"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten..." - Revelation 3:19

Corporal punishment in the schools is a controversial subject at this time.  Some believe that allowing corporal punishment in schools would drastically reduce discipline problems.  I believe the greater problem lies in the lack of discipline in the home.  Parents refuse to be responsible for their children's discipline.  Sad, isn't it?

Some go so far as to say that any parent (or teacher) who practices corporal punishment is a bad parent at best and an abuser at worst.  Missing from the argument is the fact that God has advised parents to correct their children.

I think that all Christians would agree that God our Father is the example that parents should seek to emulate.  While many try to portray our Father as only a loving, kind parent that never hurts anyone, the Bible says otherwise.  In fact, our heavenly Father disciplines His children.  No, He does not use a literal switch, paddle or belt, but He does implement discipline --- often through situations that are painful and personal.  The old timers used to refer to the act of spanking as taking a child "out to the woodshed."  Sometimes God must take one of His children to the woodshed.  It would not surprise me to know that someone reading this message may be in the woodshed right now! 

Here's some facts we need to know about God's woodshed.

God only disciplines His own children.  The Lord never spanks the devil's children.  Hebrews 12:7-8 says, "If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?  But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons."  

Under proper conditions, discipline is carried out because of love.  The word "discipline" and "disciple" are very similar.  You see, discipline is part of the process of learning.  When we were children, we had to be taught to behave.  Sometimes discipline was used in this instruction.  God disciplines His children because He loves them.  In Revelation 3:19, our Lord states, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten."

God only disciplines us when we sin.  While the Lord's pruning may come at any time (for the sake of fruitfulness), His discipline comes only when we sin.  Just as a good parent disciplines his child only when he does wrong, our heavenly Father only takes a child to the woodshed when he or she does wrong.

God's discipline is intended to do more than teach us a lesson.  Hebrews 12:10 states that discipline is given "that we might be partakers of his holiness."  Furthermore, the following verse in Hebrews 12 reveals, "Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby."  God is serious about our sanctification and we should be, too!

Think about a few things.  First, God's discipline helps us to maintain a healthy fear of Him.  When I was growing up, I had a healthy fear of my earthly father.  I loved him, but I also knew that if I misbehaved, harsh discipline could be expected.  That healthy fear of him helped me to slowly develop a respect for authority. 

A second benefit of discipline is the assurance that Someone cares enough to steer us in the right direction.  I pity the children that grow up without knowing that their parents really care enough to discipline them.

A third benefit of God's discipline is the realization that God will do whatever it takes to keep us on the right road.  He cares too much to allow us amble off into rebellion and self-destruction.  The chastening rod is actually a security rod.

God's chastening is never pleasurable, but it is beneficial. 

We should thank God for His woodshed.

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