"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." - Genesis 1:1

I'm amazed that "intelligent" people still consider evolution to be a "scientific fact."  Evolution has always been a theory and remains a theory to this day.  Evolution is man's invention, his way to remove God from consideration.  Those who refuse to use rational thought and common sense usually embrace evolution.  Those who accept evolution as truth try to use science as a crutch to support their belief.  It requires more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in Biblical creation. 

Let me clarify something up front.  I am not saying that science is always wrong, but there have been times scientific theories have been wrong.  Here's the main problem:  no human was a witness to the "big bang" or evolution process.  However, Christians realize that there was a witness to the creation of the world --- God Himself.  We have His testimony of that event --- and the creation of mankind.  Scientists are guessing about the beginning of the universe, but Christians know how the universe began and they are personally acquainted with the One who created everything.

An honest scientist will admit that science is still exploring unknown areas and concepts, thus they cannot teach evolution with 100% certainty since many aspects of the universe's beginning are still unknown and unexplored by scientific means.  However, the Bible gives a clear description of creation:  "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."  The concept of God is so appalling to many that they reject creationism simply out of spite. 

Let me share some things for you to consider:

1.  A CREATION REQUIRES A CREATOR.  A clock does not make itself.  A book does not write itself.  A house does not build itself.  A clock has a clockmaker, a book has an author and a house has a builder.  In similar manner, our complicated solar system has a creator.  The Psalmist wrote, "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork." (Psalm 19:1)

2.  A DESIGN REQUIRES A DESIGNER.  Our solar system is uniquely made to continually orbit in a specific fashion.  Plant Earth is exactly at the right distance from the sun with exactly the right elements to permit life to exist.  Consider the human body.  The human body is distinctively designed to function a specific way.  There are still many things scientists are learning about the human body.  Take the human eye.  The human eye is so uniquely made that we should all be amazed with its design and function.  It is obvious that such design requires a designer.

3.  ORDER REQUIRES A PLANNER.  Our world has specific natural laws (like the law of gravity) that indicate that a superior intellect mapped out the required forces required to permit the human race to continue.  Human reproduction, for instance, is a mystery that scientists have studied for years.  Yet it is obvious that this natural phenomenon didn't just happen by chance.  The natural order was planned by Someone --- and we know Him to be God.

While I am criticizing the theory of evolution, I want it to be known that science EVENTUALLY comes into full agreement with the Bible.  Just because scientists cling to a theory doesn't make the theory a fact.

What bothers me most is the indoctrination of our society.  Evolution has been taught as a fact in classrooms for several years --- slowly changing from a theory to a "scientific fact."  The Biblical account of creation has been forcibly removed from public education because of "the separation of church and state."  The real reason is because of the separation of man and logic.   As a result of the diabolical indoctrination of our youth, Biblical creation is treated as a childhood fairy tale while evolution is exalted as an infallible truth.  Whenever evolution is challenged, there is an overt attempt to shame and embarrass the Christian for "believing in foolishness."

Evolutionists will be surprised to learn that I do believe in evolution --- but not the way they believe it.  I do believe that man has evolved.  Man was created perfect, but because of his rebellion against God, he sinned and, over time, has evolved into even darker & wicked degrees of sin.  Man is sinfully depraved.   Just when I thought our society had reached the bottom of the depravity barrel, mankind began to dig even deeper into sin.  That is why mankind needs a savior.

The theory of evolution may give atheists and agonistics a soothing place of comfort, but evolution still does not eliminate the truth that God created all things. 

Mankind has removed God from his thoughts and deeds.  Furthermore, mankind has tried to remove God from the schools, the government and even the public square.  Yet mankind will never remove God from His throne.  Rejecting the existence of God will not keep you from judgment.  Denying the existence of hell will not prevent you from roasting there. 

It is time to open your Bible, your eyes and your heart.  You need to know the truth.  While mankind marches proudly to hell, you need to question where you are going.  Stop believing the lies of the devil.  Repent and believe the Gospel.  The One who created the universe can make you a new creation today.

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