"It is more blessed to give than to receive." - Acts 20:35

There is nothing worse than stingy Christians.  If we are recipients of God's bountiful grace, shouldn't we have generous hearts?  When God fills a heart, He opens the hand to give. 

For unbelievers, Christmas is a time for giving and receiving gifts.  For Christians, giving is not a once-a-year event.  When God gives to us generously, He gives so that we may give.  Generosity is a reflection of God's character.  When we give, we tangibly demonstrate God's love to others.

Here are some facts about giving:

  • We are stewards.  God owns everything, including our money.  He has given us the responsibility to manage the money that has been entrusted to us. 
  • Because of sin, mankind is selfish and stingy.  Stinginess is a product of our fallen race.  Children do not need to be taught how to be stingy and selfish, they tend to act that way on their own.  Sadly, adults have not matured much in the area of giving either. 
  • Most people feel that ministers and churches try to manipulate them into giving.  It is true that some ministers try to lay a "guilt trip" on their listeners by preaching manipulative sermons.  Sadly, some ministers have become secret millionaires at the expense of well-meaning people; bringing disgrace to Christ and His church.
  • The Bible does NOT teach that if you give to a ministry, you will become financially rich.  Although this belief is spreading, it is not Biblically correct.
  • Most importantly, giving is not just about money.  Giving of your time and talents is just as important as giving of your money.  In this message, we'll focus on financial giving, since the Bible often addresses this specific issue. 

Since there is so much misinformation being spread, it is time that believers understand what the New Testament actually teaches about financial giving.

Paul instructed the Corinthian believers to give on a regular basis (1 Cor. 16:2).  Additionally, Christians are reminded to help the poor and needy (Gal. 2:10).  Giving should not be restricted to one day in December.  Christians are to give regularly.

Although many TV ministers try to manipulate viewers into giving, the Bible teaches believers to give lovingly (2 Cor. 9:7).  I know it goes against the grain to believe this, but if we've received freely from God, we should give freely --- even with enthusiasm!  I believe that stingy Christians are miserable Christians.  Jesus said, "It is more BLESSED to give than to receive" (emphasis added).  The Lord blesses a Christian who gives lovingly. 

2 Corinthians chapter 9 is a wonderful chapter that concentrates on the subject of Christian giving.  While many use a calculator to determine the amount of a tip at a restaurant or the size of the offering to give at church, God wants us to have an abundance mentality.  Let me illustrate this point.  Most people ask themselves the question: "What is the least I have to give?"  However, the right question should be: "What is the most I am able to give?"  Do you see the difference?  The stingy attitude focuses on legalism, "... the least I HAVE to give..." The generous attitude focuses on opportunity, "... the most I am ABLE to give..." The stingy attitude looks at the least that can be given, while the generous attitude looks at the most that can be given.

Quite honestly, genuine Christian giving isn't determined by a calculator, but with love.  New Testament giving isn't an issue of the wallet, but of the heart.

On December 25th, the unbelieving world focuses on giving.  For the obedient Christian, December 25th is just one of 365 days of giving that occurs in 2014. 

I'm glad that God gives to us daily and not just on December 25th, aren't you?  When we open our hearts to the Lord and obey His leading, we'll find that incredible joy awaits us as we give in His Name.

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