"This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me." (Matthew 15:8)

Do you long to see God move in our churches again?  Do you yearn to see a great spiritual awakening in our land once more?  I do.  Yet I know that presently, revival is not a reality in America. 

What is hindering us from experiencing revival in our churches?  I believe that there are many things that are holding back God's blessings.  In this message, we are going to explore one major issue that is hindering revival:  empty religion.

There's a huge difference between Biblical Christianity and empty religion.  Biblical Christianity centers on a thriving relationship with Christ, while empty religion is focused on tradition, legalism and ritual.  Biblical Christianity leads to meaningful worship, while empty religion leads to coldness and indifference.

One reason that we are not seeing revival in American churches is because many churches offer nothing more than empty religion.  Sadly, most church members leave church the same way they came:  empty. 

We have substituted ritual for relationship, ceremony for Christ, legalism for life, programs for prayer, and performance for praise.  Genuine worship is missing from many congregations. 

Jesus saw this problem among the religious crowd of His day.  In our text, Jesus quotes from the Old Testament.  Obviously, from the beginning, the devil has successfully caused people to substitute religion for authentic worship.

Too often, churches have a man-centered focus.  Churches are programmed like radio stations; formatted to please a certain audience.  I've heard of "seeker sensitive" churches --- churches that plan their services with the intent of being inoffensive to visitors.  Without being overly critical, the fact is that God is the Seeker.  We need to be sensitive to Him. 

Jesus pinpointed the problem of empty religion:  "... their heart is far from me."  The issue is not the style of music, length of a sermon or denominational title.  The real issue is the heart.  When our hearts seek God, our praise will be genuine.  When our hearts adore Christ, our worship will be heartfelt.  When we begin to see God (by faith) in His beauty and glory, we will experience the awe and reverence for Him that we should have.

I can't help but think that revival would occur in our churches if we would repent of empty religion and come boldly to the throne of grace.  Revival is nothing more than a move of God to transform the heart of His people.  When our hearts turn to Him, revival occurs.  As long as we hold on to dead, empty religion, we continue down the path of indifference and ineffectiveness.

Instead of following after ritual and tradition, let us seek the face of God.  When our worship becomes meaningful, everything else will fall into place.  Jesus said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...and all these things shall be added unto you."  We are not told to seek our own kingdom or even the kingdom of our church or denomination.  We are challenged to seek God and His kingdom.  God promised, "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." (Jer. 29:13).  Notice that the heart is the key. 

Empty religion is a hindrance to revival.  On the other hand, authentic, heartfelt worship of God fuels revival fires.

Why settle for empty religion?

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