Desperate People


And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.” - Numbers 21:6

What has Covid-19 taught us about the United States of America? Some argue that the disease taught us the value of vaccinations. Others claim that the Covid outbreak taught us how gullible people are to believe everything they see and hear on the news. I think there is a greater lesson to be learned.

When our nation faced uncertainty, we looked to the government for help instead of God. Few were crying out to God for help. Most were looking to the President, CDC or science to bring help and relief. Let that sink in for a moment. Our government is notorious for waste, lies and bad decisions, but we depend on it rather than God when we face a desperate situation.

Rather than humbly seeking God for grace, we'd rather look to the government for a handout. Instead of seeking the One who can heal, we'd rather look to a flawed human system for a cure.

I am not criticizing science or the efforts of those who've worked to bring relief to infected people. Instead, I am pointing out the obvious problem that our nation has been deceived into thinking that we don't need God. We foolishly believe that we can resolve any problem that comes our way. In times of desperation, we look within rather than looking above.

Our money is printed with the logo: IN GOD WE TRUST. Yet it is obvious that the motto needs to be changed to IN GOVERNMENT WE TRUST. What a sad time we live in!

The Bible says, “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” Over and over again, the Old Testament shows us how Israel failed when they turned from God and trusted in themselves. Writing to the Philippians, the Apostle Paul wrote, “For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” As believers, we should have no confidence in the flesh. In other words, we have no confidence in men. Even the best of men can let us down. Our confidence should be in the Lord. He will never fail us.

During desperate times, we can trust God. Our faith is tested during desperate times. It is one thing to sing, “Living By Faith,” on Sunday morning, but it is another thing to live by faith when trials, tribulations and heartaches come our way. Here is the real acid test of our faith. Can God be trusted in the worst of times? This is a serious matter. The integrity of God is on the line. Yet we know He CAN be trusted … at all times.

In Numbers chapter 21, the people complained against the Lord and Moses. In response, God sent serpents among the people and many died. In their desperate situation, what did the people do? They went to Moses and asked him to pray that the Lord would take the snakes away.

Some would argue that the people went to their leader for help, but ultimately they knew that God was the only One who could put an end to their dire situation. They didn't ask Moses for a handout or a vaccine. Instead, they asked Moses to pray for them, which he did.

In response, God told Moses to make a bronze snake and put it on a pole, then lift that pole up. Everyone who would look to that bronze snake would live. Look and live. That was the answer for the desperate people in Numbers chapter 21.

It is the same message for today. Desperate souls are facing eternity without Jesus. The Lord said, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” Desperate souls can find everlasting life by looking to Jesus.

The real problem facing Americans is not Covid-19, inflation or social unrest. The real problem is sin. The government cannot solve this problem. Dying souls can only find eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Look and live. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is time to wake up to the dire situation facing millions of souls. May the Holy Spirit awaken someone that reads these words. Without Christ, you are in a desperate situation. The serpent of sin has bitten you. The venom is deadly. Your only hope is to look to Jesus Christ right now.

Look and live.

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