Fear, Faith & The Future


For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” - 2 Timothy 1:7

We are living in perilous times. We are constantly bombarded with fearful news headlines. As I write this, two separate wars continue to escalate. It isn't uncommon to hear of school and workplace violence. Scientists are always issuing stern warnings about “global warming,” or some new strand of virus they've uncovered. Political, social and racial tensions are at a boiling point. The news is always bad --- and getting worse.

I believe the news broadcasts are intentionally designed to bring fear upon the people and indoctrinate us to embrace their views. Taken to an extreme, a person could easily barricade himself in his house and die of mortal fear.

As Christians, we are called to live by faith, not by fear. Although everyone seems to be overwhelmed with a sense of fear, we shouldn't be. We have every reason to smile and look forward to the future.

Let me be clear about something. I am not like the movie character, Polyanna, who pretends to find good in everything. There are bad things around. Evil does exist. Wicked people excel at the expense of the righteous. Christians do suffer and die. This is a sinful, depraved, destructive society that we live in. Our world seems to be getting worse by the day.

Yet Christians have every reason to rejoice. Our faith is in not in a political process, economic forecast or the latest news headline. Our faith is in the person and work of Jesus Christ. We rejoice because our redemption draweth nigh. We rejoice because Jesus is alive, He hears our prayers, He still saves souls and He's coming again very soon!

As the old song says, “This world is not my home, I'm just passing through.” Often we place too much hope in men. We expect a politician to save our nation. There is only one Savior and His Name is Jesus. My faith lies in Him, alone. I am just on assignment for a few days here on earth. Soon my working days will be over and I will be called home. The best is yet to come!

God has not called us to live in fear. Neither do we live in denial about the state of our world. Rather than looking to Washington, we lift up our eyes to the hills, from whence cometh our help. Our help comes from the Lord. Our confidence lies in Him.

So I refuse to live in fear. I will live by faith, assured that God is in control. My future is in His hands, so why should I fear?

For myself, I have chosen not to watch the national news. Instead, I spend time each day in my Bible. That's where the Good News is found. Furthermore, I've read the back of the Bible, and I know how the future will ultimately unfold. Yes, things will continue to get worse. Yet God is reserving the very best for His children. He is saving the best for last.

Yes, people have disappointed me at times. Circumstances have sometimes gone a different direction than I would have preferred. Yet I know that the Lord is sovereign. Nothing will occur without His divine permission. Although I may not understand everything He does or permits, I know that He is good and is working everything together for my good.

No doubt there are rough days ahead. There are challenges we must face. Yet we are called let our light shine in this world of darkness. Light seems to be so much brighter when it invades the worst degree of darkness. This is our hour to shine.

It has been shocking to realize how far our nation has deteriorated in the last twenty years or so. It can be scary to consider how bad the next twenty years will be. But our time on earth is limited. As Christians, our real home awaits us in heaven. We will live there forever. A better day is just ahead!

Paul summarized it best when he wrote, “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” This is not just positive prose, but a powerful truth. When we get to heaven, our earthly trials will then seem as nothing. All we have endured in this life will be worth it on that day.

While others tremble with fear, let us look up with faith. Our Lord may return any moment.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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