"Little children, keep yourselves from idols." - 1 John 5:21

When we think about idols, we tend to remember reading about idols that the Israelites worshiped in the Old Testament.  We're tempted to think that idols are only manmade statutes or images.  Technically, anything that is worshiped, except the true God, is an idol.

I believe that all Americans, even atheists, worship on a regular basis.  However, we don't always have the same object of worship.  Most Americans worship idols. Very few actually worship the only true God. 

John closed his first epistle with a warning to believers:  "Little children, keep yourselves from idols."  It seems strange that born again believers would need to be warned about idol worship, yet I believe the warning is needed -- especially now. 

It is easy for us to spot idol worship among the pagans.  It is much more difficult for us to identify idol worship in our own lives.  Perhaps you're thinking that you're immune to idol worship.  If so, consider the following:

1.  MONEY. 
Most believers that I know are not wealthy.  Money can be an idol for people of any income bracket.  There's a fundamental reason why I believe money is an idol for many believers:  stinginess.  By and large, Christians have a bad reputation for being stingy.  As recipients of God's grace, we should be the most generous people on the earth!

I realize that this subject may make some angry, yet it needs to be addressed.  Jesus said, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26).  Jesus is not teaching us to hate our families.  Instead, He is teaching us that our love for Him should be far greater than our love for family.  In fact, compared to our love for Jesus, our love for family should seem like hate.  Quite honestly, many professing believers will sacrifice everything for family members but will do virtually nothing for Jesus.  Does that tell you something?

I understand the need to unwind and relieve stress, but hobbies should never become idols.  Whether it is hunting, fishing, or restoring an old car, these things should never receive the love and loyalty that belongs to Jesus.

Do I need to write much about this?  Many Americans will spend a lot of money and travel long distances to sit and cheer their team on.  They'll paint themselves and act crazy during the game.  Yet very few have that kind of devotion and vocal participation in church.

Many people are slaves to their television.  Despite the awful programs that are broadcast, many spend countless hours watching TV.  Lester Roloff used to refer to TV as the "one-eyed monster."  You may think it is foolish for a person to worship a cow or a statute, yet it is just as foolish to worship a TV set.

The internet has bypassed television as being the biggest time-waster in America.  I am shocked at how much time others spend on the internet.  Sadly, the internet has become more than a way of life for some --- it is their lives.

7.  ME.
The most popular idol in America is "me."  That's right.  We worship ourselves.  We live for ourselves.  We act as though it is all about us.  We look out for "number one."  We need to change the identity of number one.  Jesus should be number one, not us.  Selfishness and pride are symptoms of "me-ism." 

Perhaps you can identify with one or more of these issues.  Maybe you feel a degree of conviction.  Let that conviction drive you to your knees in repentance.

In the Old Testament, great revivals usually began when people tore down idols and returned to the Lord.  It is time that we tare down the idols in our lives.  In your heart there is a throne that God alone should occupy.  Be aware, He will not share it with anything else. 

Do you want a time of refreshing?  Do you yearn for God to do a great work in your life?  Do you long for revival?  If so, the starting point is your own life.  Identify the idols.  Confess your idolatry.  Repent and remove the idols.  Then begin living an idol-free life.  A life dedicated completely to the Lord Jesus Christ. Today would be a great day to start.

"Little children, keep yourselves from idols."

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