TEXT:  "Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?" - John 18:38

Pilate seemed to ask a philosophical question when he asked, "What is truth?"  The question is more than a philosophical question; it is the most important question of all.  Our society is very uncomfortable discussing the subject of truth.  Here's the reason:  truth is more than a philosophical subject; it is a very spiritual subject.  Our society is in the process of banning all spiritual content from public discussion.  Even worse, most in our society refuse to even consider anything spiritual because they believe that spiritual matters are offensive.

At the core of our problem is this issue:  does absolute truth really exist?  Right now, our society is boldly and forcefully proclaiming that there's no such thing as absolute truth.  Instead, they promote something called, "relative truth."  Relative truth is a belief that what may be true for me may not necessarily be true for you.  Each person can define and express his or her own view of truth.  At the core of this belief is a refusal to embrace absolute truth and a rebellious spirit that objects to personal responsibility and accountability.

In an effort to practice political correctness, our society finds comfort in relative truth.  They believe that relative truth offends and hurts no one.  Most believe that relative truth promotes relational harmony and personal liberty. 

Here's the real problem:  if absolute truth really exists, then relative truth is false.  If absolute truth exists, then those who embrace relative truth believe a lie.  If absolute truth is reality, then those who promote relative truth are facing severe consequences. 

Again we return to the important question:  does absolute truth really exist?  The answer is obvious.  Absolute truth DOES exist.  Let me give you some examples:

·    Those who believe in relative truth cannot be absolutely positive that their view is correct.  After all, if they are absolutely convinced that relative truth is factual, they have destroyed their own argument, because they would be saying that relative truth is absolute truth.
·     When I was in school, many subjects were taught.  We were often given exams to verify that we learned the content taught in the class.  When I took math, I knew that 1+1=2.  This is an absolute fact.  If I answered, 1+1=7, because 7 is true for me, this would be wrong.  In mathematics, there is absolute truth.  The same is true for history.  If I were asked what year was the Declaration of Independence signed, the answer would be absolute:  1776.  There is no other correct answer.  Absolute truth DOES exist!
·        For those who promote relative truth, there is a core problem.  There are many moral issues that are absolute.  If you believe in relative truth, let me pose this question:  If Adolph Hitler believed in his heart that it was okay to murder 6 million Jews, was he right?  If relative truth is believed, then a person would have to say that his actions were fine ... which of course, is absurd.
·      The basics of our legal system are based upon absolute truth.  Without it, a criminal could use relative truth as a defense and should be set free.  He could argue that the law he broke was based upon absolute truth and he felt that his deed was acceptable.   Furthermore, no citizen could participate in jury duty.  How could a person sit in judgment about a situation if relative truth could render a crime acceptable and a law as being unacceptable?
·    If relative truth is carried out to its fullest extent, we would have civil unrest in our country.  Our nation would be destroyed if absolute truth is not factual.

Here's the main reason that relative truth is so popular in our day.  At the core of the matter is Biblical truth.  Jesus said, "I am the way, THE TRUTH and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6).  Jesus declared Himself to be the person of truth.  Furthermore His statement makes it clear that He is exclusively the only way to the Father.  Relative truth permits each individual to create his own belief system, one that he is comfortable with.  However, if Jesus is right, then absolute truth hinges upon Him.  If Jesus is who He claimed to be, relative truth is a vicious lie of the devil and many will suffer the most severe consequences by embracing such a lie.

Ultimately, every person will stand before God in judgment.  His judgment will be absolute ... based upon absolute truth.  Relative truth is just a mirage.  Relative truth is designed to deceive people into believing a comfortable lie that will ultimately destroy them. 

The reason I boldly promote absolute truth is because truth does exist and truth is absolute.  The future of each person hinges upon his or her response to the absolute truth embodied by Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ IS the truth. 

Believe the truth and you will live.  Deny the truth and you will perish.  

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