some may argue that the penalty was too great, but we need to consider the truth about sin. First of all, Achan disobeyed God. These days, obedience is considered an option. However, when we disobey God, it is a serious matter. It is a felony. It is an act of rebellion and treason against our King. Secondly, Achan's sin brought dishonor to Israel, and more importantly, to God. The pagans had feared God after the Jericho conquest, but the Ai battle gave the unbelievers reason to blaspheme and dishonor the Lord. Next, Achan's sin cost several soldiers their lives. Several soldiers never returned home to their families because of this one man's sin. It was a significant sin.


Finally, Achan's sin was a secret sin. The Israelites were completely unaware of Achan's transgression. What he did in secret brought serious consequences to others and himself. There was sin in the camp and most didn't know it. Like Achan, many in the church are involved in secret sin. Like the psalmist, we should pray, “Cleanse thou me of secret faults.”

Last week, I wrote about termites in the temple. Ongoing sin, like termites, eats away the health of a church. Like cancer, sin is a silent killer. God will not bless if there is sin in the camp. Most people, like Achan, try to hide their sin from others. As Bailey Smith once said, “What we cover, God uncovers.”

The Bible says, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.” Like Achan, if we refuse to repent, God will render His judgment against us. Sin is likened unto leaven (yeast) in the Bible. The Bible says, “A little leaven leaveneth the who lump.” In other words, left alone, sin will soon consume everything. That's why the Bible says, “Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened.” We must get rid of the sin in the camp. It begins with you and me, recognizing our sins and truly repenting. As John Owen once said, “Be killing sin or sin will be killing you.”

Perhaps we're not seeing revival today because there is sin in the camp.

Termites In The Temple


And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple.” - John 2:15

Lee Roy Abernathy was a pioneer in Southern Gospel Music. He was a gifted singer, pianist and songwriter. He was very unique in his approach to performing and writing. For instance, he formed the “Happy Two,” a 2-man quartet, teaming up (most of the time) with Shorty Bradford. His best known contribution to Gospel Music was his composition, “A Wonderful Time Up There,” also known as “Gospel Boogie.” That song has been recorded numerous times.

One of Abernathy's most unique songs was, “Termites In The Temple.” This song can be found on Youtube, sung by the “Happy Two.” In the song, Abernathy lists a number of things that tends to destroy a local church.

Abernathy passed away in 1993. If he were still alive today, he probably would add a few verses to “Termites In The Temple.” The devil is busy working to destroy churches today. He is clever and finds new and innovative ways to bring destruction to houses of worship.

Think about termites. Termites are a destructive for several reasons. First of all, they are silent pests. Typically, the work of termites is not detected until it is too late. Secondly, they work internally. They like to eat away at the flooring and other internal parts of a home. Next, they are difficult to destroy. Usually it takes a professional pest control technician to rid your home of termites.

Although many are expecting opposition and persecution from the world in future days, each local church faces the possibility of demise from within. Our greatest problems are internal issues. It is true that persecution seems to loom on the horizon, but typically persecution refines the church and leads local churches to flourish. It is the internal struggles that tend to bring mass destruction to congregations.

There are many termites that need to be eliminated. Most of all, false teachers are termites that bring destruction. No, I'm not suggesting that we do physical harm to them, but they need to be exposed and removed from pulpits. There are preachers that use their platform to promote themselves. Whether it is selling books and DVDs, or seeking greater public esteem, they are busy exalting themselves rather than God. It is embarrassing that preachers will strut across a platform or spend enormous amount of time bragging on themselves. Pride is still a sin.

Furthermore, there are those in ministry who are giving in to worldly influences. Some have turned the pulpit into a comic stage. Others have reduced the sermon to a pop-psychology lesson. Even worse are the preachers who use their platform to condone sin. When preachers embrace and encourage acts that God condemns, be assured that the church is being destroyed.

Sadly, most of these false teachers have become well known. Television and the internet are used strategically to promote these termites. The termites are in the temple. Gullible and Biblically illiterate people rush to follow these men, not knowing the incalculable harm they are bringing to the American church.

Too many of these pastors focus solely on numbers. They want to attract and maintain a crowd, even at the expense of Biblical truth. How much more are they willing to sacrifice to get a following?

Just because a man wears an impressive suit, quotes a verse of two of Scripture (often out of context) and has a persuasive personality does not make him a preacher of truth. Some are wolves in sheep's clothing, seeking financial gain at the expense of poor, unsuspecting people. Others want to be “cool,” and “relevant,” desiring the applause of men rather than the praise of God.

Preachers need to boldly tell it like it is. They need to preach that there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. They need to boldly state that Jesus is the only way to heaven and that a person to needs to be born again to get there. There needs to be preaching about sin and repentance. Pastors, teachers and evangelists need to preach the Word and not give in to the latest fads in ministry. In the end, preachers should seek to please God rather than be invited to the White House or a talk show.

It is time for Christians to read and study their Bibles. We need to know what the Scriptures teach. Every Christian needs to attend a good, Bible-preaching church and support it. Yes, there are good preachers on TV and the internet, but they should never replace your allegiance to a local body of believers. When you study the Word, you'll find that some popular preachers on TV are just wolves in sheep's clothing.

They are termites in the temple.

People Without Discernment


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.” - Hosea 4:6

I've been writing about discernment. I know this subject is not popular, even among Christians. Many Christians cringe when they hear of someone exercising Biblical discernment. When a person takes his Bible and calls out false teachers, wickedness in high places and deceitful practices, it is resisted by those in and out of the church. Yet what kind of world would we have without genuine discernment?

Our enemy, the devil, wants to eradicate Biblical discernment. He does not want to be exposed as the thief he really is. He doesn't want unsuspecting people to be warned of his wicked strategy. The enemy wants Christians to remain silent as he continues his effort to deceive, dominate and destroy.

Without Biblical discernment, a society is doomed to destruction. Hosea spoke of this when he wrote, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Without a discerning voice to warn people, many fall into the devil's trap and face destruction.

Genuine discernment is rejected by much of our society. Christians are labeled, “a hate group,” by many in our country. This label is used because some believers have the backbone to stand up and speak out against sin --- something this unbelieving world cannot tolerate. There needs to be an outcry against sin. Sin ultimately destroys lives. Instead, America has encouraged and celebrated sin. Even worse, many preachers and believers remain silent about this issue.

Our nation emphasizes education to the neglect of wisdom. As a result, we've become educated fools. It is one thing to have a college degree, it is another thing to walk in wisdom. We encourage young people to learn from a textbook without giving thought to what the textbook is actually teaching them. Rejecting God's Book, our society trusts in the warped opinions of instructors who never leave their study.

God has given us a Book. It is a library of books. Within the pages of His Book, we learn about life and death. We learn about the beginning and the end. We find instruction about the past and the future. We understand how to know God and relate with others. The basics of civility are taught within its holy pages. Wisdom is imparted to those who seek it. Those who reject His Book, reject the very knowledge that would save their lives.

It is this lack of knowledge that God speaks about when He says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.” Rather than practicing discernment, they face destruction.

It seems like our nation is spiraling out of control, headed for lawlessness. The only thing that seems to be frowned upon these days is the Christian call for morality, decency and integrity. Rather than living by practical standards of righteousness, every man is seeking to “do his own thing.” Anything goes. This is the kind of lawlessness we see portrayed in the book of Judges, where everyone “did what was right in his own eyes.” Although there were great leaders during the age of the judges, by and large, it was a sad time of apostasy and iniquity in Israel. We are headed down that same road here in America.

When it comes to the truth, we can either receive it or reject. There are consequences for either decision. Yet those who live by the truth find freedom therein. Those who reject truth are held captive by their own passions and desires.

People without discernment continually live in darkness, facing eternal peril. That's why you and I need to consistently pray and faithfully share the Gospel. The god of this world has blinded their eyes from the truth, yet the truth is what they need to hear.

Jesus said, “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.” The light of truth reveals our real condition. It is an unwelcome intrusion in the lives of sinners. Yet without the light, these precious souls will continue blindly following the devil --- all the way to destruction.

Those of us who've been illuminated by truth need to shine this light in the dark lives of those around us. While many are revolted by the light, it may be that the light of Christ will infiltrate the heart of a needy soul and point that soul to the loving Savior.

It is awesome when a soul leaves the darkness and begins walking in the light!

Is It Wrong To Judge Others?


Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” - John 7:24

In my last two blog messages, I've been writing about discernment. Discernment is defined as the ability to judge well. Many argue that discernment is wrong because it requires us to be judges. They will quote the verse from the Gospel of Matthew that says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” This verse is often quoted and usually incorrectly interpreted and applied.

Is it wrong to judge others? If you read the text properly in Matthew 7, you learn that Jesus is teaching His followers not judge hypocritically. Jesus went on to say, “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.”

Is Jesus teaching us that it is wrong to get the mote (speck) out of your brother's eye? No. However, it is wrong to attempt this if you have a beam in your own eye. Once you get rid of the beam from your own eye, “...then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.” Jesus taught us not to judge hypocritically. In John 7:24, Jesus said, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” Thus at times, we can and should judge.

Here are some things we cannot judge. We cannot judge a person's heart. Obviously we cannot see a person's heart, so it is wrong to try to judge a person's heart. Also, we cannot judge what a person's intention is. Sometimes a person's motives become apparent, but even then it is not wise to judge them. Furthermore, we are not judges of a person's salvation. Although fruit should be obvious if a person has been saved, it is not our job to be their ultimate judge. I cringe when I see people render such judgment on social media. These are just a few things we shouldn't judge.

Although we can't judge matters of the heart, there are some things we can judge. We can judge a person's deeds. If a man murders his neighbor in cold blood, we can obviously judge this as a sinful act. Also, we can, at times, judge the words of others. If someone uses the Name of the Lord in vain, we can condemn this. It is a violation of God's law. We can judge a person's lifestyle. If a man continued lives an ungodly life, we know this is wrong. Think about it for a moment. If we can't judge the lifestyle, words or deeds of another, how could we ever have a jury trial in America? Who would ever be qualified to serve as a judge in our court system? Judgment is rendered daily in this country. At times, it is just and other times it is not. Still, none of us question the fact that normal people are called to be jurors and render judgment at trials.

The Apostle Paul condemned the Corinthians for taking their problems to worldly courts. Instead, he advised them to settle this within the walls of the church. The church can, and should, judge matters of internal sin.

Also, as believers we can judge the teaching of others. Whether it be propaganda from terrorists, a political commentary or a sermon from a TV evangelist, we can judge whether the truth is being taught. There is an unmistakable message being taught to school children, college students and the American public. The public is being indoctrinated by the news media and others concerning subjects like abortion, same-sex unions and transgender lifestyles. When we compare these messages to the truth of God's Word, we can discern whether the messages are deceitful or true.

There is one other area where we can sit in judgment. As I wrote last week, we can judge ourselves. I am hesitant to judge others very much, but I do examine my own life consistently. 1 Corinthians 11:31 says, “For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.” That's a good incentive to judge ourselves!

No, it isn't wrong to judge, but it is wrong if that judgment is clouded by our own hypocrisy. Thus, we need to use the mirror of God's Word to discern our own motives and methods.

Ultimately, all of us must stand before the ultimate Judge. His verdict will be correct. There will be no appeal. His judgment will be final.

Are you ready for that day?

Discernment Begins With Me


Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.” - Isaiah 6:5

Most people have reservations about practicing discernment because they feel it is wrong to judge other people. However, the first area that requires discernment is our own lives.

By His Word and with the Spirit, God opens our eyes to the truth about own our hearts. Most of the time, we consider our motives to be pure, our hearts to be clean and our efforts to be sufficient. However, when God reveals the truth to us, we must confess that we are sinfully flawed people.

God referred to the people of Nineveh when He said, “And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand...” The people of that sinful city were spiritual blind. They couldn't discern the most simple facts about themselves. It took the preaching of Jonah and the conviction of God to awaken them to the truth. What they learned drove them to their knees in repentance.

As Christians, we think we are doing God a favor by criticizing the deeds of others. However, God does not need our help in this area. In fact, the discernment we utilize needs to be concentrated on ourselves rather than our neighbors or friends. I am not saying there isn't a place for discerning the words or works of others, but I am saying that discernment needs to start with ourselves.

Let me share one of the many foolish things I've done in my life. I've tried to be the Holy Spirit and change other people. Obviously, this doesn't work. I am not the Holy Spirit. It isn't my job to convict, convert or change others. Typically the result of such efforts leads me to repentance myself. I was the one who needed repentance most. I've had to learn to let God be God.

I don't think that most church members take a good spiritual bath very often. We think we are spiritually clean. Yet we need a spiritual bath daily. Instead, we hurry through life wanting others will be cleansed, maybe offering them a bar of soap.

It is unnerving to look in the mirror and see a dirty face. Everyone else has seen it but me. Genuine discernment comes when we spend time in God's Word and have His mirror show us the dirt and grime. Instead of offering others a bar of spiritual soap, I need to use it myself.

Discernment leads to cleansing and fullness of joy. It is not my job to change other people. It is my job to honestly confess sin and surrender my life daily to the One who can change me.

It is easy to be fooled by the reputation we've established. By the way, the people closest to you probably aren't fooled by your reputation. They know you too well. Still, we like to gloat in the image we've sought to develop. A few people may be impressed. God isn't.

Solomon prayed for wisdom to rule the people with wisdom. You and I need to pray for wisdom so that we may practice personal discernment.

Yes, I want my reputation to be spotless. But more than that, I want the quality of my character to far exceed my reputation.

I want God to be pleased with both.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...