"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." - Matthew 28:19-20

Recently, a prominent Baptist pastor stirred up controversy about revival through his writings on his Twitter page.  At the time, he wrote that believers should not be praying for revival, but "get busy."  After a great outcry, he later tried to clarify his remarks. 

I believe that we need a spiritual awakening in America.  We need a mighty move of God that sweeps millions of souls into the Kingdom.  Also, we need revival among believers.  American Christianity is more American than Christian.

Here's the bottom line.  We do need to pray for revival because we need God's power.  It is wrong to falsely assume that programs, strategies and personal effort can produce eternal results.  Only God can produce eternal results.  On the other hand, God does expect us to live and walk in obedience.  Praying for revival is not a substitute for obedience.  At the same time, activity is not a substitute for prayer.  We need to live prayerfully and obediently. 

With that in mind, today, I want to address a major flaw in American Christianity.  The Great Commission has become the Great Omission.  Christians are no longer evangelistic.  Evangelism is nearly extinct in our country.

Today, I want to show you four main reasons why the Great Commission has become the Great Omission.

1.  DISTRACTIONS.  One reason that evangelism is no longer a vital part of Christian living is because there are so many distractions.  Christians are continually bombarded with things to do.  Additionally, there are so many pleasure-providing venues that attract the attention of people --- and waste precious time.  Activities like sports, hobbies, television and the internet are classic examples of distractions that lure people away from the Father's work.

The devil is shrewd.  He knows that if he keeps people busy, they'll lose sight of important matters.  Evangelism is now considered a secondary issue, if it is considered at all.  We've sacrificed eternal matters on the altar of busyness.

Most church members consider evangelism to be an option rather than a command.  Distractions have turned the Great Commission into the Great Omission.

2.  DISCOMFORT.  A second reason evangelism is no longer practiced is because of the discomfort involved.  Our society emphasizes pleasure and comfort.  To be rather honest, evangelism is not naturally easy.  It is hard work.  It requires effort.  To put it bluntly, most church members are lazy.  Comfort has become a hidden idol in the lives of professing Christians.

3.  DISCOURAGEMENT.  Too often we lose sight of the fact that it is our job to liberally sow the Gospel seed.  It is God's job to make the seed grow.  We should encourage ourselves with faithfulness and have faith in future fruitfulness.  It takes time for seed to grow.  Paul wrote, "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not." 

4.  DOUBT.  This final issue is probably the most important.  Most church members are not convinced that evangelism is important.  Some erroneously believe that it is only the pastor's job to do evangelism.  Here's what I've observed.  Most Christians are not fully persuaded that every person they meet is either heaven-bound or hell-bound.  We no longer look at people with eternity in mind.  Like unbelievers, we have fallen for the lie that everyone is going to live forever here on earth.  It comes as a shock when a family member, neighbor, co-worker or friend dies.  Even worse, most funerals are conducted as if the deceased is in heaven, even if there was nothing in the deceased person's life to indicate a Christian faith. 

Professing Christians are apathetic about evangelism because they are not totally convinced that hell is real and that people are going there.  When confronted with this reality, many claim to believe the Bible, love the Lord and embrace the truth.  Yet their actions speak otherwise.  Until people are convinced that hell is real & souls are going there, they will remain apathetic.  Until believers are convinced that time is running out and most people around them are hopeless lost, church members will continue living as if evangelism is unimportant.

That is why we need to pray for revival.  Christians need to be awakened by the Holy Spirit.  Pastors, deacons, Sunday School teachers, Christian workers and the rest of our church members need to be shaken to the core.  We need God to stir us and revive faith in the lives of believers.  When Christians soberly face the reality and urgency of the situation, then we will pray with desperation and share the Gospel with intentionality.

Then the Great Omission will become the Great Commission in America again.

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...