Why Pray?


... your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” - Matthew 6:8

When our Lord taught about prayer in Matthew chapter 6, Jesus said, “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.”

Notice that last sentence, “... your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” This verse reinforces our belief that God is omniscient. He knows all things. He knows our situation far better than we can explain it in prayer. Yet this fact causes some to ask, if God already knows our needs, why should we pray? What is the point in praying if God already knows our situation and the matters that trouble our heart?

Why pray? That is a fair question. I believe that there are three or four good reasons why Christians should pray.

First of all, we should pray because God commands it. Our Lord instructs us to pray. We are encouraged to pray. The Bible teaches us to pray. If there is no other reason than this one, it should be enough to motivate us to pray. Even though God knows what we need before we even ask, we should realize that He does not feel it is an inconvenience or an interruption when we share these burdens with Him. With all the critical situations that exist in our world, our Lord still welcomes His children in His presence. We should pray because God commands us to.

Secondly, we should pray because we need to. We have a need to get alone with God and express our cares and concerns with Him. Sometimes it is a relief just to have Someone to share our burdens with. There are some burdens that we carry far too long. We need to bring our burdens to the Lord and leave them there. As Christians, we must confess that there have been times we have felt so much better after a season of prayer. We've needed the time of confession, vulnerability and honesty. It has brought relief as we have poured out our heart and soul before the Lord. We exercise our faith as we bring our concerns to Him. In prayer, we entrust God with the overwhelming challenges that we face. Furthermore, many of us can testify how He has answered many prayers in the past. We should pray because we need to.

Also, we need to pray because others need us to. Many people around us face problems and challenges we can't help with. Yet there is one thing we can do for them … we can pray. Prayer is a means of showing our love and support to others. Although much of our praying is done in secret, it is still an effective weapon in the spiritual warfare going on around us. We need the prayers of others and they need our prayers, too.

Finally, we should pray because certain blessings are contingent upon it. God hears and answers when we pray. As we read the Bible, it becomes obvious that certain blessings are reserved for those who pray. In fact, James addressed this in his epistle when he wrote, “You have not because you ask not.” Although God is omniscient and sovereign, He has chosen to reserve certain blessings for those who simply ask Him in faith. Why can't that be you?

God hears and answers prayers. Praying is not a waste of time or energy. There was no one who needed to pray less than Jesus. Yet Jesus gave Himself to prayer. Jesus had busy days when people would crowd around Him, expecting miracles. Yet there were times He would get away from the crowd and spend extended periods of time talking with His Father. Let's follow His lead. We need to spend quality time talking with the Father ourselves.

Instead of asking, “Why Pray?” perhaps we should be asking, “Why aren't we praying?” The least attended church service tends to be the prayer meeting. While most Christians claim to believe in prayer, it seems to remain such a low priority for many.

If there has ever been a time when believers need to pray, it is right now. We are living at a critical moment in time. Much is hanging in the balance. The future of our country, the direction of the Church, the plight of souls are among the many vital issues facing us.

Let us pray!

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