TEXT:  "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." - Hebrews 11:6

Trusting an unknown future to an unseen God is difficult for many people.  We have a visually oriented culture.  We feel comfortable with the things we see.  However, our mortal eyes do not see God.  He can only be seen through eyes of faith. 

For the past several weeks, we've examined many attributes of God.  While it is important to understand the nature of God, it is also important to know Him experientially.  It is one thing to know doctrine, it is another thing to know and walk with God. 

Trust is a fundamental component of any healthy relationship.  Superficial relationships may continue without trust, but lasting, meaningful relationships require trust.

Even though God cannot be seen with our eyes, He can be trusted.  Over and over again, God has proven Himself trustworthy.  God keeps every promise He makes.  He has never failed any of His children.  He can be trusted with the smallest of matters as well as the overwhelming issues of life.

If you can trust God with your eternal future, why can't you trust Him with smaller challenges?  Quite honestly, if God can't handle the tiny problems of life, how can He be trusted with our eternal future?

God can be trusted.  The real issue is not whether God can be trusted, but whether you will trust Him.

The writer of the book of Hebrews wrote, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."  Let's examine this a little closer.

First of all, we learn that faith is required to please God.  We tend to think that God is pleased with Bible knowledge or great acts of heroism.  However, it is possible to learn facts about the Bible without exercising faith.  Many do heroic acts without implementing faith in the Lord.  God is pleased with faith.  When a person trusts God, their Bible reading will take on new meaning.  When a person relies on God, he ventures beyond his comfort zone & obeys God explicitly.   This pleases the Lord.

God is not pleased with abstract faith.  Many have an intellectual belief that God exists.  This is not the kind of faith our text is referring to.  Instead, God is pleased with personal, active faith in Him.  God is pleased when someone takes Him at His Word.  That is faith.

Are you taking God at His Word?  Do you trust Him with every aspect of your life?  Are you living with confidence in God's ability to meet your needs?

Faith is required to please God.

Secondly, our text teaches us that faith is rewarded.  We must believe that God is, and that "... he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."  Part of our trust must include the belief that God rewards everyone who diligently seeks Him.  Faith pleases God and God rewards faith. 

Do you diligently seek Him?  Do you seek God every morning?  Do you seek His guidance and wisdom?  Do you seek His help?  Do you seek His will? 

Sadly, many only seek God when the problems of life overwhelm them.  Although God is certainly available to help with the overwhelming issues we face, it is sad to only seek Him at those times.  We should seek Him at all times.  When we seek Him, we have confidence that He will reward us.  He is pleased with such faith.

When we trust Him, our fellowship with God deepens.  Trust enables us to enjoy sweet communion with Him. 

Trust Him with every aspect of your life.  God is pleased with faith.  God rewards those who live by faith.

Will you trust Him today?

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Down To The River To Pray

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