"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." - Genesis 1:1

I love to read.  When I begin to read a book, the opening pages are critical.  A good author will grab my attention early in the book and keep me captivated as I continue to read.  Sadly, some books begin boring and get worse with each page.  I rarely finish boring books. 

The Bible is the greatest Book ever written.  Actually, the Bible is a book of books.  66 books are found in the grand library of Holy Scripture.  God is the author of this fine work of literature.  Yet the Bible is more than just good reading material, it is God's inspired word to us.  Although the Bible has great stories, wonderful poetry and historical records, it is the Book we should live by.  God has written a book with us in mind.  Each page is lovingly written for our benefit.

Like any good book, the Bible has a great beginning.  The book of Genesis outlines the beginning of human time for us.  We need to be clear about something:  God did not begin with the first chapter of Genesis.  God has always been.  He is eternal.  The human race and planet earth are not eternal.  There was a beginning to them.  Time itself had a beginning and will ultimately have an end.  The word "genesis," literally means origin or beginning.  The book of Genesis records the beginning of creation and the human race.

Although God existed before the recorded history of Genesis chapter 1, the beginning of creation is traced back to its source, God Himself.  "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."  God is the creator of all things.  Although many may argue this point, it doesn't change the truth that all things were made by Him.

The book of Genesis begins with the creation of the world and beginning of mankind.  Furthermore, the book of Genesis documents the fall of man and gives us the reason for the evil, pain and suffering that exists to this day.  The fall of man brought sin into the world.  

As the book of Genesis continues, the focus is narrowed to a specific group of people:  the descendants of Abraham.  There has never been a more hated group than the Jews.  I believe that the main reason for this hatred is the fact that God chose this group of people for Himself.  Because of this, the devil has sought to destroy the Jews through the years & seeks to destroy them even today.  While many debate the "political" problem in the Middle East, the Bible-believing Christian knows that the core issue is not a political dilemma but a spiritual matter. 

The book of Genesis describes the beginning of mankind, but it also leads the reader to understand that there is a deeper story that is unfolding.  The problem of sin requires a remedy. This remedy would be provided through the arrival and ultimate sacrifice of God's Son, Jesus Christ.  In Genesis 49:10, Jacob prophesied that the Messiah would come through the lineage of his own son, Judah:  "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." (Genesis 49:10).  In this verse, Jacob referred to Jesus Christ.  In the last book of the Bible, Jesus said of Himself, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." (Revelation 22:13).  Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last letter.  Using the Greek alphabet in an analogy, Jesus declared Himself to be the beginning and the end.

The Bible has a beginning and an end.  The Bible begins with God and ends triumphantly with Him.  God is the author of the Bible and His Son, Jesus Christ, is the hero.  Through the death and resurrection of Christ, a lasting remedy for the problem of sin was provided to those who would repent and believe.  Jesus was born King of the Jews, but He ever lives as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

No greater story has ever been recorded.  Yet it is more than a story, it is the life-changing truth that changes lives.  God was in the beginning, but more than that, He is the beginning.  Now He offers a new beginning for sinful man --- and this new beginning is available through Jesus Christ.  "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17).  The world around us may seem to be unraveling, but the Christian has no reason for despair.  Rejoice, my brother, for "... he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6).

Although God has no beginning or end, He is the beginning and the end for us.  As time races toward the end, God's people need not fear because He will still be Lord of all and we can depend on Him.  Soon we will be with Him in heaven & time will be no more.  

You & I had a beginning --- but because of Jesus we will have no end.  Sure, we will die physically, but because of Jesus we have eternal life.  Jesus said, "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live" (John 11:25).   

As we get older, we're tempted to think that the best years are behind us.  Actually, the best is yet to come.  I'm looking forward to it, what about you?

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