"... to obey is better than sacrifice..." (1 Samuel 15:22)

It seems that many have compromised the Gospel in an attempt to make it more appealing to a depraved world.  It is ridiculous to think that we can make the Gospel more appealing while robbing it of its power.  Those who water-down the Gospel are hoping to make Jesus more attractive to a lost culture.  A lost culture hates God and our attempts to make Jesus "more appealing" will only bring tares into the church.  A person will not find Jesus appealing until his heart has been changed by the power of the Gospel.  Then the changed man will love Jesus.

Among the subjects omitted in a water-downed gospel is the subject of obedience.  There is nothing more disgusting to the nature of man that the concept of obedience.  Sinful man embraces independence and hates submission.  Sadly, this wicked attitude of fallen humanity has become prevalent in the American church.  The commands of Scripture are treated as options to be considered rather than commands to be obeyed.  Issues like baptism, communion, church attendance, forgiving others and witnessing are treated like options.  The commands of the Bible have become a buffet for people to pick and choose from.     

At the core of the matter is the Lordship of Christ.  Many professing Christians refer to Jesus as Lord, but their lack of obedience shows that he is not Lord of their lives.  In Luke 6:46, Jesus said, "why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?"

When king Saul offered only selective obedience to the Lord, Samuel responded, "... to obey is better than sacrifice..."  The Lord's message to Saul teaches us something:  selective obedience is NOT obedience at all. 

We need a fresh revival of obedience.  In his song, Keith Green wrote, "To obey is better than sacrifice, I want hearts of fire, not your prayers of ice."  Obedience (or lack thereof) is a reflection of the heart.  If a person truly loves Jesus, this love will be demonstrated through obedience.  Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15)

Revival in our churches will not come until we get serious about obedience.  We tend to obey God if His commands do not require us to leave our comfort zone.  We are often guilty of selective obedience, which is not obedience at all.  

God demands our obedience.  He is Lord.  Our lack of obedience demonstrates rebellion against His Lordship.

Just think how different America would be if professing Christians took God seriously and obeyed Him completely.

Satan may whisper, "It's okay to disobey ... you can always ask for forgiveness later."  This lie has misled many and has brought so much pain.

Here's the bottom line.  Obedience is costly, but disobedience is more costly.  Obedience may make me us uncomfortable, but disobedience will always lead to greater discomfort.  In the end, obedience is rewarded but disobedience brings severe consequences.

"To obey is better than sacrifice."   

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