TEXT:  "I am the LORD, I change not." - Malachi 3:16

Recently, I thought about the dramatic changes that have taken place in my lifetime.  When I was young, black and white televisions were sold along with color sets.  These days, most people have flat screen TV's with high definition.  Growing up, we had just a few local TV channels to choose from.  Now, hundreds of TV channels are available if you have a dish or subscribe to cable television.  I never used a computer when I was growing up, either in school or at home.  These days, most people use computers at home, school and work.  In fact, you're considered weird if you don't possess or use a computer.

Even worse are the moral, ethical and spiritual changes that have taken place.  When I was young, it was not common to hear of divorce.  Now, it is a common occurrence to hear that a marriage has ended.  When I was growing up, homosexuality was rarely spoken of publicly, and when it was, it was highly frowned upon.  Today, a person is considered a narrow-minded bigot if he does not endorse "an alternative lifestyle."  Honesty was greatly emphasized in my youth.  These days, people practice "situation ethics," by which they lie and cheat without remorse.  Furthermore, church was an important institution for Christians when I was growing up.  Now, professing Christians treat church like an unnecessary option.

Despite all the changes I've seen take place in my lifetime, one thing has never changed:  God!  The immutability of God is one of His attributes.  He never changes.  I've known people who seemed to change, but the Lord has not.

In the name of religion, many act like the Word of God needs to be interpreted in light of modern thought.  Just as bad, some claim to have "personal revelation" from God, which is in sharp contrast to His Word.  Because of this, there are professing Christians, even "ministers," who promote heresy. 

Here's the truth:  God has not changed.  He never has changed.  He never will change.  You don't have to wonder what His opinion is on a subject.  His stand on a subject does not sway based upon popular opinion or the latest trends. 

Furthermore, God and His Word are always in agreement.  Despite the efforts of some to change the Bible, the Word of God remains the same.  God will never do or say anything that is contrary to His Word. 

I've known people who change opinions and moods on a regular basis.  When you meet them, you never know where they stand on an issue or what kind of mood they are in.  God is not like that.  He always stands for truth and righteousness.  He never changes.

Because God never changes, we can depend upon Him to keep His Word.  If God continually changed, we would never know which, if any, of His promises would be kept.

Here's a question to ponder:  why would God ever need to change?  He is perfect.  He is always right.  Why would He change from perfection to something less?  Why would He change from right to wrong?  If God changed, He would no longer be God, would He?  Forever He remains the same. 

Because God never changes, we can trust His character.  Because He never changes, we will find consistency in Him. 

God never changes.  A few years ago, a politician ran a political campaign based upon the slogan, "Change you can believe in."  We don't need to place our faith in politicians who promise change.  Instead, we need to place our faith in the One who never changes.

Although the world changes around us, God NEVER changes!

TEXT:  "Is any thing too hard for the LORD?" - Genesis 18:4

The question that poses as our text is a question that the Lord asked about Himself.  Obviously, God didn't ask the question to learn something; instead, He asked the question to challenge Abraham and Sarah. 

The Lord's question should challenge us as well.  Is anything too hard for the Lord?  Obviously, the answer is a resounding NO!  God is omnipotent, which means He is all-powerful.

I am glad that I serve an omnipotent God.  Nothing is too hard for Him.  He is the One who spoke the universe into existence.  He has the power to raise the dead, open deaf ears, bring sight to the blind, and cause the cripple to work.   He is the One that caused the Red Sea to part, the sun to stand still, and a donkey to talk.  He has the power to move mountains, demolish strongholds and punish wicked men.  He can easily perform miracles like restoring marriages, bringing prodigals home and transforming sinners into saints.

Think about it.  If God were not omnipotent, He wouldn't be God, would He?

Let me give you a few reasons I am glad that God is all-powerful:

I face problems that I cannot solve by myself.  I face challenges that cannot be overcome by human strength alone.  There are some problems that cannot be solved without God's intervention.  I am grateful that God is able to solve any problem that I face.  Nothing is too hard for God.

God has made promises to me in His Word.  These promises are so enormous that it will take an omnipotent God to keep them.  He has proven Himself faithful time and time again.  He has the authority to make a promise and the power to back up that promise.  Nothing is too hard for God.

I fight battles every day.  I must confess that I know what defeat feels like.  I can recall the times I fought spiritual battles with worldly weapons & ended up failing greatly.  The One who gave David victory over a giant is the only One who can give me victory day by day.  He is the One who caused the mighty city of Jericho to fall flat & He is the One that can bring strongholds down for me.  Nothing is too hard for God.

When I pray, I take impossible situations to God.  He is the only One who specializes in impossible situations.  Apart from this all-powerful God, my prayers will be just empty words spoken into the wind.  Nothing is too hard for God.

He has proven that He can break through the most hardened hearts.  There are many people I care deeply about who need God to do a miracle in their lives.  I still believe that salvation is the greatest miracle of all.  A miracle, by definition, is something only God can do.  Only God can get the attention of a lost person.  Only God can bring spiritual conviction.  Only God can draw a lost person to Himself.  Only God can bring life to a person that is spiritually dead.  Nothing is too hard for God.

I could go on and on, but the point is plain:  Nothing is too hard for God.  Is there anything God can't do?  There are some things that God won't do.  He won't sin.  He won't perform any evil acts.  He will never lie.  He will never break His promise.  He will never do anything outside of the scope of His character.

We can trust God with our future.  We can depend on Him to meet our needs.  We can be confident that He will keep His Word.   We know He can do the impossible.

Nothing is too hard for God!

TEXT:  "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." - Hebrews 13:5

What would do if you knew that Jesus was going to visit your house tomorrow?  Would you dust the furniture and vacuum the floor?  Would you hide magazines and questionable books?  Would you act differently than you normally do?

The fact is that He is at your home right now!  Jesus promised His followers, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."  Perhaps we need to emphasize the word, "never" in that verse.  Although He is not visible to our eyes, the Lord is with us right now.

God is omnipresent.  He is everywhere at once.  He is with me as I write this message.  He is also with you, even if you're in another state or country. 

Among the many attributes of God, His omnipresence is one that we should consider.  The omnipresence of God should bring caution and comfort to all of His children.

First of all, the omnipresence of God should lead us to live with caution.  Far too many professing Christians act as if God isn't there with them.  They pretend that He is unaware of their thoughts, words and actions. 

By and large, Americans do not fear God.  Shamefully, many professing believers show little respect and honor for the Lord.  It is hypocritical to act worshipful for an hour on Sunday, then show no regard for the Lord the rest of the week.  Why do so many church members live so hypocritically?  First of all, I'm convinced that many church members are lost.  Secondly, those who are saved often forget about the omnipresence of God. 

Our beliefs motivate our actions.  Far too often, church members view life like unbelievers:  "I only believe what I can see."   For many, faith in an unseen God can't is not revealed by their character, conduct or conversations.

How would you act if Jesus visibly visited your home?  Would you act much different than you do now?  Would you be more kind?  Would you refrain from swearing and cursing?  Would you talk judgmentally about others? 

Since the Lord is there in your home, you should live like it!  Understanding the truth of God's omnipresence should cause us to live holy lives.  Living in the light of His omnipresence should motivate us to be honest and faithful.  Knowing that God is with us should prompt us to treat others correctly.  The omnipresence of God should stir us to good works.  Worldliness and compromise would vanish if we truly believed that God is here with us every moment.

Secondly, the subject of omnipresence should bring us comfort.  Here are number of reasons His omnipresence should comfort us.

First of all, we ought to be comforted by the presence of God.  So many feel lonely and unloved.  When we truly appreciate the love of God and omnipresence of God, our loneliness fades quickly.

Secondly, the omnipresence of God comforts us because of the promises of God.  An active faith in the presence of God encourages us to keep serving.  Because Jesus has risen, Paul wrote, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."  Paul had such faith because Jesus has risen and the fact that the Lord was with him & saw everything he did.  Whether others see your sacrificial deeds or not, the omnipresent God sees them.  The promise of future rewards is precious to us because we know that God is here with us and sees everything that we do.  Such promises motivate us to keep on keeping on.

Third, His omnipresence comforts us when it comes to our prayers to God.  When we understand that God is near, prayer is no longer just a legalistic religious act.  Instead, we know that He hears every word we speak in prayer...even the silent prayers!

We serve an unseen, but ever-present Lord.  Reflect on this fact in the coming week and see how your life changes!

TEXT:  "O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me." - Psalm 139:1

I've met people who acted like they knew everything.  Cocky and arrogant, these people exude so much self-confidence and pride that it sickens those who get around them.  I have found that these "know it all" people aren't as smart as they pretend.  However, I have met Someone who really does know it all.  God is omniscient.  The word "omniscient," means that God knows everything.  God is not conceited or bragging when He claims to know all things, He is merely stating the truth.  God's omniscience terrifies some and comforts others.

Omniscience is an attribute possessed solely by God.  Often well meaning Christians believe that the devil and his demons are omniscient, but that is simply not true.  God is the only One who knows all things.

It may unnerve some to consider the omniscience of God.  Such a concept is difficult for us to grasp since we are accustomed to the finite understanding that we possess.  It is wrong to think of God as "just another guy."   When we try to think of God as a mere human, we are dishonoring God and denying the truth.

Think about the Bible for a moment.  How could prophecies be revealed unless there is a Supreme Being who knows the future & makes future events known to prophets?  How could God be confident in His ultimate triumph of the devil and evil unless He knew how everything would unfold?  In fact, if God had limited knowledge, He wouldn't be God, would He?

God knew that we'd need a Savior long before we even sinned.  God sent His Son to die for my sins long before I was even born.  The popular Gospel song is true:  "When He was on the cross, I was on His mind."  The opening line of the song's chorus states:  "He knew me ... yet He loved me."  The One who knows me best loves me most.

The Bible clearly teaches that every person will one day stand before God.  Each person will be accountable for the life he or she lived on earth.  How is that possible?  The answer is very simple.  God knows everything we do.  He knows our private thoughts and intensions as well as our public words and deeds.

To an unbeliever, the future is rather bleak.  The future of our nation, and mankind in general, seems so uncertain.  Christians draw hope and strength from the fact that God is in control.  He has solutions to problems that haven't even occurred yet. 

It is easy to worry and fret over the future.  We cannot see the future.  At best, we look at trends and plan accordingly.  Yet it bothers us to realize that tomorrow is not guaranteed.  Even for the optimist, looking into the future is like driving in dense fog.

As a Christian, I confess that there are many details about the future that are unclear to me.  Yet the One who knows the future has revealed the most important future events to me through His Word, the Bible. 

I can face the uncertainty of the future with great assurance because of the omniscience of the One who will lead me every step of the way. 

The late songwriter, Ira Stanphill, was right when he wrote,

"Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand;
But I know who holds tomorrow,
And I know who holds my hand."

I don't know everything about the future, but the One who knows tomorrow and the following tomorrows can be trusted with my future.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...