"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" - Psalm 11:3

When contractors begin the process of building a high-rise, much of the work is concentrated on the foundation.  If the foundation is flawed, the rest of the building will be unstable and will ultimately fall.  Safety and security begins with the foundation.  The same is true our individual lives.  Certainly, this truth applies to our nation. 

Typically, we are impressed with the super structure of a building.  However, the most important part of the building is rarely seen --- the foundation.  Without a good foundation, the building will not stand during a storm.  Without a good foundation, the building will not stand the test of time.

Right now, the foundations are being destroyed in America.  The foundation that our forefathers established has been the target for destruction.  Sadly, the American church has been virtually silent while destruction occurs.

In recent days, we've seen lawless acts conducted by citizens.  We've even seen famous men condone such behavior and even encourage it.  When authority is undermined, a nation is in trouble.  Beneath all the talk and rhetoric are issues like racism, hatred, violence, dishonesty and anger.  These are perilous times.  Our nation is in trouble.

It is said that the sign of a termite's presence is rarely seen until the damage has already been done.  The termites of sin have been busy eating away the foundation of our nation. 

Our text asks the question, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"  I think that American Christians need to ponder this question today.

Let me share some thoughts about our nation and our eroding foundations.

The first step in addressing our nation's problems is to realize the truth.  It is easy to live in denial and pretend that everything is going fine.  The truth is often difficult to admit and even more difficult to address, but the situation can never improve until we honestly confront the problem.  We need to see things as they are, not as we wish them to be. 

Secondly, we must repent of our involvement in the destructive process.  Most believers are guilty of apathy and inactivity.  However, the Bible condemns omission as sin (see James 4:17).

Americans have slept while the devil has been busy.  By and large American Christians have been playing church, but the devil has not been playing at all.  Instead, our enemy has implemented a very clever strategy that targets the very foundation of our lives while believers have remained silent.

It is easy for believers to blame an unbelieving society for the mess that we're in.  However, unbelievers are walking in darkness.  We shouldn't expect unbelievers to stand fast for the truth --- that is our job.  We want to blame politicians or some special interest group for our nation's demise, but the real blame lies at the house of God.  We've allowed our nation's foundation to be compromised during our watch. 

We need to repent.

Third, we need to resist.  The Bible says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).  As Christians, we've remained silent too long.  We have permitted many sinful ways to become acceptable, all under the umbrella of "unity" and "love." 

As believers, we should resist evil instead of permitting it.  We should take a stand for truth, even if we stand alone. 

We are more interested in being liked than being right.  Your popularity is meaningless if God is not pleased.  We'd prefer to entertain people than to impact them.

Before a foundation can be reconstructed, the termites must be removed.

Finally, we need to work together to restore the things that have been taken away.  It is easier to maintain a good foundation than to rebuild one.  However, once the damage has been done, it is deadly to delay the work of restoration. 

As believers, there are a number of things we should concentrate on.  First of all, we need concentrate on prayer.  God is the only One who can turn our nation around.  We desperately need Him.  We must begin on our knees.

Secondly, we need to return to the Word of God.  Dust off your Bible and begin reading it again.  We need to have Biblical literacy in our churches once more.

Third, we need to obey the Lord.  It is not enough to know the Bible, we need to believe and obey the Word.  Obedience is missing from the lives of many Christians.  For the believer, there is no substitute for obedience.

Next, we need to restore Biblical doctrine to our pulpits.  It is sad to see how many preachers are preaching false doctrine.  We need a revival of old-fashioned sin hating, Christ-honoring, Spirit-filled, soul-winning, Church-edifying, God-pleasing preaching. 

Also, we need to be bold with our faith.  We need to be bold believers for Jesus Christ.  Our dying world needs the very hope that we have.  We need to stand for God's Word.  We need to boldly proclaim the Gospel and win souls.

Furthermore, we need to make the most of opportunities.  Every time there is an election, Christians should make the most of the opportunity by voting.  I am not promoting one party or candidate over another.  However, it is vital that our decisions be based upon the Word of God.  As important as it is to vote, our nation will not be turned around at the voting booth.  Instead, our nation will be turned around in the prayer closet.  Yet God expects us to make the most of our opportunities.  Make the most of opportunities to let others know what God says. 

Our foundations are being destroyed.  It is time for believers to stand up and begin restoring the foundations.  Begin with your own life.  Work on the foundation of your marriage.  Get busy restoring the foundation of your family.  Let's work together to secure the foundation of our churches.  Finally, let us labor in harmony to see that the foundation of our nation be restore.

Restoring foundations won't happen overnight, but it needs to start.  Today is good day to begin.

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