TEXT:  "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." - Galatians 1:10

"Political correctness" is the standard by which Americans are expected to live these days.  In an effort to avoid hurt feelings or offense, people will go to great extremes to be accommodating ... unless, of course, they are dealing with a born-again Christian.  Since Spirit-filled Christians live by a different standard, our society has does not attempt to be "politically correct," with believers.  Instead, believers are often treated with scorn and verbal abuse. 

The reason that Christians are treated differently is because believers refuse to participate in "political correctness."  If someone refuses to be "politically correct," they are not treated correctly.

Honestly, I think that the phrase "political correctness," is an oxymoron.  Typically, politics is not correct.  Usually we have a dim view of politicians & suspect them of being corrupt.  To use the word, "political" with "correctness," gives a mixed message.

Let me share why "political correctness," is false:

  • "Political correctness," is based on a continually changing standard.  What may be "politically correct" today may not be "politically correct" tomorrow.
  • "Political correctness," is based upon relative truth, which I wrote about last week.  "Political correctness," may be political, but it is not correct because relative truth is not correct.
  • "Political correctness," is a cynical way to manipulate people into compromising their convictions in the name of "respectability."
  • "Political correctness," is a brainwashing tactic.  Brainwashing is designed to control people by removing rational thought from their thinking process through fear and intimidation. "Political correctness," is a method Hitler used to manipulate the German population into embracing his message.
  • "Political correctness," ultimately corrupts a nation by destroying the foundation of truth and justice.
  • "Political correctness," is often in complete opposition to the truth of God's Word.  A person CANNOT be "politically correct," and Biblically correct at the same time.

Let me clarify something.  I believe that Christians should treat people with respect, dignity and fairness.  We are called to love others, including our enemies.  However, we should never bow our knee to the idol of "political correctness."

It is vital to know the truth and stand on it.  The truth is found in the person of Jesus Christ, revealed in the pages of God's Word.  "Political correctness" will not influence us if we know the truth and refuse to compromise the truth.

In the Gospel of John, we learn that many Jews secretly believed in Jesus, but refused to confess Him publicly because of "political correctness."  Ultimately, Jesus was crucified because people bowed to "political correctness."  These days, "political correctness" has even seeped into the church.  Many believers refuse to condemn false prophets and doctrinal heresy because of "political correctness." 

The Apostle Paul refused to give in to "political correctness."  When he wrote to the Galatians, Paul said, "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."  It is impossible to please God and maintain popularity with a sinful, unregenerate world. 

It is time to draw a line in the sand and decide which side we are on.  Do we seek to please God or please the world?  Are we going to give in to the enemy's brainwashing tactics or are we going to stand firm on God's Word?

When all is said and done, it will be obvious that "political correctness," has never been and will never be correct.

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