"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

These days it is not uncommon to hear someone say, "All roads lead to God."  This view is popular among talk show hosts, politicians and entertainers.  According to this view, every person is going to heaven, regardless of his or her religious affiliation.  Those who believe this, consider all views and beliefs as being equal and true. 

Obviously, the belief that "all roads lead to God," is false.  It is another lie of the devil, meant to deceive and destroy countless souls.  It is surprising how many people are duped into believing this lie.  It bothers me to know how many people will be eternally doomed because they embraced this lie.

Jesus said, "... no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."  Notice that Jesus said that NO man comes to the Father apart from Him.  Apart from faith in Jesus Christ, it is impossible to approach the Father.  Jesus said that no one comes to the Father, "but by me."  Jesus is not just a good way to the Father.  He's not just the best way to the Father.  He is the ONLY way to the Father.

The exclusivity of Biblical Christianity has caused many to say that Christians are narrow, bigoted and arrogant.  Furthermore, when a Christian states that Jesus is the only way to heaven, he or she is portrayed as being intolerant or ignorant. 

The real issue is Jesus' statement.  He claimed that He was the only way to the Father.  The bottom line is that either we believe His statement or not.  You cannot claim that Jesus is a way to the Father without claiming He is the only way to the Father.  If Jesus is wrong in claiming He is the only way to the Father, then we shouldn't believe that He is a way at all.

All roads do not lead to God.  For instance, the atheist does not even believe in God.  Can you honestly say that the atheist road actually leads to God?  What about those who commit terrorists acts in the name of their religion --- can you honestly say that their heinous crimes lead them to God?

It may be unpopular to believe that there is just one road to heaven.  However, consider this.  There are many towns in America that have only once access road to them.  You may not like the fact that these towns have only one access road, but it doesn't change the fact there is just one access road. 

When I was in school, math was a required subject.  If I were asked to solve a math problem, there was only one right answer.  When it comes to access to the Father, there is only one right way. 

Again, we come back to Jesus' statement that He is the only way to the Father.  Ultimately, we must come to a conclusion about Jesus Christ.  Did He tell the truth or not?  There are three options to consider:

1.  JESUS WAS A LIAR.  If Jesus' statement is false, then He told a lie.  If He lied, He is not who He claimed to be.  Those who believe that all roads lead to God believe that Jesus was a good teacher.  Yet, He cannot be a "good teacher," if He is a liar.  Furthermore, if He is a liar, then none of His words should be considered believable.  Obviously, the early disciples saw His miracles, heard His teaching & ultimately gave their lives for Him.  They didn't think He was a liar.

2.  JESUS WAS A LUNATIC.  Perhaps Jesus was mentally unstable or even "crazy."  There are many examples of lunatics who believed they were deity.  If Jesus was a lunatic, He may have been sincere --- but sincerely wrong.  If Jesus was a lunatic, He could not be referred to as "a good teacher."  Those who walked close to Jesus during His ministry didn't consider Him to be a lunatic.  When people heard that Jesus was in a neighborhood, they brought the sick to Him, so they would be healed.  Obviously, these people didn't consider Jesus to be a lunatic.

3.  JESUS IS LORD.  If Jesus was not a liar or a lunatic, that leaves just one option:  He is who He claimed to be.  He is Lord.  If Jesus is Lord, then He knows how a person can access the Father.  Jesus' death upon the cross gave us access to the Father.  Through repentance and faith, men & women can go to heaven.  Jesus cast out demons.  He healed.  He delivered.  He changed lives.  In fact, Jesus still changes lives today --- because He is Lord.  Jesus claims to be the only way to heaven and you can count on the fact He told the truth --- because He is Lord. 

To summarize, all roads (apart from Christ) actually lead to hell.  Jesus is the only way to the Father.  Believe in Him and you will live.  Refuse to believe and you'll be damned eternally. 

There is just one way to heaven ... and Jesus is His Name.

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