The Cure For Spiritual Lockjaw


Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.” - Psalm 51:13

Due to medical advances, we don't hear much about lockjaw these days. Tetanus (often called lockjaw) can be prevented with a vaccine. This disease is caused by a bacteria that creates a toxin within the body, resulting in painful muscle contractions. Thankfully, this is not considered a public threat to society today.

However, spiritual lockjaw does exist today. No, it isn't caused by bacteria, but it is a spiritual condition brought on by sin, doubt and the fear of man. Although we have little or no problem talking about politics, sports or the weather, spiritual lockjaw keeps us from boldly speaking the Gospel truth. When spiritual lockjaw sets in, we freeze at the very thought of mentioning the Name of Jesus. We get timid and shy about matters of faith. We keep silent when we should be talking about our Lord.

Spiritual lockjaw is a common problem among professing believers. Outside of a church environment, we tend to be quiet about matters of faith. The very message that others are needing to hear is the same message we won't share. That is spiritual lockjaw.

I must confess that American Christians have been duped into believing that “popularity” and “relevance” are more important than being a witness for the Lord. We even want a stranger to think highly of us, although we may never see him again. Our “reputation” has become an idol, a great sin that hinders us from being obedient followers of Christ.

While we wish to be respectable and even “cool,” we fail to recognize that God is not pleased with us. Although we claim loyalty and allegiance to Jesus, we are easily tempted to compromise and be silent.

Perhaps the sin of silence is our greatest folly. In spite of all the positive advances we've seen in the Church, this one sin has left us spiritually weak and fruitless.

So what is the cure for spiritual lockjaw? The answer is simple. We need to experience personal revival. I've been writing about this subject in previous weeks. Now we see the real need for such a renewal.

First of all, we need to remember. We need to remember how Jesus saved us. We were filthy, unworthy hell-bound sinners when the Gospel changed our lives. We are tempted to forget about this miracle. Whether it happened in your childhood, in your teenage years or adulthood, the memory of conversion should not slowly erode over time. We need to remember how the Lord saved us. Never get over your salvation. Conversion caused us to open our mouths in praise to the Lord. We were eager to share what God had done for us. We need to revisit this glorious event and live in its light.

Secondly, we need to repent. In other words, things need to change. We can't continue to be silent while many around perish. We have GOOD NEWS to share with others. If it is good news, why should we be timid about sharing it? When it comes to happy events in our lives, we are excited to share them with others, whether it be a marriage engagement, the birth of a child or unexpected good news. As recipients of God's grace, we have the best news possible. Don't keep it bottled up within!

Next, we need to relate. We need to speak. Open your mouth and testify to others. Start with a family member or friend. Build upon this experience by speaking to others … even to strangers.

The cure for spiritual lockjaw is simple. Draw closer to Jesus. The closer you get to Jesus, the more you want to talk about Him. Far too many professing believers stay at “a comfortable distance” away from Him. They want to get close enough to enjoy His blessings, but not so close that He changes them. What kind of disciple is that? If you're going to be a disciple of Jesus, walk just as close as you possibly can.

That's the cure for spiritual lockjaw.

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