"... ye have not, because ye ask not." (James 4:2)

We need revival.  Yet one of the major hindrances to revival is a lack of prayer by God's people.  Sure, we talk about prayer, sing about prayer, think about prayer, read about prayer and even attend prayer meetings.  But do we REALLY pray?

In the book of Acts, the early Church was a praying Church.  When revival came on the day of Pentecost, believers gathered in an upper room and focused on one thing: prayer.  When intense persecution arose, believers did not hire a lawyer, instead they gathered together to pray.  When Peter was arrested, facing certain execution, the Church gathered to pray.  When Paul and Silas were arrested and thrown into prison, at midnight they prayed and sang praises to God. 

What has happened to churches in America?  Most professing believers would do about anything rather than pray.  Yet the great need of our hour is prayer.

What ever happened to prayer meetings in our churches?  While many churches refer to their Wednesday night services as "prayer meetings," more often than not, they are Bible study classes.  I am convinced that most church members are not interested in prayer meetings.  Prove me wrong.  Advertise and conduct a genuine prayer meeting.  More than likely few will come for the first service and fewer will come as time passes.  Most people are not interested in praying.  Yet without prayer, we have no hope of revival.

Nearly every revival in the Bible and church history began with just a handful of people who came together to seek God.  I believe that revival in America can only come as God's people unite for prayer.

James wrote, "... ye have not, because ye ask not."  What a profound truth!  Many churches are desolate today because of a lack of prayer.

Here's the real problem: most "prayers" are superficial.  It is easy to "go through the motions" in prayer.  Sadly, many believers try to manipulate God when they pray.  If they were honest, many of their prayers are shallow and selfish.  Prayer at church is usually a formality. 

Yet we need a fresh revival of prayer.  Here are two major things we need to do in prayer:

1.  SEEK THE FACE OF GOD.  We need to seek the Lord Himself.  Do we seek Him or only His blessings?  We need Him desperately.  We need to worship Him in our prayers.  We need to adore and praise the One we are praying to. 

2.  SEEK THE GRACE OF GOD.  Secondly, we need to seek God's grace.  We should not confuse God's blessings with God Himself, however we do need His blessings.  We need Him to break through barriers, move mountains and change hearts.  We need Him to restore homes, reunite marriages and bring prodigals home.  We need Him to bring fresh conviction of sin.  We need Him to save lost souls from hell.  We need a fresh touch from God ourselves. 

It is not wrong to have a prayer list.  As a matter of fact, I highly recommend that you use a prayer list.  However, we need to avoid the trap of becoming mechanical in our prayers.  We need to offer heartfelt prayers to the Lord.

I really believe we'd see revival come to our churches if God's people prayed.  God referred to His house as a "house of prayer" (Isaiah 56:7; Mat. 21:13). 

It is time for the House of God to be a house of prayer again!

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...