"For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures." - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

The greatest event in human history is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  While the world downplays this event by hiding eggs and buying spring clothing, Christians should be excited about the Lord's resurrection.

I find that too many "believers" are indifferent about the resurrection of Jesus.  On my Facebook page, I recently posted this quote by Pastor Ed Litton:  "Many of us do not deny that Jesus rose from the dead, we just don't live like He did."  How tragic!  Most church members act more like pagans than Christians. 

Why is the resurrection of Jesus so important?  Why should Christians be energized and vocal about the empty tomb?  Let me give you some reasons to treat the resurrection of Jesus seriously:

Jesus claimed to be the Son of God.  The Bible teaches us that Jesus was God in the flesh.  Certainly the miracles of Jesus validates His claims, but His resurrection is the ultimate proof that Jesus is all that He claimed to be.

Secondly, the resurrection of Jesus shows us that His death upon the cross is sufficient payment for our sin.  The empty tomb proves that our sin debt has been paid in full.  Jesus' crucifixion on Calvary has satisfied the righteous demands of a holy God.

Next, the resurrection of Jesus proves that death has been defeated.  Death could not hold Jesus down.  Jesus is greater than the power of death.  Jesus has taken the sting of death away.  That's why Paul could write, " O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" (1 Cor. 15:55)

Paul wrote, "...  if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins." (1 Cor. 15:17).  Jesus died to pay for our sins, but He could not stay dead.  Jesus died and rose again so that sinners, who are dead in trespasses and sins, may be brought to life.  Without Jesus' resurrection, our faith would be limited to this miserable life. Because of the resurrection, we have eternal life, not just temporal life.  Paul wrote, "For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life." (Romans 5:10).

Because Jesus rose again from the grave, the future resurrection of believers is guaranteed.  Paul wrote, "But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept." (1 Cor. 15:20).  When a follower of Jesus dies physically, we have the assurance that he or she will live again.  In 2 Thessalonians 4:14, Paul wrote, "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him."  Pagans may believe that they will experience some kind of "happy afterlife," but only the Christian has a guarantee of a better life beyond the grave.  That guarantee is based on the resurrection of Jesus.

The resurrection of Jesus is relevant to our lives right now.  His resurrection demonstrates His incredible power.  This should give us great confidence to stand on His Word.  Additionally, the resurrection should make us realize that nothing is too hard for God.  The laws of nature do not bind God.  If He so chooses, at any time He may operate outside the laws of nature.  We call these acts, "miracles."  There are times we need miracles.  When we think of the resurrection, our faith in God should grow stronger.

The resurrection of Jesus impacts every facet of our lives.  The Christian faith hinges on the resurrection of Jesus.  Our God is bigger and stronger than death. 

Jesus is alive and well.  Do you know Him?    


"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." - Matthew 6:10

I rarely make political comments on social media.  I have many friends (on both sides of the political isle), who make political comments continually on social media.  They have strong feelings about their preferences.  As an American, I believe in the importance of free speech, whether I agree with the views of others or not.  

I am bothered that some think that a minister should never make political statements or share their views.  I don't believe that the pulpit is the right place for political endorsements, but I also don't believe that ministers are required to be silent about political issues.

I have a problem with this political year.  I find that most Christians (Republican and Democrat) are far more passionate about their political views than they seem to be about Jesus Christ.  When your social media comments are more political than spiritual, it is an indication of a problem.  For the record, I want my social media accounts to glorify God, not some politician, political party or political agenda.

Let me state the obvious:  Jesus Christ is not a Republican or a Democrat.  If we claim to be followers of Jesus, then we need to learn from His example.  Many wanted Jesus to make political statements, but He refused to do so.  His disciples wanted Him to take a political stand against the powers of Rome.  Instead, Jesus focused on His eternal kingdom, not some temporary political regime.  If American Christians were more focused on God's kingdom, perhaps our nation would be in better shape right now. 

How should we pray during this election year?  Jesus taught us how to pray:  "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10)  Many Christians can quote this verse, but very few truly actually pray this way.  Note three things we should pray for:

First of all, Jesus taught His followers to pray, "Thy kingdom come."  This will rattle many people, but we are taught to pray for a coming kingdom.  God is the King in this kingdom.  Though there are many religions, there will only be one ultimate kingdom.  It seems like each religion has a god for its followers to worship.  However, there is only one God & He is the God of the Bible.  Christians are taught to pray for God's kingdom to come. 

I fear that many believers are seeking a conservative American kingdom more than seeking God's divine kingdom.  One day, the United States of America will cease to exist, but God's kingdom will abide forever.  Let's invest our time, talent, treasures and energy in the kingdom that is eternal.  Pray for the coming of the Master's kingdom.

Secondly, we are instructed to pray, "... thy will be done."  Many times we ask God to give us our desires instead of praying that His desires be accomplished.  Do we really seek His desire?  Do we really seek the fulfillment of His will?  A mature believer will pray for the things that are on God's heart.  Do you?

Finally, we are instructed to pray that the Father's will be done, "... on earth as it is in heaven."  Do we really pray for this?  What is the Father's will in heaven?  In heaven, the Father is glorified and worshiped.  But do we seek His glory here on earth? I am convinced that this is not the grand desire of many professing believers.  Instead, we'd rather glorify our favorite sports team, political candidate, musician or actor.  We are more focused on our financial success than the endeavors of God to make the Gospel known among all men.  We'd rather see the realization of our dreams rather than the salvation of souls.  We need to repent of our selfish and shallow intentions.  We need to pray that the Father's will be done on earth ... just as it is in heaven. 

Finally, let me close with a few observations about this election year.  First of all, it is wrong to trust in a politician.  Politics is a dirty business.  I've learned that nearly every politician seems "spiritual" during an election year.  Don't be fooled by this.  "By their fruits ye shall know them."  Don't be deceived by a politician who claims to be a Christian, yet stands for issues that are denounced by Scripture.  Don't be misled by politicians who quote Scripture but fail to live by them.  Don't place your trust in a politician because politicians are imperfect people.  Many of them will say or do anything to get elected.  Don't be swayed by those who claim that they can "save America."  Instead of placing your faith in a politician, put your trust in the One who never lies, deceives or misleads.  God is the only One we should place our faith in.  By the way, He is the only One who can help this country.  "In God We Trust," is stamped on our money.  It is time we trust Him again!

Secondly, it is wrong to trust in a political party.  Both the Republican and Democratic parties have issues that they should repent of.  In the past, both parties have been guilty of varying forms of political corruption.  If Jesus were walking among us here in America, I doubt that He'd endorse either party.  Instead, He'd promote His kingdom.  Shouldn't we?

Third, it is wrong to trust in a political agenda.  Political agendas tend to divert our attention from God to issues of less importance.  Our agenda should be the glory of God and the salvation of souls. 

As a Christian, I have a civic duty and spiritual responsibility to vote according to Christian convictions.  However, I have no confidence that a Republican or Democrat can save America.  Our nation's only hope is for God to bring a spiritual awakening to our nation.  When souls are saved, Jesus is glorified.  We need a mighty spiritual awakening in the United States of America!  May this be the driving force behind our prayers during this election year and the years to come.


"In the LORD put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain? For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart." - Psalm 11:1-2

Life consists of mountaintops of bliss and deep valleys of pain.  There are days when we bask in the sunshine of joy and days when we endure the dreary rain of affliction.  Often when we seek to touch the petals of a beautiful rose, the nearby thorns pierce us. 

The Christian life has never been advertised as a carefree experience.  There are pain, problems and perplexity along the way.  It is wrong to believe that living in God's will produces blessing while adversity is a reflection that we've missed the mark somehow.  The fact is that the will of God may lead us into painful experiences and great adversity.

Here in America, we've been isolated from persecution, partially due to our nation's Constitution.  Sure, we've been laughed at and experienced varying forms of isolation, but up to this point, we've not been exposed to severe persecution.  Obviously, this is changing. 

It may be difficult to grasp, but hostility and persecution are not always bad for the Church.  It may be hard to believe, but great things can still occur, even when hostility and persecution arise.  Keep in mind that God is still on His throne whether persecution comes or not.  God's promises are still sure whether the regardless of outward circumstances.

As we see our nation being destroyed, it is easy to get pessimistic.  It would be simple to get alone and wait for Jesus to come.  It would be easy to just give up hope and pray for the end to come.  Just because the enemy is destroying the foundation of our nation shouldn't cause us to believe that he is destroying the foundation of our faith.  The devil cannot destroy God's kingdom. 

With that in mind, let me point out some blessings that come during times of hostility and distress.

When adversity strikes, you quickly discover who is dedicated to Jesus and who is not.  When things are going well, many claim to be followers of Christ.  When the bottom falls out of the economy or the nation collapses, you can easily learn who is standing for Jesus.

Persecution has a way of separating the wheat and the tares.  False converts easily separate themselves from Christ when their necks are on the line.  They want a religion that costs them nothing.  But a religion that costs you nothing is worth nothing. 

I fear that a large percentage of "Christians" in America have never been truly born again.  When Jesus told the parable of the sower, He explained that the seed that falls into stony ground represents a person who seems to respond with joy, but "when tribulation or persecution ariseth, by and by he is offended." 

Adversity and persecution has a way of separating the wheat from the tares.  Believers are easily distinguished from those who are pretenders.

Secondly, times of hostility purify the church.  Churches repent of worldliness and seek righteousness.  Churches seek unity and reconciliation.  Furthermore, believers get serious about their faith and seek God in prayer.  Hostility has a way of purifying the hearts of believers.

Often revival breaks out during challenging times.  Do you know that revival is currently going on in countries where the Gospel is forbidden?  In America, many believers are praying for revival, but if God chooses to bless us with revival, it will probably come during hostile times. 

Times of hostility cause believers to get their priorities right.  Idols are eliminated.  The things of God are emphasized.  Focus is sharpened.  Christ is worshiped and praised.  Adversity has a way of waking us up --- and that is needed in America.

Finally, times of adversity remind us that this world is not our home.  When hostility arises, we are reminded that our home is in a better place.  We tend to have a longing for heaven when this earth loses its appeal to us.  Paul challenged us to place our affection on things above, not on things on the earth.  When persecution arises, heaven is more than a subject in a song --- it becomes personal and real.  We get a passion for heaven when we realize we don't belong on this earth.

It is unclear whether persecution in America will advance to the point of spiritual genocide or not.  Whether it does or not, Christians need to focus on the fact that the best is yet to come.  In the meantime, we are not to just "hold the fort," but fulfill the Great Commission that our Master has given us.  Fulfilling the Great Commission may increase the level of persecution we face, but our goal is to please God, not the world. 


"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" - Psalm 11:3

Our nation is in trouble.  Unless God sends a spiritual awakening to America, our country will soon face divine judgment. 

Presently, Christians are facing increased forms of hostility and persecution from the world.  This should not shock us because Jesus promised that we'd suffer persecution.  In the book of Acts, the early church suffered from hostility and persecution.  We shouldn't expect to be exempt from persecution. 

As a Christian, I find it disturbing that the foundation of our freedom is being destroyed.  The very fabric of our society is eroding at a frantic speed.  To put it bluntly, our nation is going down the drain because the foundations are being destroyed.

The psalmist recognized the possibility of this occurring.  In Psalm 11, he asks the question, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"  That is a good question for us to ponder. 

Here are some practical things that Christians can do as we witness the destruction of our nation.

1.  PRAY
First of all, we should pray like never before.  Intensify your prayers for our nation and our future.  Intercede on behalf of our leaders.  We are commanded to pray for our leaders ... a command that many have forgotten.  Furthermore, we need to pray for our neighborhoods and our neighbors.  Intercede on behalf of lost souls, realizing that the coming of Christ is near.

Also, we need to pray for a spiritual awakening in America.  I am convinced that the only hope for America is a great move of God.  Politicians will not save America, only God can.

Furthermore, our churches need to emphasize prayer.  These days, many churches act more like social clubs than houses of prayer.  In the book of Acts, the local church was a place of prayer. 

Like never before, we need to get the message of Christ to this lost and dying world.  Jesus gave us a Great Commission.  Are we obeying that commission?  Our job is not to save America, but spread the Gospel so that souls will be saved.  The devil is busy spreading his message.  He is busy with his form of evangelism, but the Church is apathetic, stale and disobedient.  It is time for us to be about our Father's business!

Another thing we can do is to get into the Bible ... and stay there.  It is time for Christians to get their marching orders from God instead of the news media.  In fact, it would be good for us to turn off the nightly news and get daily manna from God instead.  Far too many church members know more about TV programming than they do their Bibles.  The world is impacting the church instead of the church impacting the world.  Stay in the Word!

Be salt and light in your home, community, school and workplace.  Be a visible representation of genuine, Biblical Christianity.  Be an ambassador for Christ daily. 

5.  VOTE
Although I have no confidence that politics can save America, I think Christians should exercise their civic responsibility and vote at every election.  God is not a Democrat or a Republican; however, I strongly believe that Christians should vote based on Biblical convictions.  Refusing to vote actually contributes to the moral and spiritual erosion of our nation.

The foundations are being destroyed in America; however, the foundation of Jesus Christ is still strong and certain.  Let's shift our focus from the foundations that are being destroyed to the foundation that will never be destroyed.

On Christ, the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...