"Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Timothy 3:12)

This week, we've been reminded that Christian persecution has arrived in America.  In the past, we've faced minor forms of persecution, such as ridicule and isolation.  This week, it has been reported that the city of Houston has subpoenaed sermons from five pastors who've vocally criticized the city's gay ordinance and its lesbian mayor.  The legal action taken by the city has invaded the sanctuary of the church and violated the Constitution.  Of course, the action taken by the mayor is an act of intimidation as well as persecution. 

Regardless of the outcome of this outrageous act, we must face the reality that Christian persecution is here.  While the action by the city of Houston has incited heavy criticism from inside and even outside the church, be assured that such action in the future will be more acceptable as our nation continues its downward spiral into a Sodom-like society.

Let me be clear about something.  I don't think the pulpit is the place to endorse political candidates.  However, moral, ethical and spiritual subjects such as gay marriage, abortion and euthanasia need to be addressed.  

The fact is that the moral erosion of our nation is now impacting churches.  As a result, I believe that few are ready for the consequences.  With Christian persecution on the rise in our country, we need to seriously ponder the issue of persecution.  In American, there are few sermons about persecution --- and with good reason.  So far, there's been very little Biblical Christianity to persecute.

The Bible has much to say about persecution.  In fact, here are some facts we need to understand.

1.  PERSECUTION WILL COME.   Paul wrote, "... all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."  Notice that Paul wrote that ALL who live godly in Christ are going to suffer persecution. 

2.  PERSECUTION HAS COME.  Many Christians are already suffering persecution in other countries.  Many are dying because of their faith.  For the most part, the American press avoids this subject. 

3.  GOD HAS NOT PROMISED TO SPARE US FROM PERSECUTION.  Although God can, and many times does spare us from persecution, it is wrong to think that God will always intervene and stop persecution.  Keep in mind that most of the disciples were martyred for their faith. 

4.  PERSECUTION PURIFIES THE CHURCH.  The American church is filthy because of greed, pride, and heresy.  When persecution arises, there is often a separation of saints and pretenders.  The heat of persecution melts away the dross from the pure.

5.  PERSECUTION OFTEN LEADS TO REVIVAL.  Many of us pray for revival in America, but how will it come?  Most of us desire revival to come during economic prosperity and political calmness.  However, most of the time, revival comes during times of desperation.  Keep in mind that Israel grew most when Pharaoh sought to stop their growth.  During desperate times, God's people get intense in their prayers.  God seems to be drawn to desperate, weak people.

Knowing that Christian persecution is here, what should we do?  Most pray for political solutions.  While it is not wrong to pray for the outcome of elections, that should not be our primary focus.  We need spiritual solutions instead of political solutions.  Instead of praying most for our national elections, let's pray for a national revival!  Folks, we need to prepare for persecution.  Here's a few ways to prepare.

1.  KNOW WHAT YOU BELIEVE.  This is vital.  It is not enough to say, "this is what my church believes," or "this is what I've been taught."  You need to know what you believe.  Read your Bible.  Stay in your Bible.  Know what you believe.

2.  KNOW WHY YOU BELIEVE.  It is important to know why you believe the Bible.  Trying to determine this during hot persecution will be too late.  Find out why you believe right now.  Study the Bible.  Study apologetics.  Have strong convictions that are built upon God's Word.

3.  DRAW LINES IN THE SAND.  Know ahead of time what decisions you will make during persecution.  Determine right now what you will refuse to do.  Determine this moment that you will not compromise your faith.

4.  STAND FIRM.  Right now is the time to stand firm.  If you cannot and will not stand firm in your faith while persecution is light, how will you stand when persecution is intense? 

It would be wonderful if Jesus would come before persecution gets worse in America.  But unless Jesus comes in my lifetime, this very blog message may be used as evidence against me as a "crime against the state." 

It is time for American Christians to prepare for persecution. 

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