The Christian And His Country


Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.” - Matthew 22:21

I am thankful that I'm an American! Of all the countries of the world, there is not a country I'd prefer to be a citizen of than the United States. When the Olympic games were held recently, I must confess that I had a lump in my throat each time I saw the American flag raised and our nation anthem played at a gold medal ceremony.

At the same time, I get angry and frustrated when I see Americans burn our flag. Many defy the very principles our country was founded on. It is inexcusable for an American citizen to publicly denounce and disgrace his or her own nation. Yes, we may disagree on certain things, but we should not abuse the freedom our nation provides by publicly trashing the United States. If you hate our country, perhaps you should find another one to move to.

While I love our nation, I must confess that I must keep everything in proper perspective. The first time I was born, I was born an American. The second time I was born, I was born a Christian. The United States of America is my natural country. Heaven is my spiritual homeland. The USA is my temporary home. Heaven is my eternal home. I am temporary citizen of America. I am an eternal citizen of heaven.

It is easy to emphasize the temporal, to the neglect of the eternal. I have affection for my country and have allegiance to her. Yet my greatest love should be for my eternal home. Earthly parents made my first birth possible. God brought about my second birth. Slowly, family members are transitioning from this world to the next. Soon, I will make the same move.

While I enjoy the freedoms America extends to her citizens, it is the freedom I've found in Christ that has made the major difference in my life. It seems like America's freedoms are eroding. The liberty that Christ brings never fades. Many men have shed their blood to make temporary liberty possible in this nation. One Man shed His blood to make eternal freedom possible to those who believe. I owe much to to the soldiers who died for America's freedom. I owe everything to the One who died on the cross for my eternal freedom.

I hope to live the rest of my earthly life here in America. Yet my expectations go far beyond that. My faith looks forward to a better place where I will live forever. My American citizenship will end on the day of my death. My citizenship in heaven will never end. On social media, I describe myself as, “A citizen of heaven, on temporary assignment here on earth.” In a sense, I am a missionary, serving here in America. Soon, my mission will end and I will be called home.

Although I love my country, I must confess that I am troubled that some seem to have elevated their love of country to equal or exceed their love for Jesus. It is possible to turn patriotism into idolatry. Some seem to treat our nation's Constitution to be as important as the Bible. The Constitution is a great document, but the Bible is God's inerrant, eternal Word. The Constitution will cease to exist some day, but the Word of God will abide forever.

Jesus taught us, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God ...” This is our top priority. Furthermore, He taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” We are to seek the increase of His kingdom. We can be guilty of seeking our nation's increase more than His kingdom's increase. While we seek to make our nation better, our primary allegiance should be toward His kingdom.

Jesus said, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.” Back then, people hated to render anything to Caesar. In our day, people have no problem rendering to Caesar … we just resist rendering unto God.

As citizens of the United States, we should pay our taxes, vote and seek the best for our neighborhoods. As citizens of heaven, we should worship God, proclaim the Gospel and help those in need.

The United States of America is the best country on this planet. Yet it is not heaven. Although we pledge allegiance to the American flag, our ultimate allegiance is to be to Jesus Christ and His kingdom.

This world is not my home. The older I get, the more I realize that there is something better. For Christians, the best is yet to come. So let's celebrate our nation's freedom, honor our soldiers and respect the flag. Yet let's never forget that America is not heaven. The Declaration of Independence is not the Bible. The occupant of the White House is not God.

Love your country, but worship the Lord.

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