"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." - Romans 1:18

The big buzzword of our day is "tolerance."  The problem is that our society has redefined tolerance to mean that we should accept all lifestyles as being equally correct.  Any person who condemns a specific lifestyle is labeled as "intolerant," and is publicly shamed for their narrow-mindedness.  In other words, those who promote "tolerance," are tolerant of everything and everyone except those who disagree with them.  Do you see the flaw in their position?

There is an overt attempt to manipulate people into believing that all lifestyles are equally correct.  To say that all lifestyles must be affirmed is to state that we agree with every lifestyle.  A born-again, Bible-believing Christian cannot do this.  The Bible clearly condemns sin.  How can we please God and support what He rejects?

I believe that we should be kind towards others.  I do not believe that Christians have the right to be arrogant or conceited.  I do not believe that the Bible gives us permission to practice hate toward those we disagree with.  I have no desire to hurt or destroy those who have opposing views to my own.  That is what tolerance is really like.  Society's attempts to sway my convictions in the name of "tolerance" are really an attempt to undermine Biblical authority.  It is an act of sinful rebellion against a holy God.

So when it comes to issues like gay-marriage, co-habitation (without marriage), evolution and such matters, the Christian's convictions should not be based upon political rhetoric or social pressure, instead our convictions are based upon the unchanging Word of God. 

I realize that unbelievers accuse Christians as being "narrow-minded."  That is a fact that we do not dispute.  The Bible is very strict about sin. 

At the beginning of this message, I shared a verse from Romans chapter 1.  In the first chapter of Romans, Paul described the depravity of man's sin.  It is a thorough examination of the sinful condition of mankind.  Please read Romans chapter 1 yourself.  You'll find that Paul wrote about sinful rebellion (verses 21-22), idolatry (verse 23), sexual sin (verses 24-25), homosexuality (verses 26-28) and a host of other specific sins (verses 29-31). 

What is the ultimate conclusion of this long list of sins?  Paul wrote, "...they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." (verse 32).  I use the King James Version in my ministry, but the wording of this verse needs clarification.  Paul not only condemned those who commit such sins, he also condemned those who "... have pleasure in them that do them."  The NASB translates this as those who, "... give hearty approval to those who practice them."  In other words, a person may be a heterosexual, but if he or she gives approval to homosexual relationships, they stand just as guilty and worthy of spiritual death as those who are homosexuals.  The same truth applies to every sin listed in Romans chapter 1.

Do you see why Christians must stand for the truth and righteousness?  We may be considered intolerant by a sinful, God-hating world, but to compromise would be an act of high treason against our Lord. 

Ultimately, we are not going to be judged by the ACLU, the U. S. Supreme Court, or our co-workers.  Instead, we will stand before God.  His laws have not changed.  His standards remain high.  His truth is eternal and absolute.  It is not our job to redefine His Word.  Instead, it is our responsibility to believe His Word, live by His Word and proclaim His Word.

God is intolerant of sin and wickedness.  Social pressure, "political correctness," and changing attitudes will never cause Him to change His position.  Instead of changing God's Word, we need God's Word to change us.  God is not the problem with our nation ---- He is the solution.  Receive Him and you will live.  Reject Him and you will perish.   

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...