Making Memories


The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.” - Proverbs 10:7

One of the great blessings that our Creator has bestowed upon us is the ability to remember. As humans, we have experiences in life that we tend to forget, but thankfully, there are some that we remember.

When our loved ones pass away, it is a blessing to have a mental database of memories to dwell on. Modern technology has permitted us to store memories through the use of photographs, audio recordings and high-definition video. Still there are many memories that we never captured with modern technology. Instead, our minds retail these moments. Whether it is a comical moment, a casual smile or a touching conversation, our minds record these special events for future edification and enjoyment.

The Bible says, “ The memory of the just is blessed.” One day, you and I will be just a memory to the loved ones, friends, co-workers and neighbors that we leave behind. What kind of memories are you leaving? Will people think of you fondly? What will you be remembered for?

Right now, you and I are creating memories to leave behind. Through our words and deeds, we are making memories. Our contribution to humanity, our involvement at church and our dedication to family are among the many memories we are creating.

I believe the greatest memories we leave behind are our small acts of kindness and the tokens of love we gently deposit in the lives of those around us. Often it is the little things that make the biggest difference. I want to be a difference maker, what about you?

You may create memories today. Yet what kind of memories will they be? Some will create bad memories because of their selfishness, anger or greed. Others will impact lives with acts of mercy and grace.

Yet there are others who simply blend in with the culture. Rather than making memories, they simply want to be spectators. Yes, they want to receive blessings and gifts, but they are not contributors. Sadly, when they pass away, they will leave behind few memories. They won't be remembered for any positive endeavor.

The Bible has much to say about remembering. The Israelites were commanded to observe the Passover annually. This event was designed so they would remember how God delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage. Also, they were commanded to remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

In the New Testament, believers are commanded to partake in communion. In doing so, we remember our Lord's suffering until He returns. Paul told Timothy to remember to stir up the gift of God within him. In 2 Peter 1:13, the Apostle wrote that he wanted to “stir you up by putting you in remembrance.” God told the loveless Ephesian church in Revelation 2, “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works.”

Many people have created memories that we still cherish. During this holiday period, we remember the loved ones who brightened our holidays during the past. The Lord has brought us through many experiences that we should continually remember and thank Him for.

As we come to the close of the year, let us create memories for the generations that will follow us. One day, they may look back with fondness and recall how we invested in their lives and contributed to their growth.

Most of all, let us all remember our Lord. He has made great investments in our lives. Remember how He saved you from your sins. Recall how He changed your life. But don't stop there. Also, think back to all the times He has met your needs, helped you through trials and provided grace to help you. Such memories should stir up gratitude in our hearts that we should express verbally to Him.

Yes, there are negative memories that will come to our minds from time to time. Yet we can choose the thoughts we dwell on. For me, I'd rather think about the good times, what about you?

When I was growing up, the older crowd would fondly recall “the good old days.” Typically, these were childhood memories spent with their parents, free of responsibility and problems. I have many fond memories of the past, some from my childhood, many from my adult years. Yet I am convinced that the best day is yet ahead. It will be one endless day in a place called heaven. While it is good to remember the past, we shouldn't live there. Remember the past, live in the present and look forward to the future.

In the meanwhile, let's create memories by living each day to the fullest for the glory of God.

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