The End Of The Harvest


The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” - Jeremiah 8:20

I live in the mountains of West Virginia. Here in these hills, many residents have a garden each year. Raising a garden in these mountains can be challenging. You have to battle insects, rough terrain, wild animals and uncertain weather just to enjoy a crop. Gardens begin to dissipate in August. Typically by Labor Day, most of the gardening for the year is over.

The Bible often uses agricultural terms to illustrate spiritual truth. In Biblical times, many people lived off the land. They knew how important it was to sow seed. They realized the importance of tending crops. They were also aware that harvest time was so vital to their welfare.

In this regard, the Old Testament prophet writes about the end of the harvest. There will come a time when the harvest will be over. For many years, God's people have been spreading the Gospel. Through preaching, teaching and personal soul-winning, believers have been sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Souls continue to be saved. Lives are changed by the power of the Word.

Our time to work in the harvest field is limited because the harvest is nearly over. There will come a time when our Lord will return. We are wrong to believe that there will always be time to win souls. We are mistaken to think that people will always have time to repent. It will be a sad time when the harvest ends.

When I was growing up, I would go through the garden at the end of summer. Old plants that once bore many green beans would be wilted. Inevitably, I would still find a bean or two on these plants. They were never harvested and would be destroyed along with the wilted plants.

How sad it will be when people face the reality that the summer is past and they are not saved. The harvest has ended. The workers are called home. The opportunity to repent is forever gone. When the harvest ends, there will be no hope for the unsaved.

It is time for Christians to get busy in the harvest field. Quit complaining about the heat. Stop fussing about the meager efforts of others. Get into the harvest field and work to win souls. It is one thing to think about it, it is another thing to be a worker in the field. Good intensions never produce a harvest. Let's get busy in the harvest field. Time is running out.

The summer is ending. The harvest is coming to an end. Are you saved? It is time to get right with God. Look to Jesus Christ alone for salvation. You are not promised tomorrow. The harvest and the workers will be gathered home very soon.

Will you be among that number?

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