Going Under


But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.” - Matthew 14:30

Life is so uncertain. One moment everything seems to be going great and the next minute the world seems to be crashing in. One moment you're singing God's praises and the next you are singing the blues. You can begin the day with high expectations and finish the day on your knees in desperation.

It seems strange that victory and defeat can occur so close together. Our mountain-top experiences can be followed by deep, dark valleys. Elijah prayed for fire to fall on Carmel and soon thereafter he prayed for his life to end. Some of us can relate to this.

Simon Peter experienced a spiritual high and a spiritual low within seconds of each other. On one hand, he is one of only two men known to walk on water. The other man was the Son of Man, our Lord Jesus. Peter did walk on the water. What an experience!

As Peter was walking on the water, the Bible says, “But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.” His fears swallowed up his faith. Instead of walking on the water, Peter began to sink.

Many of us can relate with Peter. We have a great experience at church on Sunday, followed by a horrible day on Monday. A man once told me, “Monday is the devil's way of paying you back for a good Sunday.”

Like Peter, we can feel like we are on top of the world. The next moment, we feel like we are going under. Circumstances can overwhelm us at times. We feel like we are sinking in the tide of discouragement or defeat. The changing currents seem to be sweeping us under. We feel like we are drowning.

When Peter began to sink, he did the only thing he knew to do. He cried to out to Jesus for help. In such a moment, he did not verbalize an impressive prayer. He didn't pray for the missionaries in Indonesia. Neither did he use flowery words of praise. Instead, he prayed a pitiful prayer of just three words: “Lord, save me.”

In our times of desperation, there is only one thing we can do. Like Peter, we seek the help of God. Our desperate times remind us how dependent we are on the Lord. We will sink in the ocean of despair unless the Lord intervenes.

In response to Peter's desperate prayer, the Bible says, “And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” Peter was rescued and rebuked. Thankfully, our Lord still rescues us when we are going under. In spite of our fears and doubts, the Lord provides mercy and grace for our times of dark despair.

Notice our Lord's rebuke of Peter, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?” We are tempted to join with Jesus in rebuking Peter. Then we remember how often we have doubted ourselves. Notice that Jesus referred to Peter as a man, “... of little faith.” Simon Peter had faith, but it was little. I must confess that this describes me at times, what about you?

Jesus asked Peter, “wherefore didst thou doubt?” In response, it would be easy to point out the boisterous wind. Who wouldn't have been scared? The other disciples stayed in the boat. They didn't even have enough faith to get out of the boat in the first place. But therein lies the problem. Peter believed that, if the Lord permitted him to, he could walk on the water. He did, too. But the wind was already boisterous before Peter even got out of the boat. Conditions did not get worse when he walked on water, he just began focusing on them.

When the winds are contrary, we can either choose to focus on the wind or the One who walks on water. We are living in a society that is facing winds of adversity. Strong opinions exist on a number of subjects. Politics, the economy and news reports can easily overwhelm us. We just need to keep focused on Jesus and stay in His Word.

Yet for those who are sinking, I have good news. Our Lord still rescues those who are going under. If you feel as though circumstances have overwhelmed you, cry out to the same One that Peter prayed to. Our Lord is rich in mercy. Just as He did for Peter, He will pull you out of the boisterous waters you are struggling in.

Ultimately, each one of us will come to the chilly river of death. The winds of uncertainty will be blowing. At that moment, it is good to know that our Lord will be there for us. We won't cross that river alone.

We won't be going under. We'll be going over.

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures


And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?” - 2 Kings 7:3

2020 was a year most of us will never forget. The news media consistently broadcasted grim reports of Covid-19-related deaths. We were expected to carry out safety protocols like distancing and wearing masks. To make things worse, the shelves of most grocery stores were empty. It was difficult to purchase food and supplies. Looking back, our nation was overwhelmed with a sense of fear.

2 Kings chapters 6 and 7 describe a situation far worse than anything we faced in the Covid year. The city of Samaria was under siege. The enemy had compassed the city about, cutting off the supply line that kept the city functioning. Food and similar supplies became scarce. Famine had gripped the people. Circumstances became so dire that a donkey's head and bird dung were sold as food at an expensive cost. People got desperate.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. In desperate times we tend to do things we wouldn't consider at any other time. Desperate times may lead one to an act of lunacy and and another to a heroic deed. In Samaria, two mothers made a pledge. The first day, they would eat the child of the first mother and then eat the other's child the next day. That is lunacy.

With this famine as a backdrop, God used four unlikely people to be heroes of the story. Four lepers were pondering their plight. They were outcasts from the city due to their contagious skin disease. They were dependent upon the generosity of others just to eat and survive. Yet the people who would normally provide food to them were starving themselves. Knowing this, the four lepers had a defining moment. They said among themselves, “Why sit we here until we die?”

Desperate times call for desperate measures. These four lepers were dying of hunger and it prompted them to ask, “Why sit we here until we die?” This is the kind of question we need to ask today. If your church is dying, you need to ask, “Why sit we here until we die?” If your marriage is collapsing, you should ask, “Why sit we here until we die?” As our nation faces destruction, believers should rise up and ask, “Why sit we here until we die?”

The four lepers realized their plight and in their desperation, it prompted them to do something they would have never done under other circumstances. They were going to surrender to the Syrian army. The Syrians had the city surrounded. Surrendering to them probably meant execution --- especially for lepers. Who would want to receive four lepers into their assembly?

Yet the lepers knew they had nothing to lose. They were dying anyhow. Should the Syrians kill them, it would be a more humane death than the one they were facing in Samaria. So the four lepers fled to the Syrian military front.

When they arrived at the Syrian front, the lepers found the camp vacated. The Lord had caused the Syrians to hear the sound of an approaching army, causing the Syrians to flee in a panic. The Syrian army had left behind their food, raiment … everything! Thus, the lepers finally found the food they desperately needed. Ultimately, they shared their experience with the people of Samaria and the famine came to sudden and miraculous end.

This amazing story truly happened. The Lord worked through the lives of four lepers to save a city from starvation.

The Lord is still able to turn things around. He is able to save a marriage from ruin. The Lord can bring prodigals home. He can set people free from addiction. He can save souls. He can revive a church. He can turn a city around just like He did at Nineveh after Jonah's sermon. He can turn a nation around as He did in Josiah's day.

The Lord often uses discontented people who, like the lepers, will say, “Why sit we here until we die?”

The status quo is never sufficient. If we do what we've always done, we shouldn't expect different results. All around us, marriages are failing, drugs are destroying lives, immorality has taken over and souls are perishing daily. Our nation is facing the judgment of God. These are desperate times. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Why sit we here until we die?

Desperate People


And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.” - Numbers 21:6

What has Covid-19 taught us about the United States of America? Some argue that the disease taught us the value of vaccinations. Others claim that the Covid outbreak taught us how gullible people are to believe everything they see and hear on the news. I think there is a greater lesson to be learned.

When our nation faced uncertainty, we looked to the government for help instead of God. Few were crying out to God for help. Most were looking to the President, CDC or science to bring help and relief. Let that sink in for a moment. Our government is notorious for waste, lies and bad decisions, but we depend on it rather than God when we face a desperate situation.

Rather than humbly seeking God for grace, we'd rather look to the government for a handout. Instead of seeking the One who can heal, we'd rather look to a flawed human system for a cure.

I am not criticizing science or the efforts of those who've worked to bring relief to infected people. Instead, I am pointing out the obvious problem that our nation has been deceived into thinking that we don't need God. We foolishly believe that we can resolve any problem that comes our way. In times of desperation, we look within rather than looking above.

Our money is printed with the logo: IN GOD WE TRUST. Yet it is obvious that the motto needs to be changed to IN GOVERNMENT WE TRUST. What a sad time we live in!

The Bible says, “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” Over and over again, the Old Testament shows us how Israel failed when they turned from God and trusted in themselves. Writing to the Philippians, the Apostle Paul wrote, “For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” As believers, we should have no confidence in the flesh. In other words, we have no confidence in men. Even the best of men can let us down. Our confidence should be in the Lord. He will never fail us.

During desperate times, we can trust God. Our faith is tested during desperate times. It is one thing to sing, “Living By Faith,” on Sunday morning, but it is another thing to live by faith when trials, tribulations and heartaches come our way. Here is the real acid test of our faith. Can God be trusted in the worst of times? This is a serious matter. The integrity of God is on the line. Yet we know He CAN be trusted … at all times.

In Numbers chapter 21, the people complained against the Lord and Moses. In response, God sent serpents among the people and many died. In their desperate situation, what did the people do? They went to Moses and asked him to pray that the Lord would take the snakes away.

Some would argue that the people went to their leader for help, but ultimately they knew that God was the only One who could put an end to their dire situation. They didn't ask Moses for a handout or a vaccine. Instead, they asked Moses to pray for them, which he did.

In response, God told Moses to make a bronze snake and put it on a pole, then lift that pole up. Everyone who would look to that bronze snake would live. Look and live. That was the answer for the desperate people in Numbers chapter 21.

It is the same message for today. Desperate souls are facing eternity without Jesus. The Lord said, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” Desperate souls can find everlasting life by looking to Jesus.

The real problem facing Americans is not Covid-19, inflation or social unrest. The real problem is sin. The government cannot solve this problem. Dying souls can only find eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Look and live. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is time to wake up to the dire situation facing millions of souls. May the Holy Spirit awaken someone that reads these words. Without Christ, you are in a desperate situation. The serpent of sin has bitten you. The venom is deadly. Your only hope is to look to Jesus Christ right now.

Look and live.



And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” - Psalm 50:15

Have you ever been desperate? Have you ever had a time in your life where you passionately prayed and sought God for a miracle? Perhaps you are in such a season right now. If so, you are in good company. Nearly all of God's people face desperate situations from time to time. Some need a miracle just to get through each day.

We are not promised an easy life. The path we must travel will have twists and turns. There will be potholes that shake us up. There are unexpected dead-ends that we will face. At times, the journey can have steep inclines and perilous distractions. Furthermore, our family and friends must navigate areas that are lonely, difficult and dangerous. The times we live in are very uncertain and gloomy. Our society seems to be in a downward spiral into destruction.

We are living in desperate times. We can get so accustomed to the circumstances around us that we no longer live in desperation. We can get so jaded by the adversity of life that we are tempted to give up or give in.

In spite of these desperate times, few people seem to be desperate. Our society is on the brink of destruction. Common sense is nearly extinct in our country. We seem to be constantly on the brink of civil unrest here in America. Across the globe, over 166,000 people will die today, many of them without a saving faith in Jesus. These are desperate times.

For the man or woman with open eyes and an open Bible, it is clear that the only hope for mankind is Jesus Christ. Apart from a miracle, America is doomed to self destruct. Unless God intervenes, the future is hopeless. In this election year, too many are looking for a political candidate to save America. Yet there is not a politician or political party that can turn this nation in the right direction. There is not a political solution to our problems. We need a spiritual awakening in the United States.

Christian historians will tell you that our nation has experienced spiritual awakenings in the past. Typically, these awakenings began during the darkest of times. We are at such a point here in America.

In times of desperation, we are tempted to seek change at the ballot box. We look for human solutions to our spiritual problems. This only worsens our situation.

Spiritual problems can only be solved by spiritual means. Like it or not, our nation's woes stem from deep abiding sin issues.

God has told us what to do in times of desperation. Psalm 50:15 says, “... call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” Notice three things in this verse.


First of all, in times of desperation, we need to pray. God said, “... call upon me in the day of trouble...” Sadly, most people treat prayer as a last resort. Prayer is reserved for a crisis or an emergency. In times of desperation, people tend to pray. It is in such dire circumstances that we finally see that our only hope is God.


Secondly, God provides us a promise, “... I will deliver thee.” If we will seek God in desperation, He will deliver. He will bring the breakthrough we need. These are desperate times, yet where are the prayer warriors who will pray until the answer comes?


Finally, when God delivers, we should respond by praising Him. God says, “I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” Tragically, when desperate times are over, we tend to go back to “life as usual.” We forget to thank the Lord. We foolishly neglect the One who answered our prayers and performed miracles. We want to get back to “life as usual,” while forgetting that “life as usual,” led to the desperate situation we were in to begin with. We don't need to return to “life as usual.” We need a new direction that only God can provide.

Yes, these are desperate times. Will you join with me in praying for God to bring a spiritual awakening to America? Will you pray along with me for God to revive our churches, renew families, restore marriages and save souls? Time is running out. This is a critical hour.

If God promises to deliver, why wait any longer to pray?

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...