

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” - Matthew 6:33

Leadership guru, John Maxwell, once said, “The secret of your success is found in your daily agenda.” He claims that he can tell much about your life by looking at your daily planner. Whether you actually keep a daily planner or not, there is truth to what he says. Everyday, we emphasize some tasks above others based upon our values and desires. Whether you have them written down or not, you live by certain priorities. These priorities motivate you to emphasize some projects or chores over others.

As you look back on the previous day, you should be able to determine what your priorities have been. The big question is this: Are your priorities what they should be?

Sadly, I think most American Christians have the wrong priorities. Obviously, we are expected to work and support our families. The Bible teaches us this. Apart from your work, what are your priorities?

I find that many guys can't wait to go hunting or fishing. In fact, some would live outdoors if they had no other responsibilities. Some ladies would spend all day shopping if their finances would allow for it. Others would rather sit in a rocking chair and rock their lives away.

But what about God? Does your daily agenda reflect His importance in your life? Do you read your Bible daily? Do you pray every day? Are you faithfully attending your local church every time the doors are open? How valuable is the Lord to you?

I fear that Jesus is just a supplementary addition to the lives of many church members. To them, Jesus is just an emergency roadside kit, there for unexpected emergencies. If you asked them about their faith, they would say that Jesus is very important to them. Yet their lives betray this claim.

Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” This should be out top priority, not a secondary consideration.

Most church members would argue that they don't want to take their faith to an extreme. Christianity, they say, has its place. But what value does Christianity have if it is only a minor issue in the life of a believer? It is one thing to claim Jesus as your Lord, but it is another thing to live your life in submission to His Lordship.

As I read the book of Acts, I don't find the early church putting their faith in such a minor category. They treated the commandments of God with great importance. Obedience was not optional. They lived in a hostile world. They suffered for their faith. Yet they were very fervent in their faith. In spite of persecution, they spread the Gospel. Believers risked their lives for the sake of the Gospel. Today, a few drops of rain keeps many from attending church.

Have you ever read the Foxe's Book of Martyrs? If so, you'll know that there is a huge difference between Christianity of that day and what we are seeing today. Jesus was their number one priority. It showed by the lives they lived.

How do I know our priorities are warped here in America? Thousands will go to a ballgame on Saturday, but only a fraction of them will be in church the next day. People will spend hundreds of dollars, reserve seats in advance and drive hundreds of miles to see a concert, but will not drive a half mile to worship God and sing to Him. Many will go to an arena and listen to a one-hour speech from a politician and cheer, but complain if the preacher's sermon goes much beyond noon. A large crowd will cheer loudly as they sit and freeze in a snowy NFL stadium on Sunday afternoon when they could have sat in a warm sanctuary and worshiped the Lord of Lords.

It is time we get our priorities correct. Your hobbies and interests are not wrong, but earning a living is more important. Your career is significant, but not as important as your family. Your family is precious, but not more important than your relationship with Jesus.

Our walk needs to match our talk. While it is good to say that Jesus is your Lord, it is even more important for this to be a reality, reflected through daily living. 

He is the One who left heaven on our account. Doing His Father's will was His priority. He made our salvation a priority. He bled and died in misery so that we could be saved. He did all that for us. We are ungrateful and misguided to give Him any less than our best. We should submit to His Lordship and live in loving obedience to Him.

Is that too much for Him to expect from us?

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