"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." - Romans 12:21

This coming week, many Americans will be celebrating the pagan "holiday" known as Halloween.  I admit that I have never really liked Halloween.  Since becoming a Christian, I like the "holiday" even less.

Halloween, as it is celebrated these days, is a holiday for the "dark side" of life.  Issues like death, demons and deceit are at the core of the day.  Many young people dress up in costumes and go door-to-door seeking candy.  I am surprised at the number of adults who dress up for Halloween.  A few years ago, I was at an office where several of the workers were wearing Halloween costumes.  One woman was dressed as a nun.  When I see adults wearing costumes at Halloween, I feel like quoting 1 Corinthians 13:11:  "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."  Some people need to grow up. 

I think it is high time for Christians to dare to be different.  Christians should teach their children the truth.  We don't make light of demons.  Neither do we celebrate the deeds of darkness.  Instead, we live and walk in the light.

In my opinion, the nature of Halloween is demonic.  As a Christian, I want nothing to do with Halloween.  I know that some will chuckle and think that I am too strict or overreacting to things.  I don't care.  I think it is time for Christians to get serious about vital matters of life & faith.

Paul wrote, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."  Although most people, including most professing Christians, consider Halloween to be an innocent time of fun, I refuse to participate.  The longer I live, the more I am convinced that I need to live separate from the world.  Some will call me a legalist, but I want to heed Paul's words, "Be not overcome of evil."

Despite my disdain for Halloween, the "holiday" does pose great evangelistic opportunities for us.  Paul wrote, "... overcome evil with good."  Is it wrong to give candy to children who knock on your door?  The answer comes from our text:  overcome evil with good.  Christians should not be mean or heartless to children.  Instead, we should be loving and merciful.  Here's an idea:  if you give out candy to children on Halloween, put a Gospel tract in their bag along with candy.  Overcome evil with good.  If people at work want to share "ghost stories," you can share the true story of how the Holy Ghost has worked in your life.

The key to overcoming evil with good is found in this simple command of Christ:  "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 5:17).   During Halloween, the world emphasizes darkness.  The light shines brightest in dark areas.  Jesus has called us to be that light.

Often I find myself complaining about the darkness around me.  Often the Lord reminds me that this is a world of darkness.  I've not been called to complain but to let the light of Christ shine from my life. 

Some claim that Halloween is the devil's holiday.  I think it is a great day for Christians to rise up and let the light of Christ penetrate the darkness around us. 

The devil may offer tricks, but the only treat is found in Christ.  Instead of complaining or being neutral about Halloween, let's be proactive in making Christ known.  Make this Halloween a day of prayer.  Be strategic.  Deliberately spend the entire day sharing the Gospel.  Let the light of Christ penetrate the darkness.

Overcome evil with good. 

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