" not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." - Romans 12:2

Last week, we looked at the spiritual battleground of Christianity:  the mind.  The strategy of the devil is to infiltrate our thoughts, slowly modify our thoughts and eventually defeat us through our thoughts.

Before our conversion, we were slaves to the devil.  His influence penetrated every aspect of our lives, including our thoughts.  For many years, his sinful influence molded our lives.  When we met Christ, we experienced real, radical change.  Yet we must confess that we still face daily battles with our thoughts.  Our battles include episodes with shame, guilt, fear, lust, greed, jealously, pride, anger, and much more.  We sometimes find that the sinful weeds in our minds have deep roots.  It isn't enough to mow down the weeds; they need to be uprooted. 

Today, we are going to learn how to aggressively respond to the enemy's attacks.  As believers in Jesus, we do not have to be deceived or defeated.  Our text teaches us three things.  First, we are to refuse to be conformed to the world.  The world is attempting to mold our minds so that we will reject God and rebel against Him.  There is an overt attempt to manipulate believers into conforming to sinful attitudes and actions.  Secondly, our text teaches us to be transformed by renewing our minds.  We will focus on this subject in this message.  Finally, believers are encouraged to discover the will of God.  Rather than living after the world's pattern, we are challenged to follow God's plan.

The key to victorious Christian living is found in the phrase, " ye transformed by the renewing of your minds..." When our minds are renewed, our lives are transformed.  The key question is, how can our minds be renewed?  Here are a few practical tips I want to share with you.

Often, we'd like to have a "spiritual experience" that changes us in a split-second, including our thought-process.  However, if you've been struggling for decades, you shouldn't expect overnight results.  Obviously, God is able to accomplish anything in an instant, if He so chooses.  From our text, we should realize that renewing our minds is a process that takes time.   

We need to embrace the process of renewal.  Although the process may not end today, it needs to begin today. 

The process of renewing the mind will take time, thus, persistence is required.   Self-discipline will be needed.  Even though God has given us the resources necessary to have our minds renewed, it is up to us to implement them.  These resources must be used on a regular basis.  Too many believers seek a band-aid solution for their problems.  Such a superficial approach leads to frustration and failure.

Your mind does not get renewed by accident.  You must be intentional about renewing your mind.  It requires effort, even hard work, to have a renewed mind.  Self-help books, videos and resources abound, yet what we need most is God's help.  Fortunately, He has provided us the tools needed to renew our minds.  We must use these tools deliberately.  It isn't enough to know about these tools or intend to use them.  We must put them to use.  Secondly, we must use the tools correctly.  Improper use of a tool will not yield the proper results.  Finally, as mentioned before, we must use these tools regularly.  Consistency is the key to renewing the mind.  So, what are these resources and how can we implement them in our lives?  

A.        God's Word. 
The primary method God uses to renew the mind is His Word, the Bible.  There is no substitute for God's Word.  Bathe your mind with the truth of God's Word.  God's Word is the spiritual water that cleanses your mind.  Here are a few suggestions to help you.

Practice meditation.  Superficial reading of the Bible does not yield the fruit that careful meditation does.  God's Word is food for the soul, so slowly digest the Word.  By the way, I suggest that you read from a good Bible that has easy-to-read print.

Practice memorization.  Choose verses that deal with the issues you struggle with.  Write out each verse on one side of an index card, with the Scripture reference on the other side.  Carry the card with you.  Every moment you can, pull out the card and meditate on the verse.  Recite the verse during critical moments of temptation or concern.

B.        The Church
Get plugged into a good, Bible-preaching church.  When you are exposed to the teaching and preaching of the Word on a regular basis, your mind experiences renewal.  Additionally, the fellowship of other believers encourages and challenges you in the renewal process.

C.        Good Christian Books, Audio books and Messages
There are many great Christian books available that God may use to help renew your mind.  It is important to choose the right books to use because there are many bad books on the market.  You may consult with your pastor before investing a lot of money in books.  Here are a few suggestions that I will give you.  Read from a good devotional book regularly.  The best devotional books include, "Morning and Evening," by Charles Spurgeon, and "My Utmost For His Highest," by Oswald Chambers.  Keep in mind that devotional books are not to take the place of reading the Bible.  Also, I recommend great Christian books like, "The Pursuit of God," and "The Knowledge of the Holy," both written by A. W. Tozer.  "All of Grace," by Charles Spurgeon has always been a personal favorite of mine.  More recently, "Radical," by David Platt has been a challenging book. 

In addition to reading, I often utilize my traveling time by listening to Christian audio books and sermons by other preachers.  Good Christian music can also be beneficial in renewing the mind.  In all cases, make sure that the information you are receiving is Biblically sound.

D.            Mature believers
When you spend time talking with mature believers about the Bible, faith and Christian living, you find yourself being blessed, helped and inspired.  Often you can gain valuable insight from those who've experienced so much of God and His Word.  If you wish to become mature, hang around mature people.  The mature thinking of experienced believers may be used of God in the process of renewing your mind.

Finally, let me recommend that you stay away from the things that hinder you from being renewed in your mind.  Abstain from watching TV programs, visiting Internet sites, listening to music or hanging around people that lead your thoughts in sinful directions.  Pray for God's guidance and wisdom so that you'll make wise decisions each moment.

It is God's will for your mind to be renewed.  When your mind is renewed, your life is transformed.  Let the Master reprogram your mind --- beginning today! 

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